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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. Does being "inactive" mean they can't rape and bribe others while at the provincial police command?
  2. Technically, that was the goal, so.
  3. ...and now said "general" is on the Privy Counsel, where he can never be brought up on charges for what he has done to the country. Amazing Thailand!
  4. These situations should just be handled by sending the bill for emergency treatment and repatriation to the foreigners home country, if not paid, then force all who come from that country to show proof of insurance covering their stay before boarding. Let the foreign countries deal with insurance issues, or for any repayment to their own governments.
  5. This pretty much accentuates how upside-down Thailand really is, and that things will never change here, sad.
  6. Like the last PM, they would fall under the "village idiot" category.
  7. Middle Cass and up would be sending their kids to an international school with decent to fairly good English programs, everyone else, not so much.
  8. Saudi Arabia is not Israel! And a counterstrike of long range Iranian drones? Come on, the odds of that having any effect, is about NILL. They have no Airforce, so their won't be any fighter or bombers heading towards Israel. Then you are expecting to shoot down F35I's returning to Israel with what exactly? Yes, you are blowing a lot of hot air.
  9. What hot air? They have all the capabilities to handle Iran, what exactly does Iran have? Do they even have an functioning airforce? In fact, do they even have a single fighter jet flying? Their navy? LOL those little boats they send out to harass shipping lanes is not going to cut it. Then you mention Drones, if thats their only form of defense they should probably throw the towel in now.
  10. Which they can and will, Iran is not going to be allowed to keep funneling weapons to terrorist groups unabated, you'd be naive to believe Israel will just sit back and let that continue to happen. I would expect Israel to bomb Iranian nuclear and military sites in the future, probably after they finish mopping up what's left of Hamas and Hezbollah fighters.
  11. You way underestimate the firepower and capabilities of Israel, I remember that happening once before, it didn't go well for the last group who made that mistake either. Let's not even get into the advanced weaponry we have handed Israel over the years (and its a formidable list!), they even have their own custom F35I's, but you know they are 100 times more powerful then they were the last time Islam decided to attack Israel. I would hate to also corner Israel, that would be one huge mistake with estimates of 80-400 Nuclear weapons at their disposal. If i were their opponents, I would go the peace route and stop this "Israel has to die" nonsense.
  12. Iran is nothing but a paper tiger, no real airforce, no real navy, so not sure where you are going with this? Israel if it wanted to could wipe Iran off the face of the map.
  13. The only reason Iran wasn't dealt with earlier, is the US stopping them, we should have told them to do whatever they felt they needed to, and this situation wouldn't even be happening.
  14. So 1984's and the Prayut Administrations "Ministry of Truth" is back? Meet the new Boss, same as the old one.
  15. Trying to keep themselves from being bombed back to the stone age, I am sure Israel will get to them as soon as they are finished with Hamas and Hezbollah. Unlike the terrorist groups, Iran is a country, they won't be hiding in tunnels with civilians as shields.
  16. I get these calls, I just don't answer them, I use these anonymous calls to know when the delivery driver is close to delivering. But a few minutes later I also get an email saying my package has been delivered (dropped off outside).
  17. So if you extend your 1 yr (say in March), then leave a week later with a Re-Entry permit, there is no worries if you arrive back just in time to run the paperwork for another extension in say February of the following year?
  18. I don't even pickup the phone to answer a call unless I know who is calling, everyone else can leave a message, and don't expect a call back.
  19. Yup, which is why my cheaper go-to beer at 7-11 is Sam Miguel's Blanca (Witbier).
  20. As long as she spends it at the 7-11, and not some small locally owned stores.
  21. He should be asking for the TAT Governors resignation for floating this information to the media without his approval, thus showing that he is in charge. Anything else just makes him look like a weak leader who is flip-flopping or coming up with excuses.
  22. With weapons, as you see in the South China Sea, they are able to push their will on sovereign nations with impunity.
  23. Did the new PM ever sit down with members of his party and government and tell them "no information is given to the press without my authorization"? It sounds like he is either a complete idiot, or he has no ability to control his people, not exactly leadership material. If I were PM I would be asking for Governor Thapanee Kiatphaibool to resign after something this stupid.
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