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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. well, better late than never. some radical measures appear to be on the horizon. according to this prediction, self-driving cars may reduce the number of cars on the road by as much as 90%. https://www.smartcitiesdive.com/ex/sustainablecitiescollective/driverless-cars-urban-mobility-and-toronto-s-gardiner-expressway/1070806/
  2. yeah but your user name is crass, no?
  3. was there another thread on this topic? this video has some footage of the serial killer AM .
  4. Yeah, good philosophical question that warrants a 500 page thread. Whatever you do, don't lose your mind.
  5. Point #1: Does "democracy" truly exist or even mean anything? If political leaders needed to check in with the entire population every time they wanted to do sth, nothing would get done because everyone would be arguing about everything. There is a mostly benign form of control in most countries. Some better than others. Also, there are "think tanks" behind the scenes that you don't hear about in the daily news. Really, I think govts take advice from these think tanks. I don't think they just pull a bunch of decisions out their butt-holes, but neither do they check in with the average Joe, who knows very little about how to run a country. Point #2: Does absolute power by anyone truly exist? Will Trump really influence every aspect of your life as much as you think he will? Or are you being delusional? When you are a child, your parents are your dictators. If you had crappy parents, then the first part of your life is hard.. When you go to work, then your company/manager is the dictator. They don't constantly ask you what you think, if ever. You need to do what you're told to collect that paycheck. If you're lucky, they're decent people and a decent company. Some are worse than others. But if you don't like the rules, you need to look for another job. Or create your own, in which case you become the dictator and get to impose your rules on other people. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, because you cannot operate a company without rules. It just lends itself to abuse.
  6. RFK Jr is anti-establishment in many ways. And even a conspiracy theorist. It's mind-blowing that someone like that reaches the upper ranks. Maybe the first time ever. If you're super duper pro-establishment and crap your pants when someone utters a non-mainstream view, then he's not for you. He's not for the squeamish or faint of heart. I just learned that he's an AIDS denialist. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/11/rfk-aids-hiv-hhs-donald-trump/
  7. For prostate health, there is Saw Palmetto. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/saw-palmetto-benefits
  8. I suggest looking at alternatives to Big Pharma pills, which you can mostly find on Iherb.com. But anything you take, you need to research potential side effects and HOW LONG you can take it safely. And some are more powerful than others. You may need to experiment. L-Theanine is one thing you can try.
  9. The thing is ... what do you seek most ? Comfort? Because ... Pink Floyd man ... Comfortably NUMB. Too much comfort = too boring?
  10. Human beings are mostly deluded about their reality. The govt is a (for the most part) benign system of control (not as democratic as it claims to be, but still mostly benign. For now, anyway. It can in the future descend into an evil dictatorship, but your complaints are laughable about the current state of affairs. Anyone who gets a decent education and works decently hard has a good to very high standard of living. Most people who struggle have drug issues or are extremely lazy. Most people screw up their own lives through their own mistakes. Like I did for a while. I don't blame govts for my bad times. As Elon Musk pointed out, a cell phone is a supercomputer in your pocket, but people don't appreciate the advances that society has made and enabled this tech to be available so cheaply. As one example of how people are deluded about their reality. THEY put cheap computers in your pocket and you're still complaining that they're an evil dictatorship. People don't appreciate much. One reason relationships fail as well. People start taking their partners for granted, etc ... Govt can't help you unless you screw your head on straight first. This endless bickering about political candidates is nonsense.
  11. a lot of crazy choices on that list. norway is way too expensive to retire and also bad climate. israel is on the list ... who in their right mind would retire there? eastern europe yes.
  12. yeah, forgot about those fat cows on The View. it's a dairy farm that show.
  13. No, actually I had an epiphany since that last post. Tiffany Trump for Prez !!! What ... don't tell me you're a misognyst? Look how gorgeous. I'm getting tired of watching annoying ugly people on Fox News !!
  14. tesla stock went up 14% the day after the election. now it went back down. keep an eye on that stock whenever Trump farts.
  15. If you guys thought the Dems on AN were bad news, check this out.
  16. why would someone rape in a country where sex is so readily available everywhere?
  17. getting sh*t-faced is stooooopid. it makes you act crazy + you can't defend yourself. he's lucky he's still alive.
  18. I think the powers that be recognize serious problems such as hordes of people may need to be displaced due to climate catastrophes. I think they're trying to come up with solutions to mitigate these problems. But the average person is oblivious ... and there are lots of us. Complex issue.
  19. Word Economic Forum plans to integrate nature into cities by 2030 (BiodiverCities) https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_BiodiverCities_by_2030_2022.pdf
  20. she might keep your diamonds forever, but she wont necessarily stay with YOU forever.
  21. Regarding the video above, at 5:58 they mention they could start putting automated kiosks in govt offices. Imagine that comes to Thailand ... that would mean no more need to interact with the immigration officers ... it sounds like.
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