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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. searching tik tok for cute dog videos must be a lot of fun.
  2. you need to be careful with conspiracies. some of them may have some validity. but the problem is the potential to think everything is a conspiracy, become excessively paranoid, think everything the govt is doing is against you.
  3. very strange album cover. haven't listened to him in years. all i remember is his music being very eccentric.
  4. the so-called NWO agenda has been a conspiracy for decades. it doesn't exist or mean anything, as far as I know. new order what? that they moved all the manufacturing to china? check this out. this guy is JFK's father in Boardwalk Empire talking about the stock market.
  5. climate change creates a lot of deniers for various reasons. there's other issues that don't get discussed: pollution, species being wiped out, scarcity of resources (water, etc) ...
  6. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. I lived in Beijing. The air quality is so bad it will shave 10 years off your life. Where is the scam in trying to get people out of their cars to have cleaner air? There is no scam. People in Amsterdam have been taking their bikes to work for years. They are no more miserable than people taking their cars to work, and perhaps more fit and have cleaner air. The biggest mistake the MSM is making is using the term "climate change" and focusing exclusively on that aspect of environment. Climate change is only ONE aspect of environmental health, and it's arguably not entirely influenced by human activity. The oceans are so polluted that fish is no longer safe to eat. Try eating fish every day and then go test your heavy metal levels in your body. Environmental DEGRADATION is NOT A SCAM !!!
  7. your theory about trump may be correct. regarding JFK, there's a conspiracy that he was killed by the MOB. If you ever watch Boardwalk Empire, you'll see that JFK's father was involved with the MOB ...
  8. if you recall, even donald trump admitted that (some) news is fake. so do you really need to delve into psychology to explain why people don't trust everything they read?
  9. Haha. So @redwood, we have concluded that the earth is round AND you are a narcissist. Plus, you lack empathy. Perhaps you can adopt a stray cat to work out the lack of empathy?
  10. No. Could be that there is a correlation. But anyone can be narcissistic. Scientists can be narcissistic and make false claims.
  11. as opposed to what? individual narcissim? most people i've met in my life are narcissistic. has nothing to do with conspiracies.
  12. @redwood, I have a question. have you ever seen this web site? https://www.flightradar24.com/9.45,77.82/2 it shows ALL current flights in real time. there appear to be no flights across the south atlantic, the south pacific, or the indian oceans. is there a "flat earth conspiracy" regarding this?
  13. I doubt you will convince anymore. People will just think you're nuts. The question is ... why would they hide that the earth is flat? For what nefarious purpose?
  14. too easy to go off the rails there
  15. what percentage of expats there fall into a downward spiral black hole to the point of no return of alcoholism and bankrupt themselves drinking and bar-fining? i'm guessing 10%? this is a dark place.
  16. the 'not really' democratic republic of congo. aren't there countries with easy path to residency and access to public healthcare if healthcare in thailand is an issue?
  17. People focus on the horizon. How much do ships weigh? 200 tonnes? On a spinning ball earth, the ship would literally have to be upside down for a good portion of its trip across, say, the Atlantic ocean. So a 200 tonne ship sails across the ocean upside down? And is held down by what exactly? Gravity? And a helium balloon rises?
  18. Yes, I think it is about combatting environmental degradation. If you read the daily news more carefully, as opposed to just reading the sensationalist garbage, you will see a constant thread. There are numerous articles encouraging people to shift to EVs, to drive less, to use public transport more, to work from home if possible to reduce emissions from driving, to simplify your life, to be happy with less, to buy less stuff, to only buy what you need. Nobody seems to read these articles. People seem to be fixated on doom and gloom and sensationalism. Maybe people love drama? Regarding control, it's not an end in itself. Nobody wants to control you just for the sake of controlling you. If there is some degree of control, its because the powers that be estimate that it's benefiting the collective. The one-child policy in China is an example of this. They have no interest in preventing people from having children just for a power kick. It doesn't mean that every decision they make is a good decision. But they're not controlling people for no apparent reason.
  19. I just made up a wild and crazy theory ... since you brought up the vaccines. Would you like to hear it? Many people were afraid that the vaccines would kill people. It never happened. Maybe the powers that be wanted people to be afraid ... or to soften it ... maybe did not try to suppress that narrative. ... because fear is a good way to jolt people out of their apathy and complacency with regards to the seriousness, complexity and urgency of environmental issues.
  20. I respect that you have your own belief systems about things. I don't think we'll resolve a debate about flat earth on here, but that's totally fine with me for people to have their own opinions.
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