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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. yes but what about countries where everything is repressed? doesn't that cause even more deviant behavior? i am shocked at such incidents in pattaya with such easy availability of women everywhere.
  2. yeah or maybe not. people might live longer and they may bump up the retirement age. depends on how advanced the automation gets.
  3. going to hell? it's not black and white. climate issues are serious. elon musk's neuralink makes me nervous ... plugging people into machines. we might work less in the future to curtail climate change. that could be good ,,, more leisure time ... but some people might smoke pot all day.
  4. https://www.travelinglifestyle.net/countries-offering-digital-nomad-visas-and-residency/ This is a list of 51 countries that offer digital nomad visas. Thailand - coming soon
  5. lets hope the war will end. and if we make it past 2023, neil degrasse tyson says we're going back to the moon in 2024.
  6. apparently, you can give access to sensitive information only to certain people on the blockchain. not sure. the main problem i see is crypto fan boys may become disillusioned because maybe they thought it was sth not controlled by govt, but govts have their paws all over this.
  7. you actually took the effort to look into the study. you are more ambitious than i am. since you scrutinize and read more than the average person, you should do fairly well with your health. most people are not taking any time or effort.
  8. there are some organizations who would like to put restrictions on travel at some point for climate change. such as ... you're only allowed to take an international flight once every 3 years. not sure how influential they will be persuading govts. not sure people will accept it. or if the travel industry will fight it. maybe we should travel less and stay longer in one place when we do travel. hopefully in the future they will invent airplanes that run on coca-cola instead of fuel. we seem to have an abundance of coca-cola and maybe we'll find more on mars. ps .. .there are deals to be had now ... there were european cruises on sale for 26$/night a few weeks back.
  9. this is the only info i've gathered so far. if you watch the video, andrew yang mentions that blockchain can used to store people's medical files. so it stays in the blockchain and goes wherever you go rather than in one particular hospital's database. at 7:41 he mentions municipalities may experiment with local currencies that will help drive people to local small businesses and non-profits. they may issue basic income or some sort of cash payouts that can only be used at local businesses and they will expire your money if you don't use it in 2 weeks.
  10. maybe i don't know what i'm talking about. but what i'm saying is it won't be actual bitcoin that becomes the currency. but govt-issued blockchain digital currencies similar to bitcoin. bitcoin was only used to popularize the technology because people don't like radical change.
  11. Generally speaking, I am in agreement that low-carb is healthy. The only exception being fruit. I started eating a considerable amount of fruit, which as you know is high carb. So I don't consider myself low-carb anymore, but I don't eat other types of carbs (apart from cheat meals). So we are generally in agreement. Fruit seems controversial. Many experts warn against fruit due to high carb content, high fructose levels, and high glycemic index. And my main point was despite the risks of high glycemic index and high carbs being a problem, low carb diets lacks electrolytes. Low carb diets are low in magnesium, potassium. Low carb diets lack Vitamin C. There's no Vitamin C in meat, eggs ... That was my main point. I will not repeat it ad nauseum and engage in an endless ping pong match. Not will I quote scientific literature. Any adult should be able to use google to look things up. Apart from this one video. You can see both doctors very nervously discussing fruit due to its hugh sugar content. But one doctor admits that one study showed that consumption of fruit did not negatively impact metabolic syndrome. I suppose you can restrict yourself to low-glycemic berries, but I don't. Peace out.
  12. this might be crappy advice. but here goes: for the bank, change your online banking password. create a new gmail account. transfer important stuff from the old account. re-install the operating system. the hacking is from the wifi in your apartment? did someone hack into your wifi? i would contact the internet provider.
  13. this generational war is silly. the powers that be pretty much set the agenda. and we all need to follow it to survive in society.
  14. hey you. what's in the backpack? books. i'm going to school. i'm a phd student.
  15. another excuse not to work out ... you might catch covid.
  16. not sure long distance running is a good idea. i think it decreases muscle mass. and possibly increases risk of heart attack. anyway, i will quit the thread because this conversation will go on forever.
  17. probably mostly due to excessive alcohol consumption
  18. Interesting theory. Extremely low carb may make people highly irritable and argumentative on internet forums. Have a banana, people!
  19. Not sure. My limited understanding is: The current version of crypto has been some sort of intermediary phase. Digital currencies will be issued by govts and centralized, so eliminating fraud and speculation.
  20. https://www.wired.co.uk/article/free-public-transit The Case for Making Public Transit Free Everywhere From Spain to Germany and Luxembourg to Estonia, more and more countries are experimenting with fare-free transportation.
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