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Everything posted by Pattaya57

  1. This is why I live central. I can walk if the 2nd road or beach road baht bus is in grid-lock 😉
  2. I didn't include HSBC as I didn't think it was that good (I closed my HSBC account 2 years ago) HSBC Bonus Savings requires a $300 increase in end of month balance, so at least a $300 deposit and no withdrawals. Interest is only 4.25% Not competitive compared to NAB and Westpac that give 5.00% with $0.01 monthly increase (I just do $1)
  3. Don't you think maybe the fact you already had a 5 year licence, a pink ID card and a yellow book were the main reasons you got a 5 year re-newal? I don't think we'll know if you can get a 5 year licence on DTV until someone gets it for the first time without a current 5 year licence, pink ID card and yellow book gained from previous visa's. Just my opinion
  4. DTV really is a magic visa. I thought even the Elite visa couldn't get a 5 year licence 😆
  5. I had to google BOAC as I wasn't going to click on a random link wth no explanation what it was. Turns out this is a British airline that stopped operating 50 years ago so who is supposed to know? I worked in aviation for 37 years and even I didn't know who or what BOAC was.
  6. Which is why I put Pattaya in the thread title so they know and he definitely knew it was Pattaya as his whole post was how much he hated Pattaya lol
  7. Sorry, I've just found another thing that really grinds my gears... ^ Why do people that hate Pattaya so much always come into the Pattaya forum to post their hatred of Pattaya. If you hate it so much, why keep reading and posting about it. They should all be made to post where they live so that us Pattaya people can go on their forum page to express our thoughts on where they choose to live 😉
  8. Came up with the 'what grinds your gears' as didn't want it to be an Indian bashing thread from my OP... So here's another, I wish this sign was made mandatory in every bar in Pattaya. I was so happy when I found it in one bar 😀
  9. I already posted this in the 5th post of thread. I also checked the e-visa website and it says 800k/65k baht but doesn't matter as the Washington Embassy will be the one processing the e-visa application and they expect $30,000/$2500 as per their stated O-A requirements
  10. I live next to old Mercure on soi 15 which has now become a 'Heeton Concept' hotel. Pretty sure that may be an Indian tour place as it always has huge bus loads coming and going on a small soi (when they're not walking 5 abreast). I wouldn't think a Mercure level hotel would be extreme cheap though?
  11. If you "usually" go around them does that means sometimes you go through them 😀 I think everyone should go very close behind them and just hit the horn until they move. Maybe then they might get the message
  12. You are so worried about 180 day tax rule but willing to risk leaving 1 hour before midnight on the 179th day. What if your flight's cancelled or your taxi gets a flat and you miss your flight. You'll be screwed 😉
  13. I have been to Bombay. There's no way they'd be walking 5 abreast on the roads I saw there 😆 Even so they should adapt to the country they are visiting. When I went to America I didn't start driving on the left because that's what I did at home
  14. Oh and really fat guys going shirtless on 2nd road and soi bukhao, please save our eyes and at least keep it on beach road 😉 Ok that's my rants over, feel much better 😀
  15. For me it's something new I've only just seen in the last 5 months I've been back. Indian tourists walk 4-5 abreast on the small Soi's. Cars and bikes beep their horns behind them and they just ignore them and make them go around. Where does this arrogance come from? Why haven't we heard of more tourists being hit as some of the car and bike riders I've seen have gotten really angry at them. So what really grinds your gears....
  16. I just know I'm going to be dissapointed when I go to Da Nang in October as all I think of is the TV show 'China Beach' set in Da Nang. I believe that's My Khe beach, anyone know if that's a good place to stay?
  17. Used the McD app
  18. I have accounts with Great Southern Bank (old Credit Union Australia) and I've just noticed something bizarre. Instead of increasing interest on existing accounts they've introduced new accounts which are identical in every way except interest rate. Flexi Saver at 4.2% is identical to new Daily Saver with 4.3% Advantage Saver at 4.85% up to $100k and 4.70% over $100k, is identical to new Future Saver with 4.85% up to $500k So while new customers get the better rate, it's likely many current account holders don't know about it (I have no idea when they introduced the new accounts). I'm wondering when other banks will be doing this to attract new customers while hoping existing customers don't notice
  19. Except the Washington Embassy OP quoted has both 800,000 / 65,000 baht and $30,000 / $2500 mentioned for the O-A. Clearly just their exchange rate From Washington Embassy O-A eligible criteria Applicant must have a bank deposit of no less than 800,000 Baht in the last three months or an income certificate (an original copy) with a monthly income of not less than 65,000 Baht, And to upload Recent bank statement showing the applicant's name and ending balance of no less than $30,000 or proof of monthly income of not less than $2,500/month....
  20. Nothing new here as all embassies apply a poor exchange rate. Simple example is a tourist visa is supposed to cost 1000 baht but it costs $40 and non-imm O is officially 2000 baht but costs $80. This means they use an exchange rate of 25 (instead of around 35) Another example using 25 exchange is new Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) advertised at 10,000 baht, but cost $400 in US (about 14,000 baht) $30,000 as equivalent to 800,000 baht is actually better than the usual 25 exchange as it's 26.67
  21. It sells for 199 baht for 150 grams which is by far the most expensive item on Cheap Charlies menu (it's 99 baht for me only because I bough the Specials deal card)
  22. So which is it, is she entering visa exempt or she's on your retirement visa?
  23. Yes, and when announced the start and end date of the increase to 45 days was always clearly stated with a defined date that it would return to 30 days. There has been no end date announced this time, just stated that visa exempt is now 60 days
  24. Bob Smith should now start a thread: "My name is Bob, I am not Colin Neville from Dorset"
  25. This is what happens when people talk about Chang Mai baht buses in the Pattaya baht bus thread 😉
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