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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. Pinoy food is the worst of all the South East Asian cuisines. Mostly because Pinoys are so poor they do not have good ingredients. Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai, Malay even, all much better.
  2. I found Filipinas to be more domesticated, more affinity for cleaning up, doing laundry. Maybe because the families are bigger due to greater poverty, I don't know. Filipinas are wittier. Thais are more honest. You're much more likely to be scammed and lied to by Filipinos than Thais. Though Thai girls can steal too of course. Filipinas have a greater sexual appetite, looking at the birth rate bears it out. Thais are more concerned about public appearance than Filipinas. Filipinas drink more. Thais cook better, basically because Filipino food is not very good.
  3. Thanks it's moderate jealousy, just jokingly checking my phone and saying I have a message, no Fatal Attraction stuff. That's why I wanted to get some views, because like you say when you're in the rel it can cloud your judgement or perspective. She also seems to love her space. Affection is taught to some degree by the parents I think and sadly she grew up without her father since he died, and the mother was absent a lot, so there is a bit of a deficit there. If she is "into me" or not, well she does come over the bed and initiates certain things, she enjoys sex, but in terms of being cuddly and holding hands, kissing, she is just not. I think some people are, some are not, some are a bit, it's a bit of spectrum. I'm super physical, and that was bothering me for a bit. No, I have not seen the degree, since she did not finish it, but she did talk about her sister getting proof of her attending the university at one point, so I don't think it's bs. She had problems paying the 20000 for the course, because nobody was helping her, she had to work to pay for it. I think that was very hard for her. I appreciate the advice, I will not go overboard, like I did before. I had a very bad experience with a Filipina and that cured me of the love fantasy thing.
  4. Well, I slow down the car when I see an older man with a toddler. But apart from that I just thought not working in the factory and having a relaxed life is something she appreciates. But she had plenty of chances to fly back, I gave her a ticket. She chose to stay. She is honest and reliable, to the extent a woman can be. Yes, she has shown these last 7 months that money is nothing to her. I will resume giving her a bit of spending money next month I think.
  5. Yah, that is exactly it, I have a table in the living room and she sits at the table, watching youtube videos or playing games on her phone. It seemed so odd to me. I will see if getting a bigger more comfortable couch helps.
  6. I am not giving her an allowance anymore, not weekly and not monthly and not hourly. Of course I pay for her food, clothes and the house I live in, which I'd have to pay anyway. The age difference is 29 years. I am a bit baffled why she stays.
  7. We go out, we just go out together. She does not mind going out with me and does not demand to go anywhere by herself.
  8. Could not agree more. This woman certainly is not a money grabbing person. She has been with me for 11 months and she just does not ask for money. At most 300 Baht for her phone bill, but this girl is not about money and she is certainly not with me because of money. Because I don't give her any anymore.
  9. Stop talking nonsense please, she is not seeing other guys for sex, she lives in the same house with me 24/7. Unless she transports by means unknown to current science and has a body double that lives in my house your theory is total nonsense.
  10. Well she lives with me and does not leave the house, so she is not getting money from anyone else.
  11. I am a kind of pragmatic guy when it comes to relationships. I am over this "love" nonsense, which I find is just a fantasy of the soul. Yes, I've suffered from that a few times, and it seemed real then, but you soon wake up from this fantasy. So yes, now I look at it more as a pragmatic matter. I am just over 50 now and one really has to be a bit more pragmatic now. I am willing to accept some things I may not have accepted when I was 28.
  12. I thought my odds were good because she only had 2 guys. But clearly, in the end, the odds will get you. A few blisters every 8 weeks is no big deal, but I'm really not thrilled about it. The risk is real, don't do what I did. The thing is, these blisters put you out of action for 8 days or so, so the enjoyment of sex is impaired. But if you wear condoms the enjoyment of sex is impaired. I know, it could have been worse, but I'll just have to live with it.
  13. Yes, it's just what incentive would she have to do so, only to please me really. Or, as you said earlier, if she starts to really enjoy cuddling herself. She's had only 2 guys, and overall fairly positive experiences, from what I can tell. Her not wanting cuddling and such is more due to her being raised by an older grandmother, her father dying and her mother being absent. This is what caused it, I'm quite sure. Like OneFarang said earlier I am just wondering if this will be a major problem if she does not change it, or not.
  14. I was thinking exactly the same. I'll get her to finish her law degree and get her out the house to take a job. This constant playing games on the phone is unhealthy and not good for her. Though she was a law student her education needs serious boosting.
  15. Well, the situation has changed, I did raise it with her, that her lack of physical intimacy is not normal and she does make an effort to hug in bed now. I am just wondering if she will change in this regard, or if this will really bother me long term. After all the sex is good. Yes, the photo social media thing is a major annoyance, she is always on the phone playing games, but I don't think I can change that, and whilst annoying it's not a dealbreaker for me.
  16. Only at the very beginning, but even then she never asked for it. I just gave it to her. But I have not done so for 7 months and she still never asks. I said in the thread header that she never asks, and that is the case. No lies at all.
  17. She had a job when I met her, she worked in a factory. I told her come to live with me, and she did. She also studied law at university. I'm guessing she met him on a dating site, but then shacked up with him on an island. It quickly became apparent he was sex obsessed and after he insisted she do a threesome she broke up with him.
  18. Yes, an older woman told me that. I don't think she meant to say she was a prostitute, she was just genuinely wowed by her body, which most people are. She said it first to her, then I asked what she said and she told me. But some of my friends think she is a prostitute because she is just so uber hot and dresses sexy, but she is not and never was.
  19. It's not quite as bad with her, she actually enjoys sex a lot, never grits her teeth but has good orgasms. She's just not into the physical intimacy thing apart from sex. I'm just wondering if I cant get her used to that, or if she'll be like this all her life. She does cuddle me, but it's totally obvious she's not into that.
  20. I actually did before this one, but that girl had a host of other problems and it sadly did not work out. She was terrible at sex btw.
  21. Man, I was not thrilled about it, let me tell ya. That was another thing that really bothered me. But she did not know she had it, and got it from a Ukrainian Farang, so, you know. But yes, I did consider this.
  22. No, she did not, but she did not know she had it, that it was a thing, that it existed. I had to explain it all to her. She really just did not know herself. Many girls have sex without protection in Thailand, Philippines etc, I don't really need an explanation for this.
  23. You are right on two points, we have different love languages, and yes, hers may be gifts and acts of service. And yes, she clearly had a very hard childhood, with her father dying when she was very young, being abandoned by her mother and being raised by her grandmother. So she is a bit broken. The question is, can she be fixed?
  24. I'm telling you, it's true. This girl never asks for money. I've also never experienced this before, and this is one of the reasons I think she may be a keeper.
  25. I would be lying if I didn't say it's because she's so attractive. I have people in the street when we go out come up to me and tell me what a great body she has, she's 168 cm, super slim and very pretty. But it's not just that, she's really easy going, does her thing, let's me do my thing, she's just very user friendly, never fusses with money, she's funny, okay in bed. She seems to have a good character overall. I'm like you though, cuddling, kissing, all this is very important to me, but it's totally unimportant to her. And she knows she's very hot, so she can't walk by a mirror and takes constant photos of herself, she is highly focused on herself. This kind of bothers me. But I don't see it as a dealbreaker yet. Overall I think you're right though, it would be foolish to just look at looks. I just have not found a major in her character, apart from the lack of inclination for physical affection.
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