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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. rising tensions = click bait there is no rising tensions. but out of 10 million tourists, a few altercations are inevitable
  2. how much free information and advice do people get here without giving anything in return? even a troll thread might generate some responses which may be of use to some people as people share their experiences. the forum is loud with trump threads. on youtube, a bunch of annoying videos will pop into your feed. such is the nature of social media. it cannot be catered to your specific needs.
  3. If Harris would have won, everyone would be mocking her blunders as we speak.
  4. she claims to have bruises. not sure how easy or difficult rape is to prove or how often women make false claims.
  5. The Maori in new zealand have tattoos. I think they have a specific meaning.
  6. You just made me realize that Trump is still Tweeting (on X). Man this guy writes some crazy sh*t on his Tweets. Havent read them in a while. Check this out.
  7. Bob, do you know "Pattaya Psycho" aka Steady Eddy? He just put out a video on his Youtube channel claiming he will die soon of brain cancer. He wonders if it has to do with 30 years of heavy drinking. THE WILD BUNCH ARE BACK IN TOWN! Follow the adventures of Jack, Kenny, Joey, Pete, Vinnie and a host of new characters as they wreak havoc in Thailand's fun filled, adult entertainment capital in the scorching sequel to FIVE GO TO PATTAYA. A story of booze, infidelity, violence, friendship, betrayal, blackmail...and a psychopath on a deadly mission to get famous. It's all happening in Pattaya!
  8. Could be that he's feeding all of Bob's posting history into ChatGPT and asking it to spit out a new story with some prompts I guess.
  9. yeah i read it. the guy's got talent. arguably wasting it.
  10. This is getting weird. Who is the real Bob? Have broke bob, rich bob, elvis, and SoCal ever been seen in the same room together?
  11. Musk said he went to party and got a lot of dirty looks for associating with Trump. He said if looks could kill, he'd be dead.
  12. Seems to be that's where things are heading. Yet people still come on here raving about how trump is insane. This forum is toxic and not the ideal place to try to objectively analyze anything thats going on politically. There's too much emotion involved in people's rants.
  13. According to this military analyst, Putin's regime will collapse and Russia is heading towards democracy. Let's see what happens. But everyone posting their political analysis might want to ask themselves how far off the mark they are in their assessment of reality.
  14. you can't always state things explicitly to get off the radar of the mods wrath
  15. Making sweeping generalized psychiatric evaluations of Trump doesn't help anyone.
  16. Not yet. Let's see if his rhetoric about Canada turns into hostility. According to this analyst, Trump will kill 2 birds with one stone - end the war in Ukraine and decimate Russia's economy.
  17. How does it affect your mental health to chase down every single move these "dictators" are making? I'm taking break from the news and will go listen to some music. shoulda woulda coulda.
  18. wellness zone on AN is pretty impressive.
  19. that regular table salt is unhealthy. but maybe sea salt is ok for health?
  20. any tourists behaving badly should do community service. make them take the soi dogs to the vet and pay for it.
  21. jesus, he didn't hear it coming? cycling is fun, but not in those streets.
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