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Everything posted by TimeMachine

  1. It's no fake video when you see people sanding away the yellow surface. They are then left with a cloudy result. After buffing with cutting compound used for polishing paintwork then they become clear again. Finally spray a clear coat to protect. How do I know. I've done it. Not fake in this instance. But don't trust me. Do a spot test yourself. Yes just rubbing toothpaste won't work. Wd40 appears to work but that lasts only as long as the oil film stays. Next day will be yellow again. Just takes a fine range of sandpaper, water, cutting compound and buffing pad. A lot of rubbing. Oh yeah baby!
  2. They are glass, have a UV coating, or you don't get as much yellowing UV. Or UV resistant plastic.
  3. Make sure a UV res clear coat over the top or it will yellow quickly again
  4. Tampopo movie That egg yolk mouth swap scene is insane! Cookey cookey stuff.
  5. I heard Fantasy Island is coming back?
  6. Dirk gently's English and American I enjoyed. Black mirror A series about a man running a Google virtual reality company with Ray Romano and a really hot white chick. Although I was first fixated on TV when I was young by the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy. And then young ones and that's it hook line and sinker TV is my best friend.
  7. Priscilla Queen of the dessert. Australia unable to keep up with Britain and US with Movies. I would say Australia makes films and not movies.
  8. That's what happens when a public owned company gets given away to private hands. Greed Baby! Way back people were too stupid to know how it would affect them and they accepted BS talk. Strange how they continued to be stupid and allowed it to happen to telco too. The most bizarre thing was people were asked to buy shares in the company. Being asked to pay for something they already owned. Nothing gets more stupid than that.
  9. right ! Oops my mistake. I'm thinking as an Aussie. 80$au just for connection fee every quarter. I forgot Thailand is a zero elec usage Zero fee country.
  10. There are the benefits of being grid tied. No wasted power. It all gets used albeit poor FIT. And if your off grid system goes down, could be days before you get power back. No feeling of living like a King but with the cost of batteries not a terrible option.
  11. Tramadol opiate is very hard to stop if you've been on it for a while. I'd not recommend that to anyone unless an obsolute last resort because it does work well. At 73 you've had a good run. My over the top problems started 40's.
  12. Has anybody experienced or have knowledge on this happening. I haven't seen any posts anywhere suggesting it's enforced like that. Not saying it won't but seems like no harm in just waiting for the smart meter install. That's what seems to be happening to people at this time. I hope people that are hit with fines or disconnection explain their experiences. Maybe they don't and it happens. I can only imagine the Thai way being the most popular amongst Thais whatever! Let's do it the easiest cheapest way and everyone will just hook onto a spinning meter like they ride bikes without helmets risking fines.
  13. Topical minoxidil worked for my wee lassy. Head and shoulders shampoo good enough
  14. Facebook marketplace seems alive enough. Bahtsold dead.
  15. From what I read people are just hooking up and letting the meter spin backwards. Eventually a smart meter is put in when the readers of the meters Sus onto things.
  16. Human centipede 1 Human centipede 2 And yes! You guessed the third one.
  17. The obvious solution would be to destroy internet. Go back to snail mail. But people want crapialo in their lives, so, you know, that's how the story goes.
  18. One of the main factors to know first are you going grid tied . If so you need to know how much you get for feeding in. This will tell you if it's worthwhile going overboard on panels or just matching consumption.
  19. If you are grid tied and have the old spinning meter it will spin backwards when feeding in. So you are getting 1 for 1 . Good stuff !
  20. Australia being a little brother to US, I would return to from Thailand. But I have a chain around my ankle and to that a heavy weight. Yeah but seriously Thailand was better 10 plus years ago when there were less people, less visa issues and people seemed calmer and more chilled. Not that they are not pretty chilled now. But I dream of the past and me and my Time Machine shall visit Thailand 1985 again. Just waiting on parts.
  21. Looking like all over the world including western countries. Dictatorship is the way it's gonna end up. A tightly knit group just wanting to keep hold. No more voting. I'd be surprised if there is another "real" election ever again. Australia, US have a persona of democracy. But it's not what it seems. I guess we will have fancy amazing stories for our grand children of how things used to be.
  22. Did you already have smart meter, or did company inform authority , then they put smart meter. Or still on spinning disc meter? What are you getting for feed in. Think that the buy rate is about 5 baht per kWh yeah? I'm guessing they give 1 bht? Also have you considered adding a couple cheap car batteries with a car bat charger hooked up at a power point. Just so you can hook up a small inverter to run a fan and lights incase of blackout. Obviously only charge bats while sun is out and using free power. So a timer as well
  23. Because of a lot of silly rules in all sorts of countries. You gotta cover all your thoughts and bases these days. For example , the mandatory need for seatbelts in cars.
  24. Silly to see grown men show jealousy. I eventually outgrew it around 25ish. If your wife sleeps with another man don't kill, just move on and find a better girl. Good luck to all you young at heart lovers.
  25. I'm a bit weird. I think a mother can do to her child whatever she wants without others interfering. It's hers. She created it in her belly.
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