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Everything posted by MarkBR

  1. Would solve many issues.
  2. Sounds like what I came back to. Wanted small house came back to Spanish range style hacienda crossed with Acropolis. Aaargghh
  3. Utter rubbish. An abundance of evidence exists. In UK we have snowdrops & winter aconites flowering in December & January. These used to flower in late February & early March a 100 years ago. Just one example. There are many more, check up online using rational websites.
  4. In UK he might be defined as a vexatious, I suspect.
  5. One would think this should be one of the most important things to be mentioned. I suppose the politics of total rewrite is complicated.
  6. Many will become tourists
  7. Agreed, KFC is not that wonderful. So many better food options in Thailand. You could barbecue your own chicken to your own taste or buy as CharlieH suggested buy a whole chicken already bbq'd.
  8. Some good news in Aseannow, thankfully he is okay.
  9. The Yaba users while on motorbikes, mopeds or cars are a nightmare
  10. Looks good, although I am not sure I will reach any of the numbers here. 🙂 Should be relatively unaffected apart from annoying paperwork.
  11. Depends on the computer model & the assumptions within the model. The range of estimates vary in terms of estimates even at the most conservative, and the error range is also large. MIT is usually a very good source of info. Thank you for the link - hopefully, and interesting & informative link. This is something for climate scientists, statisticians & computer scientists to argue about; far beyond what little knowledge I have in this field.
  12. That is a definite symptom of alcohol, thinking they are still capable for driving. If you know of valid evidence on the impairment of driving by cannabis consumption (low-strength to high-strength - there may be a difference) I would be grateful & interested to read these articles. Alcohol is known to be highly deleterious, hence all the laws against drinking & driving. I would suspect strongly that alcohol was involved. PS I do not use cannnabis in any form.
  13. Plenty of possible crops do not need vast amounts of water. Could use drip irrigation or soaker hoses, if they want to be more efficient in water use. Lots of options. Should depend on water use efficiency (WUE), and economic profits to be gained, and market requirements.
  14. Indeed, other substances were involved but for some unknown reason they do not tell us. So, I agree it is cannabis fear-mongering for ulterior motives.
  15. Test for alcohol using breathalysers, for those over the limit - First offense - fine a 1000 baht; Second offense - impound vehicle, only get it back after paying large fine; Third offense - jail. Drunk drivers kill people & must NOT be allowed on the roads.
  16. You are, I assume, correct.
  17. Excuse typo - Angela Merkel
  18. They only care that you are tax resident, your nationality is irrelevant. Tax agreements between your country & Thailand are what is important.
  19. What about Amgela Merkel. She was always making heart gestures. No.ifea what the concern is except it allow bombastic blowhards to act in performance politics.
  20. You missed out issues of relatives if you are in a village where nearly half are relatives. All the lakorn drama stuff.
  21. The concern is the rich expats who have the ability to move far more easily (top 10% in terms of income). Few Thais care about the poorer expats least of all HiSo Thais).
  22. If they drive expats away they will not be coming back. Maybe some connected-up long term thinking is required. I know, not a Thai strong point.
  23. They are red envelopes (hong bao) in the Chinese world.
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