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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Twisting the words round and round doesn't change the fact Hamas was preferred by the Israeli's over the PLO. Now as for the prison nonsense, as you clearly say and I will quote you: "It wasn't always under blockade, it wasn't always under such restrictions - these had 'something' to do with Hamas actions and policies." Gaza is nothing less than a prison for the Palestinians, controlled totally by Israel. That is my statement and your words as quoted is your defence.
  2. Well that being the case the pair of them need to sort there differences out, diplomacy is a wonderful thing, trouble is it hasn't worked very well so far has it?
  3. Start behaving like Human Beings would be a start I guess.
  4. So if Gaza is no part of Israel how come every aspect of life there is controlled by the Israeli's
  5. Bogus, methinks you do protest to much. Which part of any of my statement is untrue?
  6. And I wonder how Hamas came into being, could it have been through the Israeli's who thought they might have more joy with them than the PLO, that worked out well didn't it. Gaza is nothing less than a prison for the Palestinians, controlled totally by Israel. Israel will never be accepted, while they constantly abuse Palestinians, through trade, free passage of goods etc etc
  7. Your opinion and mine are a bit different but that's ok, I'm spreading the love today. So any Arab can freely walk in and out of Gaza with no hassle as long as they have the required paperwork from the Israeli's. They would never face any abuse just because there Arabs in there own enclave except that every aspect of their life is controlled by those nice Israeli's, got it.
  8. You know what it's like when you get on a roll
  9. Can't argue with that, have you considered why though?
  10. Really, I would never have guest, thanks for the info. Israel wants to irradicate Palestinians from all of their lands by fair means or foul.
  11. No dig, just stating a fact, I love a Bacon Sandwich every morning. Everybody has a choice to what they want to eat. If their Religion doesn't like whatever foodstuffs not my problem, I'm not Religious, but I'm now a proud holder of a antisemitism badge according to some on here, so happy, not breaking any laws though is it, well not to my knowledge.
  12. I can't be arsed typing this morning, maybe later, after I've had a bacon sandwich. As far as I'm concerned Anti-whatever is just something the crazies have invented to have a go at people who don't share there views or whatever. I disagree with Israel controlling all aspects of Palestinian life in Gaza, the shooting of unarmed civilians by the IDF just for the fun of it for them, even kids having a kick about and not harming anyone, being targeted. Israel supported Hamas in the beginning so they wouldn't have to deal with the PLO All this has gone on backwards and forwards for 75 years, Hamas are a disgusting group of war criminals as far as I'm concerned. Israel by comparison have got to take some responsibility in why what happened on the 7th came about. Keep kicking a dog down the road and eventually it will bite you back. And yes, I am fully aware of the facts that all Arabs want the Jewish State gone, but has the Jewish State ever stopped to wonder why.
  13. I'm to long in the tooth to have any feelings about these anti this anti that, wtf is woke and all that similar garbage to care. All I know is in my whole life I have lived by the rule of non violence towards anything, human or animal, except in self-defence.
  14. I take it was this one? "Was Israel Bombing the Heart and killing hundreds of Gazzans a day before the 7th of October? Chef yes or no? no need to deflect or go back in History simple question was Gaza being bombed every night prior to Hams going into Israel and killing civilians?" No, not as far as I know.
  15. Funnily enough I'm listening to 1975 album by Bob Marley and the Wailers which was recorded live in concert during July 1975 at the Lyceum Theatre, London.
  16. I'm very sorry BarraMarra been a bit busy, can you remind me again what your question was please. BTW are you from West Cumbria by chance?
  17. Only about bad sex and ugly women.
  18. Because that is what I feel.
  19. Nice one Morch
  20. If you didn't get it in 3 times I won't bother posting it again for you.
  21. That's sorted then.
  22. Tell someone who cares, I don't, not in the slightest.
  23. From where do you get I'm feeling proud from this statement? If Israel had not acted the way they have for the last however many years towards Palestinians and any Arabs for that matter none of this might be occurring now. You reap what you sow.
  24. Correct, well done, go to the top of the class.
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