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Shop mak

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Everything posted by Shop mak

  1. Scaremongering to the extreme. Any Links that back up this? Didn't think so. Aka scare mongering.
  2. Consider his age, 73, would he spend his golden years behind bars, until age 81?
  3. The cost of this must be in the zillions, curious how long before the investment has paid of, even selling to grid.
  4. Sideline, On The Game, aka freelance, part time, in short selliing her body as a secondary income. Often used in more conservative asian countries.
  5. Back in the 90s when I moved here, a membership card was required, up country. Only for those with some kind of store. Was declined to check out first time, since then we borrowed a neighbours business memnership card. Good things has changed since then.
  6. Agree. As I wrote in last paragraph in OP ...
  7. Maybe read my OP again, more specifically the last paragraph: Too fast on the reply button eeehhhh. BTW if you had tested out TC you would know that most women in this country are on this spesific site, of whom many work for the goverment (pics in uniform) so a broad spectrum of the female population here.
  8. You think you know others a lot, even never met in person, don't you. Assuming a lot, that these gold diggert get any reply. Arrogant much? Rhetoric ... 'Idiot' .. wow nice one. I don't recall calling anyone a idiot. Again you wrong im your assumptions Write in thai and they get the details minus sarcasm.
  9. 1. Thai teens on modified 125cc, without exhaust, and bicycle super thin tires. Racing within city after midnight, waking up most people (tiny-dick syndrome) 2. Foreigners on holiday, renting a 650-1000cc, that they stall on all intersection, ooops, forgot this isn't a 125cc automatic, and 6th gear from standstill is seldom successful unless rev'ed up to 10k rpm. 3. Ducati riders, without enough experience to handle that monster. Ducati's are megacool, no need to attempt racing, rev'ving or wheelie, when the skills are clearly not there. Just enjoy the ride, and the insane sound, while driving normallly.
  10. 0% likely .that he returns. He has combined 7-8 years jail time waiting for him, according to other news sources. Just a PR trick to help his daughter in the upcoming election.
  11. Welcome to real thai life, now you know why many only rent and not buy a condo. Quiet today, 25 barking dogs and 2 karaoke bar open next week, 8pm to 6 am Your coughing neighbor, easy to solve for 200 baht from a pharmacy. 1. Cough sirup that works! 2. Bronchitis tablet x 10 ✔️ Problem solved with the coughing neighbor.
  12. How do you respond when you receive messages online TF, TC, DIA, etc (like they all have the same script they send to us foreigners): -Kind man, -good heart, -take care me family me, -give me everything. (Before anything else, know that my profile says, lived here 20+ years and speak thai). I usually reply that I am reasonable kind, and that my doctor said my heart is still same a young man (the obvious sarcasm are lost on them, but I enjoy it tremendously, every time) I continue with, I will of course help you, but I expect a healthy person in normal working age to work 8 hours a day. I continue with, If we stay together 24/7 we will soon get bored of eachother. 'Take care me family me', is when I usually see red, and I reply with: 'your former thai bf, how much did he give you and family you,? (thinglish helps). That's when they change the topic, no surprise there, is it? From 20 years past, good thai husbands gave wife all his salary, and wife gave him a small 'allowance'. But that was 20-30 yrs ago. Last 10+ years things changed, thai husbands has grown a real pair of ball$, and now most give wifey only half of his salary. 'Family me', well I have not yet known a thai husband who give 1 baht to her parents, or siblings. Finally 'give me everything' ...... Well IF I didn't know I was talking with a true gold digger before, I finally got it now. OK, they all think we're rich (compared to the majority of thais, we are, in a way). Try to tell them that a average expat have a monthly pension between 40-70k always fell on deaf ears, same as our expences are way higher than a Thai. They just don't believe me when I give example, that my medical insurance premium is more than 100k yearly. Thais can only think like this ' if I had 40-70k month, I would be rich. Period. So back to my question to ye'all: How do you respond to: Kind man good heart take care me family me give me everything ... (Posted in the PUB so take it for what it is, a funny rant, that goes on forever and ever) I use internet dating only for pasttime, IRL works way better, imo.
  13. You mean you want to arrive at airport at 2 am Leaving 2 am from Pty arrive airport 3.30-4.30 is cutting it very short, when travellers has been requested to be at airport 3-4 hours prior to their flight. Bell minibus are back in service, friend leave with them tomorrow. Motorbike taxi can find taximeter cars around the city, but I would personally go with Bolt or Grab.
  14. That's when I stop read. We don't have any 'right', All up to the discretion of the IO. Age is secondary. 'As long as they like'. Nope. Only as long the stamp in ones passport allows.
  15. OP what the heck is this all about?????
  16. Stay home 11/4 - 19/4. Bring on 20 April
  17. Had Peacock tv for a year now, downloaded on Amazon Fire Stick. Many series from Bravo TV. Free with ads, or paid non-ad subscriptions. Drawback, slow loading app, lots of buffering, more than Netflix. Requires a fast internet connection 30mbps+
  18. How about a written version as well, in the OP? Feedback yesterday had a clear majority in favor of the written words. Just sayin' I get my coat ..........
  19. Great news as we enter the hot season, and also Songkran that many choose to stay home, during the mayhem. Got 140 baht discount on last electric bill, and maybe more to come. ????
  20. Farang confronting and get angry at a THAI person, (seldom) never have a good outcome. Don't go there. The fire could likely been a accident due to wind. The wifes attitude is reason for deep concern. Until OP know more, put a temporary hold on further building. Built a house myself some 20 years ago. Learned the hard way, when not on site from sunrise to sunset, things goes wrong, guaranteed. Unless hiring a farang builder, that would increase the building cost 2,5x - 3x.
  21. Prefer Roosters written weekly. Won't click on videos of any kind. Don't change a winning formula! Similar to that all people still call this site for ThaiVisa, whatever name is on top.
  22. Pattaya here, my calender has large Red X from 11 april to 19 april. No area in Pattaya is 100% safe from 11 april. 9 dreadful days. Stay home until 9 pm when I go to Foodland and refill my fridge. Some friends take refuge in nakhon no-where, or in a nearby country, for this period.
  23. You will not be anle to renew road tax, this was in the news here few weeks ago. You only create more problem for yourself. Up to you.
  24. It's a police inspector from special branch. From other news sources
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