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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. Eureka! We have discovered new dimensions! New dimensions = more fake channelers and fake scientists giving fake information about what's in those dimensions New dimensions = more confusion New dimensions = more information that nobody knows what to do with Maybe just apply simple principles to your life instead of getting obsessed with woo-woo stuff? "My religion is kindness." -- The Dalai Lama
  2. if I was a youngster, I'd strive to find a job i can do online and live as a digital nomad. houses are over-priced and i don't think the values will keep going up as they have in the past. or maybe wait another 10 years and buy a robot 3D-printed house at a fraction of the current housing costs? the main point is that the world is changing. young people should be cautious taking advice from previous generations.
  3. you hit the nail on the head. it makes no sense just to talk about GOD as some positive entity and ignore all the evil in the world. so a conversation of "the devil" is necessary. but what is the "the devil"? bad news: nobody knows. just as nobody knows what God is. so we will just go around in circles. oh wait ... let's call up Mick Jagger ... maybe he knows what the devil is.
  4. ok, that's actually a good comment. one day they might crack the code of immortality and maybe people will complain and get bored. to be fair though, we don't have the answer as to why there is so much war and other atrocities taking place. makes God look bad.
  5. God is timeless. Time is timeless. Time is Godless. God is blabbedy blah blah blah. Hope that answers all your questions about God. Class dismissed. Ok, I'm outta here.
  6. To point out that your answers are stupid and useless. Also, I was trying to steer the conversation differently. I mentioned 20 pages ago that people need to stop talking about God and focus on other things.
  7. The thread speaks for itself. After 564 pages, people are still asking "what is God?" You think it's because people are stupid. Maybe it's because your answers are stupid.
  8. yep, and you're a hamster on a wheel. we're on page 564. KhunLa is still asking the same question. and you think it's because people are slow rather than admit that there's a problem with your explanations.
  9. you have entered a dimension beyond time and space. you have entered the twilight zone.
  10. God is timeless. that is DEEP! Deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep.
  11. no, i never said i was a genius. but you guys won't stop talking about abstract concepts (that may or may not make any sense) to make yourselves look smart.
  12. I read only a few quotes from the Seth book and figured out it's drivel. You've read the entire collection of Seth books 15 times and still can't figure it out.
  13. horror porn. lol. good! then you're ethical and have nothing to worry about.
  14. several folks have predicted possible civil war in US around mid 2020s he appears to be the main catalyst
  15. maybe porn is more likely to make you cheat on your partner? as you get titillated? or maybe viewing porn itself is a form of cheating? does your partner know you watch porn? they're ok with it? they don't get jealous? or you watch it secretly?
  16. no, what are you talking about? i absolutely demand a refund!
  17. i'm a wolf in wolf's clothing. and you're a wolf in sheep's clothing. we're both false prophets.
  18. yes, i'm beginning to think you wasted your life in false belief
  19. no we can't agree. because Ground of all Being doesn't mean anything.
  20. what's happening is: - my new nickname for you is Mr. Bullsh*t - I'm out of this thread
  21. But their business model is not coffee. It's a rent-a-living room plus coffee. They usually have a nice decor. But a lot of other cafes are a lot nicer.
  22. ok fair enough. we don't have to agree on everything. and anyway, your comments are stimulating discussions.
  23. even if you accept that, it doesn't necessarily mean all the information is "enlightened". we still have no clue what that "spirit" is exactly. also, is every word being channeled? what if part of it is and part of it is made up? there is no way to know. then you also need to trust the person doing the channeling to have integrity.
  24. yeah, good luck with your nonsense. for years "your team" has been telling people to avoid the sun and use sunscreen. and skin cancer rates are going up.
  25. or they could be false prophets.
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