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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. there was a previous poster who complained that people who don't drink at social functions are anti-social. maybe we need to stop normalizing it and pushing it on others at every social event.
  2. It's true that the vast majority of people consume alcohol without severe negative effects. But a certain percentage of the population may have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism.
  3. it only appears anti social because it has become so "normalized" in society.
  4. maybe Edgar Allen Poe and Charles Bukowki were heavy drinkers. who knows man? edit: I looked it up and found this ... https://joinclubsoda.com/hub/alcohol-bad-creativity/ Alcohol is really bad for creativity Ernest Hemingway was a big drinker. He loved all the drinks – wine, whiskey, rum – anything that gave him warm relief at the end of a days writing. But this is what he actually said about alcohol and creativity. “The only time it isn’t good for you is when you write … You have to do that cold.”
  5. I also view the stock markets as gambling and avoid them. Not sure about Ukraine. Well, there were some revolts in the streets in China this past year. If the economy falls apart, they may get worse. You never know. With CCP gone, the threat of Taiwan may disappear for once and for all. We'll see what happens.
  6. some teens may want to commit suicide because their bf broke up with them or because a nirvana song inspired them. some people need guidance, not an easy way out.
  7. I don't know who this guy is or if he has any credibility. But here are some of his predictions for 2023: 1. Stock Markets will drop 40% during the year and finish down 20% 4. Ukraine War gets settled in 2023 5. A Chinese Economic Collapse is Inevitable 6. The Chinese Communist Party will end in 2023
  8. Is Mad Max just a popcorn flick? Or do they make those films to alert us of real potential doomsday scenarios?
  9. same argument for drugs. drugs make people more creative. thats why many artists use drugs. not sure if its true.
  10. there was a film reviewer who suggested that the possessed girl was actually sexually abused ... and the demonic possession is connected to the sexual abuse. remember the creepy drunk guy who goes to her room at the beginning of the film? well apparently he sexually abused her. not sure if it's true, but it would add an extra dimension to the film.
  11. it's because we've become so shallow that we cannot socialize without alcohol. you nailed it.
  12. bars are a capitalist invention. it's a hell of a lot of work to run a restaurant. if you run a bar, all you need to do is pour some drinks. and since it's highly addictive and people need a place to hang out and socialize, they'll sit there for hours drinking. incredibly easy money. it's a capitalist's wet dream to run a bar. they have even created a personality cult of famous bartenders on Netflix to make the whole drinking scene look cool to kids. and to get people into bars wasting money.
  13. maybe thats why many guys end up dating them long-term / marrying them.
  14. it may actually be road rage after all. just saying .... murderers cant be trusted. also, you get a lesser sentence if it's not premeditated hence the possibility of trying to pass it off as road rage even if it wasnt. i dont have any facts to work with. just speculating.
  15. that's an interesting observation. too bad we don't have psychologists on this forum to explore that further. so is sex just a "physical" act? or what does it do to you if you have multitudes of sex partners?
  16. i thought it was the bar girls who use that line.
  17. there is no euthanasia in thailand, is there? also, this case is about financial problems. the health issue is treatable.
  18. sounds to me like people are advocating euthanasia to solve the problem of inability to pay medical bills. despite the fact that the illness is treatable. it can be debated whether it's ethical or not i suppose. i wouldnt want to be in any position to make that sort of decision.
  19. no the argument is that there is a lack in poor parts of the world. so it's not fair to be using fresh water for poop when some people dont have fresh drinking water. the other issue is tears for fears. everybody wants to rule the world. no matter what the folks in charge do, people will complain. this is another thread that can go on forever and ever, so i'm bowing out. i do appreciate your comments.
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