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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. So what if he was... stupid maybe... but are you advocating blaming the victim... don't be part of the problem.
  2. Give it up guys... you cannot win an argument with a hater fool like these guys... they are blinded by the hate
  3. Thai IT is well known for being less than stellar... just look at the IT running this forum as a good example of inconsistencies and lack of planning.
  4. Where were their mothers... they created the problem
  5. RATHER than have him post a link... why don't you just read any USA newspaper headline from recent days... it is front page.
  6. This is what the world is coming to... haters and the intolerant cannot sit down and civilly discuss events and resolutions... the liberal left in America... the muslims wherever they go... the forum members with Trump sydrome... etc.
  7. If she finds a decent professional real estate company please put her in contact with me... mostly I have yet to find one here in Chiang Mai
  8. The people who rent out chairs, umbrellas, tables, etc are in your estimation "scam artists"... in my view they are business people who should be at liberty to charge whatever they want for their goods and services... you're the one "blathering"... if you do not want to pay for the goods or services... just walk away.
  9. I know many Thais that love tomatoes and eat them almost daily... my wife included... your typical broad overstatement is not totally supported.
  10. Yes... private enterprise should be done away with throughout the world because you don't want to pay for it... ever thought that you not wanting to pay is the problem rather than free enterprise... just say no to the vendors and walk away.
  11. Have left and re-entered Thailand 4 times in the last 12 months... no new TM30 required... 2 trips within Thailand... no new TM30 required... I don't know where you get your information... but all my travel is in and out of CM where I live.
  12. Have left and re-entered Thailand 4 times in the last 12 months... no new TM30 required... 2 trips within Thailand... no new TM30 required
  13. Because they have small brains and need to hate rather than offer solutions... that's what happens when your side has nothing positive to offer.
  14. A re-entry permit with what type of visa? And how were you notified to do a tm30?
  15. This will continue to go on as long as there are the perverts who think that these mostly underaged girls are mature enough to willingly participate...
  16. Reminds me of the old treatment for headaches... hit yourself on the head with a hammer for 2 minutes... when you stop hitting it's as if you never had a headache.
  17. If you travel either in Thailand or internationally and re-enter with a re-entry stamp you do not need to redo a tm30... if you leave Thailand without a re-entry and re-enter with a tourist visa or visa exempt than you need to do the tm30 again.
  18. That's sad for Vietnam that they would be duped into importing Thai cattle... the beef in Vietnam isn't half bad... after this import it will deteriorate.
  19. Exactly... when IT says "upgrade"... they mean reinvent the wheel as if they were the first to think of it... they are IT after all... they do not even use the forum.
  20. Because they are more easily exploited... just ask the other sex abusers on this forum that support their position by using words such as they act old enough... they know what they are doing... what's the harm... and a myriad of other excuses to remain the perverts that they are.
  21. What a bunch of pompous hypocrites... you are after Trump for not debating and supporting sleepy time joe for avoiding the same thing...
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