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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. Doesn't take much to trigger anti Trumper's. Trump wasn't holding a baseball bat to Bragg's head it was a Photo.
  2. Just an idea. https://www.ems.post/en/global-network/ems-operators/ems-uk
  3. The opposite of Cheap Charlie, is his brother, Champagne Charlie!
  4. I'm not Russian. Or from eastern Europe. As for facts, they will come out when Ukraine have lost the war. It's not your fault. You are just spouting propaganda talking points.
  5. What nonsense. Zelensky wants Poland to deport them so he can send them to the front lines. Maybe don't accuse others of commenting nonsense when you yourself do so!
  6. Actually you will, Russians support Putin by a greater majority 80%. Other than that. You will find more Ukrainians left Ukraine than Russian leaving Russians leaving Russia when this kicked off. Something like 10 million Ukrainians live in Poland etc.
  7. It's part of western propaganda. Push the fear of Russia using Nukes. It justifies the west using Ukrainians to fight their proxy war against Russia.
  8. It must be so frustrating for America when countries don't do as they are told. I think a multi polar world will leave America on the side lines. Even Africa is not listening to the USA anymore. They welcome Lavrov like a hero.
  9. It always someone else fault. Joe was President at the time not Trump.
  10. That's why I said there needs to be a document which becomes part of the articles of association of the company.
  11. Interesting that you think Ukraine can beat Russia!
  12. Which Ukraine is experiencing now. Cannon fodder to Russian artillery.
  13. It seems that Ukraine is having great difficulty in shifting these untrained drunks with no motivation, out of their country!
  14. Through a company board of directors (shareholders) meeting you could appoint your Lady as vice director, which means she will take control of the company on your demise. This could be drawn up as a document which then becomes a legal part of the articles of operations of the company. I don't think a will carries the same weight.
  15. If you have a Thai drivers license, the cops will accept that as ID. Never been asked to show my passport ever.
  16. So why did you reply to an irrelevant comment. Sort of makes your comment just as irrelevant!
  17. Seems like an odd thing to do, unless you have problems with your wife?
  18. Not sure how something that happened in 2007 has relevance today? Fortunately these sorts of accidents don't happen so often.
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