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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. Just horrible. Even if you're sympathetic to his political views, he is such an a$$hole, it's painful to watch. Plus he looks like a serial killer.
  2. Sure, but only 30 seconds each time, so it still only adds up to 5 minutes.
  3. Well, you have to have the desire. It just increases the blood flow. But it's the same with Viagra. I have found it effective, anyway.
  4. I find marijuana helps
  5. The Shadow Strays is an Indonesian film on netflix focusing on pure action with almost no plot or character development. Stars Aurora Ribero as a trained assassin who is suspended after a botched job in Tokyo and accidentally meets up with a young boy she's determined to save from death at the hands of the mafia. In the vein of the Iko Iwais (the Indonesia Tony Jaa) films, there's a lot of hand-to-hand combat, shooting, acrobatics, explosions, the whole nine yards. You might wonder how a girl could possibly beat all those men but by the end she really does look like a demon.
  6. 165 for 30 at siam pharmacy
  7. I haven't found that to be the case. You do need to approach sex in a different way from when you were younger however.
  8. If the Constitutional Court is intervening, the decision has already been made. The current government is toast.
  9. You really are repeating yourself. First, your post on why people take the bus to Pattaya was just a repeat of a post you had made previously. And now this post as well. I recollect you posted something earlier about alcoholic farangs living in Nirun or Arcadia or wherever. Clearly, you're just looking for attention.
  10. Well, this is only partly true. You have to look for a partner close to your own age, which most farang don't want to do. There are plenty of women in their 50's. and 60's looking for companionship and a stable relationship. Personally, I'm not sure I could live with anyone again though.
  11. You're only fined 2000 no matter how many times you've missed. I didn't do a 90-day report for 14 years. Fine: 2000 baht.
  12. I already contacted them. They told me that mail deposit was the only option. Most banks have very small limits on mobile deposits. At Citibank it's only $1000 a day for example. Fidelity lowered their maximium to $1000 too after dealing with a number of fraud cases. Apparently, you could deposit a fake check and withdraw the money before they discovered it.
  13. Yeah, but the amount is over the allowed limit. There has been a spate of remote check frauds in the US lately and banks and brokerages are limiting how much you can deposit.
  14. I received a check as part of an inheritance issued by a US bank in US dollars. I have an account in the US so I can deposit it by mail but I decided to go to SCB where I have an account and see if they would deposit it. I remember reading that they weren't going to handle checks anymore and, in fact, the service representative really didn't know what to do but after consulting with another staff member and calling the head office she told me they could deposit the check for me but it would cost $15 upfront, another $45-100 if they had to "send it out for collection" whatever that means and that it would take 45-60 days. Of course, they would also screw me on the exchange rate. I suppose I'll send it to my US bank and deposit it by mail now, which will probably take about 10 days but I'll save on the fees and the exchange rate conversion. You would think technology would have made things more convenient not more expensive and difficult.
  15. If you miss a 90-day report, just wait and pay the fine when you do your next extension. In fact, some people I know never do a 90-day report and simply pay the fine before they renew. It's never a problem.
  16. It's not very good IMHO. I think I'll go back and watch Aliens 2, directed by James Cameron. That's when he knew how to direct movies before all this Avatar junk.
  17. This series just keeps getting better and better. The only flaw in season 4 was not enough Lamb
  18. How much does it cost to live in Australia, then? Say, average living expenses in a big city assuming you rent. For me, rent is a lot cheaper here than in the US, utilities are much cheaper, Internet, imported food is outrageous but you can still get chicken for 80 baht and pork 120 baht at kilo at Big C. How does that compare? Also in the US in most places you have to have a car, insurance is expensive, so maybe you need $60,000 a year minimum? I have seen articles in which people claim that can't survive on $200,000.
  19. I've always paid the tolls for the Bolt taxi. Are they supposed to be included? I know the more expensive taxis include them but then you're usually talking 1400 or 1500 baht.
  20. Still, a vasectomy is just a 20-minute outpatient trip to the doctor and mild discomfort and a tubal ligation is major surgery and a two-day hospital stay. Usually, it's done after a baby delivery.
  21. That depends on the type of bone graft. We had a dentist on this forum who claimed most bone grafts are a waste of money because they fail to integrate well. When I had my implants done all but one dentist recommended a bone graft. Two recommended a sinus lift, the third a major bone graft that would have taken eight months.
  22. That's not the case with most of the people in front of me in line at the register!
  23. Yes but it's not relevant because the name on the credit card account is not mine. The email account is one I use to sign up for things that I think will generate spam. I don't use my real name of course. In fact, I hardly every use my real name on social media.
  24. I should clarify that this same situation occurred to me once before. At that time, I received email notification that I had been approved for a Citiibank credit card, which was being sent to me. Since I hadn't applied for a credit card, I contacted Citibank and reported the situation. Then, however, the girl was very understanding. She took the information and checked the account. She did ask for my name and social security number but when I explained I didn't want my personal details associated with a fraudulent credit card account, she told me she understood. She said she couldn't close the account but she would suspend it while they investigated. Later, I received an email from Dell Computer. Somebody had tried to buy a laptop with that credit card but it had been rejected. So I guess they did cancel it. I suspect this is probably fairly common and due to lax checking procedures for credit card applications for small accounts.
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