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Everything posted by TimeMachine

  1. Applying 12 v directly will probably be ok. I would do that but you risk damaging your unit. So if it's cheap to replace try. If it's an expensive item best to follow on with trying the specked voltage. DC to DC converters on Lazada.
  2. As an aside I like the idea of the exploding powder balls. A fire extinguisher is useless if nobody around to use it. The ball explodes on heat and hopefully extinguishes the nearby fire. Place them every 2m on your ceiling and you are good to go. Hehe.
  3. Set up phone holder. Install app that records front and rear camera. Use your phone. Too easy
  4. Yes. I couldn't find mine in oz. Electrician was stumped. One day after cleaning out a drain opening I noticed the copper pipe with wire attached to it. They can be in inconspicuous places.
  5. I'm no superman but sorry to upset you in thinking current system is not looking after teachers or students well enough. Things were good in South Korea last time I was teaching there. Perhaps I just have high standards and Thailand is not expected to reach other countries standards. Perhaps everything is as it should be. Perhaps. Perhaps not. Who is to say? You? Me? President Kim Jong? Bob down at the pub?
  6. No no. Pies v Fitzroy at the G Spot. Do I win anything if pies win. I did pick them from round 1 to be premiers. Gotta be worth something.
  7. Interesting. Don't know why everyone is worried about climate change. If it's real . We are clearly doomed. Most governments Couldn't organise a root in a brothel let alone deal with energy and climate.
  8. If you don't tell them you have solar you can get 1 to 1 so I am told if you have the old disc meter
  9. Think you are missing the side affects of all of this. Forget about Russia Trump Biden Bush whoever. What happens when journalists are not allowed to their job and freedoms of reporting and speech are hindered. Luckily many others still risking their lives. Long Island audit for example. When these people stop fighting for freedoms will quality of life improve for your average citizen. The corruption, stealing , cheating, lying will get worse. Oops . More conspiracy. A very interesting time in humanity where live video streaming exists. But then again, deep fake Tom cruise looks so real. Show him robbing a bank and he's in jail. Stay real and free people
  10. Many years back a radio station in Australia held a competition to win a Wii game console . Drink water continually and don't pee. A play on the wee wee words. Last person wins the Wii. Somebody died. True story. You can die from too much water.
  11. I'm curious . I will be using a grid tie inverter when heading back to Thailand next year. 5kwSolax from aus. The spec says can work with as low as 180ac voltage. I measured the voltage and it can drop to near 200vac in udon thani. Am I safe to think all will be well, yeah? 200v AC supply won't bother the grid tie I hope. Since a few people changing to hybrid inverters grid tied in oz can be got real cheap. Only problem it will take 15kg of my checked luggage.
  12. The R refers to Residual current. The current entering the house live wire must equal the current in the neutral wire. I.e. what goes in must go out through wires and not through someone's body to earth ground. If for instance your hand absorbs the current down to ground the current of live and neutral won't match and the breaker trips. The O refers to the breaker having the usual Over current protection also. So if currents match but is over a certain amount it will also trip because maybe too many devices on that breaker taking too much current. There are important other specs to each type of device. YouTube vids a plenty.
  13. Yes. Has nothing to do with earth. If there is a difference between just the two wires of usually about 30ma then the breaker will switch regardless of earthing or no earthing.
  14. You don't need earth for rcbo. That's what's so fantastic and why it's so important when there is no earthing.
  15. Why would new cabling be needed around the house? Just rewiring of switchboard . Can appreciate the why should government pay for people mindset. Although I'm from Australia, the lucky country, where government gives rebates for many things. Healthcare, bills, solar cells, water heaters. Money back into the community. Jobs created all that sort of stuff. Government would be saving lives, creating jobs and supporting retail. Don't just think of it as scummy people getting something for nothing. Taxes are paid.
  16. Government should mandate and pay for rcbo everywhere possible. But then again ... A few extra deaths never hurt society too badly. I've installed and recommend them to those people I come across who have children or elderly people living there when the topic arises. It's just people don't value life as much as you'd think. I've absorbed a couple 240v touches and lived to tell the tale. Lucky me.
  17. I've installed 6 hisense and no probs. Curious about the super cheap tcl. Look ok . Think Ill try one for fun.
  18. Take it how you like. I don't get to see them and neither do you. The faces behind Biden or whoever is President at the time. Do you think he does everything by himself? Sorry I'm assuming a male. Could be female soon.
  19. US controller groups have been able to hold Julian Assange captive and he's not even on US soil. I'm sure they can sort Trump out. So much for freedoms. Just shut your mouths and do exactly as we say.
  20. Pies held strong. Blues win today but pies win everything. It's written already. Tigers lose another lot of stars soon. Grimes , Prestia, Dusty all gone in a year. Will take a while. Think the new coach will be very frustrated. Why do you think Harddick ran away?
  21. US was for democracy so strongly in years gone by, but seems like the highest vote in the room wins is over. Probably is best that the smarter more powerful take control of the drivers seat. Ring the bells. Sing the songs.
  22. If pattaya. Try shop near CNR of third rd and south rd right side heading down to beach on STH rd. Usual price is about 500bhtish
  23. Yes make sure bottom is looked at so no surprises later making sure enough length and room all round.
  24. My condo supposedly had insurance for rooms. But when the electric supply room burnt we had to all pay .
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