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Keep Right

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Everything posted by Keep Right

  1. It's best not to get on a motorbike in Thailand no matter how good the clothing you are wearing. Motorbikes are a death wish in Thailand.
  2. There is nothing more to say I guess. Once you have this derangement, its only a matter of time before you become insane.
  3. As to opposed Satanic nationalism proposed by old sleepy Joe
  4. Why is it always the Brits? I have met some very nice British people but never in Thailand. It seems like the worst of the worst Brits come to Thailand.
  5. Stupid is as stupid does. There are lots of stupid people in Thailand willing to pay good money to become even more stupid. It is difficult to stop stupidity even with legislation.
  6. The only place Biden is going is over the cliff:
  7. Stupid is as stupid does. I guess these guys just do not want to pay to be stupid.
  8. Another moron Tik Tok wanabee star. Get a life you loser.
  9. I just cannot believe that there are some British people that want to give up their nations sovereignty and get back into the globalist EU.
  10. Socialized medicine for the deadbeats of society. Besides mimicking some of Lenin’s policy strategies, Obama also has adopted Karl Marx’s strategies for gradually socializing an economy including socialized medicine.
  11. If they offered dog on a menu, I would try it. I ate dog in Vietnam and it was quite good, very tasty.
  12. Spoken like a true globalist, socialist, left wing commie.
  13. I think you touched a nerve with the left wing, socialists on this tread. They love idiot Newsome.
  14. I am not a Brit so I guess my opinion does not matter but I find it interesting how a wonderful country and its citizens such as Britain could possibly want to be under the tyrannical control of a few bureaucrats in Brussels. I wonder why the great people of Britain who's fathers or grandfathers fought in world war 2 to crush the tyranny of Hitler, would want again to put themselves under this hideous rule. Do the citizens of Britain not value their sovereignty? Why do they want to be united with Germany who once slaughtered its citizens. I do not get it. My father, who was in Patton's Third Army, who fought alongside the brave British soldiers and came back mentally wounded would feel his fight was in vain. Wake up you British people and do not give in to these Woke socialists who want to give away your great country.
  15. So very true, horrible place, no class but this is what the fat, bald, old, low class expats like. In Pattaya they can live in 38 sq meter rooms with their little brown tee luk and drive their Honda Wave 125 on the filthy polluted sois. When they can no longer afford their 38 sq meter rooms, they move to the dark side.
  16. Justin Trudeau announces plans to install taxpayer-funded free tampon dispensers in parliament building's MEN'S bathrooms https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12877163/Justin-Trudeau-tampons-transgender-taxpayers-Canada-bathrooms.html More quality Canadian tourists?
  17. Very nice, thanks for the recommendation.
  18. I never go to immigration to do a 90 day report or re new my visa. I did that once and never again. I do not do a 90 report but just pay the 2000 BAHT fine at the end of my visa. Only cheap charlies waste their time at immigration.
  19. And a Merry Christmas to you!
  20. Now that oil prices are coming down no need to buy EVs.
  21. The globalist, left wing BBC is certainly bias. No one care what this trash news site reports.
  22. Great news, I cannot wait to see more packs of Indian men walking down the middle of the street.
  23. I think most of the eye strain using a Macbook it due to the cult faithful hoping they will visualize Steve Jobs on the screen.
  24. The EV cult are easily offended when they are confronted with evidence that their master is not the best option in many cases. But yet they have no problem with buying Chinese made EVs that help support the communist government of China.
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