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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. The US satirical program The Daily Show intro includes words along the lines of "America's only source for news". Nice to see here that Thailand's only source for news is thethaiger.
  2. This story was taken from thethaiger.com. It's such a pity that AN has stopped listing its sources. It was much easier before to see the source and dismiss the story as unreliable drivel. https://thethaiger.com/news/national/custom-mercedes-maybach-in-11-2-million-baht-crash-goes-viral
  3. Not. It's halal.
  4. From the same source: The "not having a formal background in economics" is simply an attempted slur. So, not "some useful background" - just some useless slur.
  5. That video looks heavily edited to me, in an attempt to make Bernstein look foolish.
  6. 10 million baht. One has to assume that there may be multiple expensive medical interventions required. But even that much won't pay for many modern treatments.
  7. Sorry, but you have either not read the document at the link or not understood it. There is nothing there whatsoever that suggests that the rules on domicile will change. The article is titled "Technical note: Changes to the taxation of non-UK domiciled individuals". In other words, the way that non-doms are taxed is changing - not the rules of domicile.
  8. The reform is targeted at non-doms living in the UK who pay very little tax. That is where the changes are coming - removing tax privileges for non-doms in the UK, not redefining how domicile is determined. There is no plan to change how domicile is determined.
  9. Highly unlikely given the large amount of inheritance tax that is raked in from the worldwide estates of those citizens who have been non-resident in the UK for many years. It is currently very difficult to lose UK domicile, and I expect nothing to change.
  10. Anyone who relies upon celebrity endorsements is clearly an imbecile. Should the authorities do anything to protect imbeciles?
  11. It's a little more nuanced than that. Theologians use the term "abrogation" meaning that where there's a conflict between Old and New Testaments, the later New Testament overrules the Old Testament. In practice this means things like Christians no longer being held to old rules about what you can and can't eat, that animal sacrifices are no longer required, and God will no longer punish people (in this life at least) for disobeying him.
  12. Utterly irrelevant to Christians. The old rules were ripped up and replaced by the New Covenant, reflected in the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus. Can't comment on Judaism, though pretty sure it doesn't reflect current Jewish practice or belief. Personally, I've generally found Rabbis to be wise and compassionate.
  13. What you are calling "Islamic extremist ideology" isn't extremist. He was simply following the teachings of the Koran and Hadith, and the example of Islam's perfect man, Mohammed. To quote from the Koran: Surah 2:191: And kill them [non-Muslims] wherever you find them Surah 9:5: Then kill the disbelievers [non-Muslims] wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush Of course, apologists for Islam will say that these verses are taken out of context. But then, that's apparently what Moslems do to justify their violence to Christians and to Jews.
  14. That assumes that one knows that HMPO stands for. I'd assumed it was something to do with the Post Office. Still, my mistake.
  15. Just ask if he and his partner would be interested in a threesome with you.
  16. Yes, it's the late king. It was a token given to hillstribe people to prove their identity in pre-ID card days. See https://www.web-pra.com/auction/show/7994860 (in Thai).
  17. Not bored. Just pedantic, and able to count to two. How about you?
  18. (1) that's not "one thing", it's two. (2) Do you really think he's limiting his ambitions only to the Asia Pacific Region? I don't.
  19. Reminds me of the joke: I went to the zoo the other day, there was only one dog in it. It was a <deleted>zu.
  20. You support animal conservation, saving animals that might otherwise become extinct in the wild.
  21. The "key plank in Britain" is Sunak and his Tory chums. (Just to explain for those of you not having been blessed to be born British, "plank" is a British slang term for someone whose mental capacity is similar in aptitude to a piece of wood.)
  22. It's saddening when people instantly that followers of The Religion of Peace are responsible for all violent attacks. Joel Cauchi was a rent boy - not something normally associated with devout Moslems - and a schizophrenic. Perhaps, just perhaps, it was schizophrenia that drove him to it, not admiration for Prophet Mo. Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13306051/Joel-Cauchis-double-life-male-escort-revealed-new-details-emerge-Bondi-Junction-Westfield-attack.html
  23. Bet it still sounds better than all the (c)rap music one hears on the wireless these days.
  24. Really? I thought death by suffocation typically took 3-4 minutes, so hardly "immediate". Yet more shoddy reporting from The Thaiger whose reporters seem never to engage their brains before writing sensationalist claptrap.
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