I can't be arsed typing this morning, maybe later, after I've had a bacon sandwich.
As far as I'm concerned Anti-whatever is just something the crazies have invented to have a go at people who don't share there views or whatever.
I disagree with Israel controlling all aspects of Palestinian life in Gaza, the shooting of unarmed civilians by the IDF just for the fun of it for them, even kids having a kick about and not harming anyone, being targeted.
Israel supported Hamas in the beginning so they wouldn't have to deal with the PLO
All this has gone on backwards and forwards for 75 years, Hamas are a disgusting group of war criminals as far as I'm concerned.
Israel by comparison have got to take some responsibility in why what happened on the 7th came about. Keep kicking a dog down the road and eventually it will bite you back.
And yes, I am fully aware of the facts that all Arabs want the Jewish State gone, but has the Jewish State ever stopped to wonder why.