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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. we'll let your guy win. just please promise to stop creating threads about politics.
  2. Jesus, I can't wait until this election is over man. Sick of all these threads.
  3. for a lifelong partner, he would need to find someone who can tolerate him, which may not be easy. he might be better off going the cialis quickie route.
  4. Join the priesthood, man.
  5. I'm not sure there is such a thing as "meaningless" sex. The term itself is too vague as to practically not mean anything.
  6. never got around to it, but yoga class is one of the best places to meet girls. for one thing, they're in tights so you can see up front what you're getting. only problem is they're probably vegan and will force-feed you quinoa.
  7. who's voting for who = more useless nonsense
  8. Try MACA pills or powder It increases libido https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322511#ten-benefits
  9. ps; don't forget to mention chomsky in every single thread
  10. Hey Jingthing, With the new layout and larger avatars and dark mode, I think staring at your avatar for more than 1 minute might induce hallucinations.
  11. dark mode might be the best option. gamma, they are optimizing the site just so you can post more easily, and therefore more frequently, than ever. keep 'em coming. whatever pops into your head.
  12. maybe a triplicate or quadruplicate account even.
  13. Because he replaced all the blockheads in mainstream media with honest conversations about interesting topics. Doesn't wear a suit and tie and read a state-approved script.
  14. How much does Kamala weigh?
  15. he is extremely smart. he is mostly talking down to his audience.
  16. What will The Joker Trump do next? Stay tuned. Most likely, sth you never saw coming. Otherwise he wouldn't be The Joker.
  17. yep. use it or lose it.
  18. https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Thailand&city1=Pattaya&country2=Thailand&city2=Bangkok
  19. Trump is a trickster and should never be taken at face value.
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