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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. If they had both just decided to divvy up the loot equally, they wouldn't be in this mess.
  2. So each individual on average spends about 1 million baht per year, or according to the article over their 50 days of travel.
  3. The UN is full of terrorists and terrorist sympathizers, they lost their relevance long ago. I would be happier if they were disbanded and defunded.
  4. I am sure he was the most qualified for the job, Thailand only promotes those who send the fattest brown envelopes up the chain of command to buy their positions.
  5. When will they get around to making the streets, sidewalks, and zebra crossings safer? You know "to refurbish the tourism sector's image and bolster the security perception among visitors". I'm less worried about these so-called "foreign criminals", as I am about public safety while doing basic things like travelling or walking in the Kingdom. My perception of Thailand is skewed by the idiots endangering my life every time I go out into public, those idiots being law-breaking Thai drivers who care nothing about safety, and even less so for visitor safety.
  6. Thaksin's vote buying scheme is almost complete, and future generations will pay for it, everyone is happy!
  7. I guess, if violent Russian prostitutes with bleached hair are your thing.
  8. What kind of monster do you have to be to kick a very obvious pregnant woman?!
  9. Correction: The most dangerous thing in Thailand is a Thai driver. If only Thailand had a real police force that enforced vehicle laws and road rules.
  10. I am sure they will create another "committee", spend billions on 5 star hotels and catering for its members, then when the money runs out.....rinse....repeat.
  11. Well add another crazy person to the list, a Russian women kicked a pregnant (8th month) woman in the groin on Koh Pha Nagan after being asked to remove her shoes before entering an establishment. When asked to leave, she got angry, swore, then decided to kick the woman in the groin, what the heck is going on with foreigners lately?!
  12. I would suggest this is the most logical scenario, most people would act like the less dominant brother did here. The brother who attacked the officer is not going free, he has almost no defense here, the other brother would be best served with begging for forgiveness and apologizing profusely, at least he has a chance of getting off on some of the charges.
  13. If he was worried about getting shot, why would his brother just stand in the background watching him?!
  14. These guys are toast, with the video and witnesses, and their lack of remorse for their actions, they aren't going anywhere for a long while. The one brother might be able to escape some of the charges, based on the fact he isn't the aggressor, but the other brother is on video attacking a uniformed officer. This isn't just going to go away, they are going to make an example of these two knuckleheads.
  15. You seem to conveniently miss the fact that they stole his phone to delete the video he was taking of them, and the fact that he was indeed injured. They can play the victim card all they want, but they're in for a rude awakening. There is no reason to attack the police officer and disarm him in front of witnesses that so far are anything but helpful to their defense.
  16. So they had no licenses to drive in Thailand, rented motorcycles anyways, went speeding past a police officer, refused to stop for the police, were chased by the police officer, then somehow thought that wrestling the officer to the ground and taking his weapon was a good idea? Then they are also charged with trying to bribe the officer to look the other way, which didn't go as they thought it would, which is probably what escalated the situation. "The police officer was attacking them" defense is not going to fly, but nice try. Good luck getting out of jail, maybe Daddy Warbucks can find a higher up RTP officer that he can bribe to let his sons get out of the country, then everyone can declare it all a misunderstanding.
  17. Neither one of these guys has any moral high ground, they are all dirty.
  18. I can think of a lot of stupid things people can do in Thailand, but attacking a police officer and taking his firearm away would be at the very top of that list. The IQ of these two Kiwis combined can't be above 80, there is just no way.
  19. When a whole country is based on corruption and buying your position in life, not based on merit, well this is the outcome.
  20. They also revoked his license to own firearms?! They actually hand these out to foreigners? Or do some officials have a lot of explaining to do?
  21. Best to stay away from pariah, but sure, go kneel and kiss his ring.
  22. As to obtaining a TIN, not sure if my wife did so, but not to my knowledge at least. However, she has filed our Thai Taxes as a married couple with my Pink ID in the Tax ID field for years now. I am on a Non-O (Family) Visa, not PR.
  23. Hopefully France takes note of this, though it seems obvious this issue would happen.
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