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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. I f a tourist wants to have a drink with his meal before 11 AM or between 2 to 5 PM at one of the myriad of restaurants in Thailand... forget it... lots of missed opportunities there.
  2. Pay attention... the op is asking about moving to a retirement visa and does not have the 800k funds... so , youreavinalaff said: why not stick to a marriage visa at 400k... perfectly fine question... why make the switch from one that the OP can (maybe) afford to one that the OP cannot afford...?
  3. You are completely out of touch... the wall building was working until joe stopped it...
  4. For the confused... he lives in chicago... the most corrupt city in the states and he worried about Thailand IOs and police being corrupt... it's hard to sometimes fathom the stupidity but it abounds
  5. And if you are so taken as to have to see a cave where people were trapped then pay the price...you can choose not to go.
  6. Not for western tourists... the money is the same... $20 is $20... they don't live here
  7. Except you conveniently forget that state citizens of surrounding states get discounts... I lived in Idaho and could go to yellowstone free.
  8. He is the one who has screwed up his visa situation... if he had complied with the regulations in the past he would have no problem entering visa exempt for 8 days... past actions have today's consequences.
  9. Or just getting the proper visas as you travel... ever thought along those lines???
  10. Good on them if the market can bear it... it's called enterprise... or are only the Western countries allowed to profit from their national parks? Yellowstone is 800 baht per car to enter park... then differing prices for the attractions.
  11. The problem with what he says is that it is an opinion...
  12. @celcius Change your meds... "the sky is falling... the sky is falling" is a fairy tale
  13. Why don't you just follow the rules and get the proper visas...
  14. Filling Ponds with Well Water Can Kill Fish - AgriLife Today (tamu.edu)
  15. Well water can be cold... colder than the pond water by many degrees... fish do not like that change in temperature... it is a shock to them.
  16. Tech Boom Is Like Dot-Com Bubble, Stock Slump and Recession Soon: Expert (businessinsider.com)
  17. Other countries have air pollution problems... but not like Thailand... BURNING is the problem and will continue to be the problem until the big conglomerate farmers are forced to move into the 21st century and STOP BURNING... all the windmills... solar panels... evs... will not alleviate the problem significantly at all.
  18. HAHAHA... you must be besides yourself with the real criminals now being investigated...your hate for Trump has blinded you to reality.
  19. Is that something that you read in an Australian rag... sources please. Biden is counting on a party line vote as well so what are you saying? It amazes me that you continue to know what is wrong with the USA and do nothing to fix your own countries problems. PS... there are only 6 of the Hateful 8 commenting... where are the other 2?
  20. Thailand has only 2 seasons... HOT and HOTTER
  21. This is a mute point... the Canadian military hasn't been relevant for decades...
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