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Everything posted by MarkBR

  1. Hopefully, lower flight prices are involved as well.
  2. The last sentence summed up Thailand's basic problem.
  3. Not sure but would be good for people who like real pizza
  4. Thailand should put the dinosaurs in a theme park for public edification.
  5. Yes, if really old. Well made stuff is delicious. Nice shop in Otjiwarongo; also they had very good droewors.
  6. They should make artisan mozzarella-di-buffala in Thailand, enough water buffaloes.
  7. Not just alcoholics, also those who are not but just their personality & brain functioning. If I consume alcohol I begin to smile, laugh, get sleepy then fall asleep if drunk. But drink so little now, that happens on 1 beer 😆🤣
  8. I have the same problem with my sourdough. Must keep trying. Think it is a temperature issue, just too hot at ambient house temperature. So need to alter all the timings of keeping the sourdough ferment alive. Would also love to make bacon & pate but that is for the future.
  9. I prefer Namibian biltong - very delicious. Great travel food.
  10. Looks delicious.
  11. Warmongers and those who invest in companies that are involved in war & its weapons make lots of money. Hence, the profitability of 'defense' industries. They, therefore, do much lobbying to get lots of 'benefits' from representatives & governments worldwide re policy & government decisions. They make much money from the suffering of others.
  12. Get the vaccination. Shingles is awful, my grandfather had it really really bad.
  13. Had not realised how many pro-Putin fascists there were on this forum. All are on my ignore list.
  14. You must get an accurate diagnosis first then proceed based on that knowledge.
  15. Yet, in Lamphun nothing too horrible unlike last year's rainstorms which caused horrible situations where we had two 1metre high floods. However, a flooding nightmare for the surrounding provinces. Maybe this is tempting Fate but so far has been a relatively dry Wet season (this is referencing where I live in Lamphun province - Amphoe Li).
  16. Yes, UK NOT attractive as a destination of living. And the increase in costs and decrease in quality of existence aka crap weather.
  17. Should be glad it was not a high-hell stiletto.
  18. Everything happens at glacial speed in Thailand, they are even slower than UK in fixing potholes.
  19. He cannot see it which tells you where his political stance is located.
  20. ROFL yes a very stupid thing for businesses to do - How to drive away more customers/guests 101
  21. Indeed, plus not so many NOT RICH tourists as many flights are still more expensive than before COVID.
  22. Wonder how other SE Asian countries will take advantage of the stupidity to get retirees from Thailand to relocate by sensible policies?
  23. Get an opinion from an opthamologist, possibly 2. Had very cataracts in both eyes simultaneously (legally blind) had lens replaced by a brilliant surgeon. Now vision better than 30 years ago. This was done in UK at Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion in Edinburgh.
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