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Shop mak

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Everything posted by Shop mak

  1. I suspect your phone have another 'battery drain' app, that put gmail to 'deep sleep', so you don't get any notifications. Works fine on my phone. 'Notifications settings' is another one you should check. Can have been disabled or auto disabled.
  2. Time for Chonburi police to intervene. If road block checkpoints has been tried already, around the hotels Kuwaiti tourist stays at, stronger action is needed. Strictly no rental of motorcycles to any Kuwaiti tourist in Pattaya. Problem solved.
  3. Retirement with Embassy letter 12,000 in Pattaya, less when been a customer for years
  4. When they're not racing around Pattaya city, I've seen them explore Coconut bar for discounts and '4-in-1' kind of a deal. Seen them smoking in public, but never drinking alcohol. Maybe others who frequent Walking street and Treetown have other observations. Until Chonburi plod get involved, I can't see much change. They will continue racing with 2 or 3 on a bike, never wear a helmet, always revving these small automatic PCX
  5. I grew up with a family member with alcohol addiction. As a child, it was horrible to watch Later in my teens I had a hard time enjoying alcohol. The mental scars from childhood will always be there. Alcoholism can hurt people close to you. As a adult I've always been a very moderate drinker. First now as a older man 60+ can I enjoy a beer or 2, never more than 4. Can go 1 year without any alcohol. Then have 2 beer 5 days a week, then stop for a month or a year. It's all about moderation.
  6. Nominate your 4 top posters. Not, who can trolling bickering the most.
  7. Opening post with seven, 7 words. Aiming for the shortest OP since this forums history? Clever one. @GammaGlobulin Take note here, dear friend. You will never be a runner-up, sadly. Neither in content value, length, (or girth). As the ladies say: it's not the length that matters. Think about that for a moment or two .. Amazing topic btw
  8. Worth to consider: Maybe co-owners should consider to replace your juristic staff. If your 'management company' even have a educated lawyer? Registration of all vehicles should have been done years ago. Only 1 vehicle per unit allowed, unless plenty of vacant parking slots. Bylaws that any vehicle parked beyond 3 months without movement, would be towed out of parking area. Lastly, check if security staff also rent out parking space to outsiders, as a sideline income. Very common. And little has been done by previous commitee members, it seems. Time to shake up things and get a real juristic office that solve issues rather than quote:
  9. Create a collective cohabitation with @GammaGlobulin You have a lot in common The old missus I can't help with.
  10. @matta You do NOT understand How Things Works Here, nor Thai culture and society. Don't compare with how things works in your country of birth. Don't attempt to use non-asian logic. Better you go with the flow and accept what you have been told. Ask any expats who lived here 20-40 years. We learn quickly to bite our tonque and shut up. Bring a thai person with you to Immigration for help, or, use a agent. Complain is the last thing you should do, seldom leads anywhere. If you plan to live here in Thailand many years, read about society, culture, class, money, power. Learn from Thai people. Then accept that we as foreigners, are on the bottom. We should behave accordingly, to make life easier for ourself. To help you understand: imagine a foreigner tourist or expat in your country, complain about immigration and rules in your country. Would you accept it?? If you use search in visa sub forum here, you will find same topic as yours, only a few months ago.
  11. A group of them on third road last night 11 pm. Very young, maybe 18-20. To call them men, is a far stretch. Revving their PCX small motorcycles, on red light, shouting and laughing. Police, nowhere to be seen, as usual.
  12. Easier than 9 step, and not all have ethernet. These works.
  13. 20230719_072216.mp4
  14. If your goal is to rent out, I would go for a larger studio 34sqm+ in Buakhao 15. In high demand and very very popular location for rentals, be it airbnb or regular real estate companies, (except currently, when road work are back on, for another 6-12 months in Buakhao 15). Normally start at 2,2 mill up, to purchase. If mainly for yourself, any place you like. In Jomtien I would go for VT 5 or 7 near Dongtan beach, if my goal was to rent out the unit, only when I return home. Half way between Pattaya and Jomtien, would not be my location of choice, but, up to you. Maybe a good idea to wait another 6-12 months to see, if any major changes to retirement visa requirements, or not.
  15. It's certainly not more fun in Phils. It's very different, and if one is open for big changes from Thailand, it's a new experience. Internet used to be slow and expensive. Friends who stayed through covid says internet is much faster now. Cheaper mobile internet packages are available. No friends has been robbed at gunpoint, or experienced violence. However, desperation is in your face 24/7, beggars everywhere. For pinoys finding work in country is very difficult, and time limited employment seems to be the norm. Pinoys all wish to work overseas, or marry a foreigner. Food sucks. Bland. Chewy. Fancy a bird embryo (Balut): fertilized duck egg delicious, huh!. Jollibee fast food is a cheap copy of McD, tried it once, didn't return. Burger King was just ok, not same Thailand. Western restaurants can be good, for a price of 10 to 40 dollar for a meal. Supermarkets in major cities might have a deli section with imported cheese and wine. All cost a fortune. A friend did his weekly shopping and was freaked out when the teller wanted more than 100 dollars, for 1 week of food. Beer is cheaper than in Thailand. The girls, I find them sweet and passionate, but most of them are just too chubby fat around their waistline, not to mention their big spanish thighs. A older man can easy find a new girlfriend so easy that one have to juggle time and place for dates. The girls want to get married asap and have a mix baby. Friends who went that route said that after they had a kid, gf or wife become fat, lazy, and little action in the bedroom. So many teenage girls usually have a kid or two, before they reach adulthood. No sex education in school, or at home (sounds familiar) Population explosion are extreme. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/philippines-population/ Adultery is a serious crime in Phils. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concubinage_(law) https://attorney.org.ph/legal-news/141-the-elements-of-adultery Visa is easy up to 3 years. No deposit of any kind was required. Immigration was friendly enough. After food and dining out, rent apartment or condo was my 2nd biggest expence. But the quality and quantity is nowhere like Thailand. Smallest condo I found was only 20sqm for 350 dollars.. Electricity cost 2,5 times more than Thailand. Living cost are much higher than in Thailand. For those who want fun, rental market are limited. Hourly rate similar as Thailand, bikini bars want payment up front, and any kind of happy ending are surely not guaranteed. She just got her period, arriving in your room. Boracay are very beautiful, beach after beach, good general nightlife. Hotel and rentals are expensive. My fav. place. Travelling between the 7,000+ islands are time consuming. Ferrys not recommended, some thousand people die every year in fire onboard. Air travel, often late minute cancellations, and overbooking is common. Pros: Stay 3 year. Easy visa no bank deposit. Easiest place to find a girlfriend. English. Feeling welcome in their country every day. Cons: Air Quality, whatever result IqAir air visual shows, many get the cough and respitory problems within a few months. Higher living costs than Thailand, for less. Traffic gridlock. Empty atm's. Overloaded health care and lack of quality outside Manila. Earthquake and typhoons are frequent. The list can go on and on .. It isn't more fun. Just very different.
  16. Really??? Do you? Example: https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/extension-to-visa-amnesty-to-be-published-in-royal-gazette Similar to many other visa related articles in Bangkok Post and The Nation, who refer to the Royal Gazette. So YES, they do actually post important Visa changes, in The Royal Gazette.
  17. Do your 90 day report in person, at a IO and pay a fine (1,900)? and you be ok.
  18. It wasn't confirmed news by OP, just another rumor. Seems you lack comprehension of the difference thereof. OP was just a repeat of what he already posted earlier. Rumor. Not confirmed!
  19. OP make some / many people very uneasy or sleepless, for something not yet Confirmed! Why beat the same horse again and again? We, who lived here for a long time, have heard same rumors for the last 10+ years. Until confirmed by admin here, and in the Royal Gazette, I don't worry.
  20. Local tourism is the way forward in low season, until december.. Stimulus packages like we travel together, was a success. If hotels really want more quests, slash mid-week room rates with 30-50%. Get low budget airlines to join with superdeals for flight + room. Friends back home still complain about very high airfares, and limited flights. They're not returning.
  21. Not correct news article. The ban on parking on beach side of beach road, was temporary lifted this long weekend. These videos was taken sunday 30 july, northern end of beach road (soi 1-5). Cars was indeed parked all the way along beach road on the beach side, and didn't see any parked car fined or towed away. 20230730_095243.mp4 20230730_095315.mp4 20230730_095344.mp4
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