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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. Yes, you will need a tax id. As for the benefits, this may be debatable.
  2. Surely it's up to the health ministry to issue such cards. No guarantee this card would be accepted by the government
  3. So nothing to do with the fact that it isn't in season to grow crops, yet alone plant cannabis seeds, unless you have an indoor hydro system!
  4. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that this is an Expat forum. Reporting on and about Expat issues! Not a general Thai News website. You want news on Thailand visit a Thai news website!
  5. According to this, Monkeys are more clever than students.
  6. Only if your insurance covers the cost of car rental. You could sue the other party but I doubt that will get you anywhere.
  7. It's called latent Homosexuality. It's fairly common.
  8. If this is your first 1 year extension stamp in the new passport then yes, it's normal. You shouldn't need to show it for the following years stamps. However......
  9. Has someone tapped into your water supply, without you realising it? Do you have access to all the pipework to/from your condo.
  10. This is BS. There should be more safety concerns about staying in the US Than the UK. But glad if he stays in the US if it means we hear less about this idiot.
  11. That isn't actually correct. My understanding is that you pay off the interest first before the capitol amount is reduced. interest is not calculated on an amount outstanding. It is calculated on the loan amount. I Know the amount I borrowed and I also know the amount that will be paid back over the period of the loan.
  12. Not sure where you get 10% from. Bought a new car for the wife and paying under 2% per annum interest on the loan.
  13. Do you have a wife or long term Thai girlfriend who might be willing to stand as surety for a loan on a vehicle? If so you could get finance for the car.
  14. Watch the video! I hope they arrested that a hole!
  15. Why would you use 40 year old foundations and pipes etc on a new build. Just knock it all down and start from scratch.
  16. I wouldn't know, I don't hang around in bars. But I'm talking about what I see to be true in so many cases.
  17. Yes and look where it's got them. They are all suffering the consequences of their folly, while Russia is doing just fine. And incase you hadn't notices the global south is 100% behind Russia. Only the west have been stupid enough to impose sanctions that don't work.
  18. It will always be cheaper for someone to buy a piece of Land and build their own house than to buy a second hand house. Your house would need to be pretty spectacular to even have a chance of selling. Especially at 22 million Baht. 9 times out of 10, it is only the land that has value, not the house!
  19. That's assuming you actually get to mine a Bitcoin. You are up against some very big mining farms. With hundreds of miners. It is the power of these miners which assure they can actually solve the calculations to mine BTC. Dare I say if you DCA'd into BTC with your 750,000 baht and then took that 7000 baht electric cost per month and bought what you could the price would average out over time. So when, say in the next two halving's and the value is $1,000,000.00 plus. That would be a greater return I thing. You should also take into consideration that after about 18 months or so BTC enters into a bear market. So in a couple years from now the price of a Bitcoin could be 40-50% or more lower than the ATH of this cycle. Assuming History repeats itself and so far with BTC, it has. Either way it's a gamble but with Dollar Cost Averaging you are accumulating BTC. There is no guarantee you will actually mine any BTC over a 4 year period. Also your S21s maybe enough for now. But as the tech is forever moving forward will they be enough for next year or the year after? If it was so easy, everyone would be doing it!
  20. How old are your miners? If you aren't using the latest type of miner then as mentioned you are unlikely to mine much BTC. Also as the tech moves forward will you renew those miners in a year or 2. How much is each miner going to cost? I have read that the break even cost to mine 1 BTC is about $37,000!
  21. I wish you luck, But even with 10-13 miners I'm not sure if it will be enough to mine BTC successfully. With the halving of BTC supply on the 18th of April It's going to be even harder. You'll need up to date miners to even have a chance.
  22. Likewise, You don't know me either so justify your comment! "most police" being the bobby on the beat.
  23. To come up with that reply, you must have the same brain power as most police!
  24. If you interact with most cops. <deleted> for brains comes to mind.
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