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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. That must be why they play the same loud music over and over every night
  2. So much Thai bashing... the taxi driver sets the rules for his cab... the passenger was free to exit the cab and find another one that suited her requirements... without trying to damage the one that she was in... what is wrong with you guys?
  3. 555... I live full time in Thailand and have no ties to the USA sans citizenship... I could care less about which corrupt political party leads the country... my interest is merely to laugh at you and your pals when your world crumbles and joe is disgraced... much like bill will be shortly when they release the fly list
  4. What you say is very true about the behavior of party minions on both sides... doesn't change the fact which party will be next... in either case I could care less... 555
  5. Yes I do... the democratic party and its minions will once again be sobbing in their "safe places" and threatening to leave America
  6. If your reading comprehension were more accute you would know that it involves 151,000 people who have chosen to remain as covert hamas supporters... by remaining they have declared themselves to be enemy combatants...
  7. Did you even read your post... try to make more sense... that emoji that everyone is clicking is "confusion"
  8. You forgot to tell the rest of the story... while just over 50% of those polled think Trump may be guilty of something... . At the same time, the public's confidence in the Justice Department registered at 17 percent in the same poll.
  9. FYI... there is no "short line" for people without que numbers
  10. So your that special a hole that cut in front of those of us that were in line waiting for our que number to be called.
  11. The mandatory que in the tent is a result of the hordes of ignorant or stupid people who would show up at the windows inside without a shred of the required documents... in this day and age one would hope that they could organize what they need and show up prepared... 55555
  12. Yep like the guy that missed the flight because the desk wasn't manned yet
  13. Joe thought they were asking about an erection... but he didn't see any young girls around
  14. Amazing all the old sex perverts on here lamenting that they are being abused by the very girls that they abuse... I'm rooting for the girls.
  15. I recently almost forgot to get a re-entry permit so instead of using my agent I had to do it myself... 2 1/2 hours later I was reminded why I use an agent... what a hassle... I would rather pay the agent and be out playing golf while he gets the stamp.
  16. She was saying that so you wouldn't mind riding the special short bus...
  17. You forget the argument that dual pricing is an insult to the Thai national... it's disrespectful to tell them that they cannot afford the same as the tourist.
  18. All the batteries and swappable or not will not make one bit of difference when there is no way to charge them... Maine forced to stop and think about EV mandate vote after widespread power outage
  19. You are really hung up on number of entries... The process is as easy as 1 2 3. The first step, you obtain a non-immigrant visa. Next, convert the non-immigrant visa to either Marriage Visa or Retirement Visa. These are the visa types that will allow you to stay in Thailand for the whole 1 year (renewable) without going to the border or not leaving the kingdom anymore at all. You do not need a re-entry permit if you never travel outside of Thailand... and it is still a renewable (not extended) non o immigrant "VISA" with permission to stay due to marriage.
  20. Colloquialism is marriage visa........... everyone but you understands that... so given that... Things you need to know about the Thai marriage visa: Thailand marriage visa is the popular term for "1-Year Extension of Stay Based on Marriage". This is a long term Thai visa issued to a foreign national who is married to a Thai and meets the other requirements of the immigration bureau. The Thai marriage visa holder is entitled permission to stay for a full year in Thailand without the need to exit the country. The visa is renewable every year and the renewal process can be done inside Thailand (requirements for the visa renewal still apply). The Thailand Marriage Visa also allows the holder to work in Thailand when the visa holder is able to obtain a valid Thai Work Permit to go along with the visa. This is considered an advantage to prospective foreigner employees as the employer would only have to be concerned about the procurement of work permit. In addition there is no need for border runs... 90 day renewals can be done online.
  21. He just wants to bitch about being charged for the service... he thinks that the landlord should do it each and every time that he leaves and re-enters the country... no problem... pay her.
  22. Then the real problem is that the OP is gaming the system and is now complaining about having to pay 500 baht for inconveniencing his landlord every time that he leaves and reenters the country... If I were his landlord it would be allot more than 500 baht... you have assumed that he is not on a marriage visa... I assumed that if he was here living full time and married to a Thai wife that he is on a marriage visa... why don't we ask him which it is?
  23. The OP clearly states that he is on a non o marriage visa... has nothing to do with multiple or single entry... If he is truly on what he says than there is no need to 90 day border runs... " If, however, you have already extended your non-immigrant visa to a longer visa, extended retirement visa or an extended marriage visa, at the Thai immigration office, the 90-day visa run is no longer needed. You do however need to do the 90-day reporting of your address at Thai immigration when the visa has been extended for 12 months"... Nor does he have to file a TM30 when he returns from any traveling as long as he has a re-entry permit.
  24. Why don't you just find some other country to live in that you do not think is treating you poorly... the rules say that 400k or 40k/month is requirement for marriage visa... you think that you are obviously better than that... you don't comply then you complain... what a total douche... If, however, you have already extended your non-immigrant visa to a longer visa, extended retirement visa or an extended marriage visa, at the Thai immigration office, the 90-day visa run is no longer needed. You do however need to do the 90-day reporting of your address at Thai immigration when the visa has been extended for 12 months.
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