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Everything posted by freeworld

  1. The current asylum system (2022) is costing the taxpayer £1.5 billion a year, the highest amount in over two decades. 1.5 billion for 500000 pensioners is 3000GBP each.
  2. Legal challenge by someone based in South Africa was unsuccessful. It seems elected govt members need to be motivated to change this. ''2002 legal challenge Main article: R (Carson) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions In April 2002, writer Annette Carson, a UK pensioner resident in South Africa, challenged the policy in the English High Court under the Human Rights Act 1998, but the judge ruled against her, stating in the judgment that the up-ratings issue was a political one, not a judicial one. An appeal to the Court of Appeal (2003) failed, as did an appeal to the House of Lords (2005) and the European Court of Human Rights (2008).[citation needed] A subsequent referral to the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in 2009–2010 said that it did not consider that the applicants, who were resident outside the UK in countries which were not party to reciprocal agreements, were in a relevantly similar position to residents of the UK or of countries which did have such agreements. It, therefore, held (by eleven votes to six) that there had been no discrimination.[7]''
  3. They could always make use of the emergency part of a hospital until they are settled.
  4. If one did not pay they do not get anything. For legal immigrants this article explains the basics https://www.fool.co.uk/2021/04/01/how-does-the-uk-state-pension-work-for-immigrants/
  5. Well done, shows it is possible.
  6. Nope, not jealous, just pointing out a fact for the many digital nomads or travellers running around the world as something that should be considered. I assume many have not thought it through as you. My home country pension is means tested, ie over a certain amount in savings or home ownership value one gets nothing from govt. Also any govt payment is only within the country, move abroad and one gets nothing. Fortunately took care during my working life to make adequate provision.
  7. So if one pays in at current rates nic 8%, then on a 20000 gbp income that would be approx gbp 1600 gbp×35 years is a total working lifetime payment of 56000gbp. Average life expectancy males is 80 years so 14 years of retirement. So retirees should be getting their money back 56000/14 ie about 4000 gbp per year + a little bit more because of the investment rates. So it seems not so bad that the govt is paying over 221gbp per week if one paid in full nic for 35 years.
  8. This is what asylum seekers are entitled to claim in the UK. https://www.gov.uk/asylum-support/what-youll-get This Daily Mail infogram shows what is affordable on different levels of pension
  9. Happens in the US as well. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-chemical-plant-explosion-sparks-large-fire-evacuation-shelter-pl-rcna124206 https://apnews.com/article/chemical-fire-louisiana-dow-explosion-6bff005d6e34de5e6b2a10151404722c
  10. Like the US ''The United States Government Accountability Office reported more than 150 incidents from 2001 to 2006 of nuclear plants not performing within acceptable safety guidelines"
  11. Sorry sounds harsh but while one sympathises and that they could return to the UK where the govt should take care of them at that age the conditions they are in are solely of their choice. The govt is one thing but one has a personal responsibility to also make private financial arrangements for health and retirement and has a choice to not have ventured to Thailand to reside without considering longetivity and future health and financial requirements.
  12. A lesson to all the digital nomads roaming about the world living in the present and not worrying about the future and retirement money and benefits.
  13. A simple algorithm at the company formations will quickly determine dodgy muliple directorships and alert authorities to investigate before these kinds situations get so bad.
  14. There is plenty of margin for incremental increases, it was the same with the old now hidden departure tax. They start off low so that it is sort of acceptable tax and then start increasing. Note also the narrative has changed from what this tax was originally intended to be raised for.
  15. Yes, this is quite common for a number of years until the necessary knowledge and skills have been acquired.
  16. Usually the US, the French or Russians would be involved in design and supply and construction and training on the plants.
  17. Nonsense. You know there are international comittees of experts that monitor, review, approve and inspect these plants, same with hydroelectric dams.
  18. The 2gb service will need a router with 2.5gb wan/lan ports to connect from the ont to the router. I would think if the service is upgraded to 2GB then the network provider will provide a new router to handle that. Check the details of your existing router. The router name and model number should be on the bottom label. Here is what 3BB provides for that 2GB service
  19. Assume you mean 5G ais network service. Quite costly monthly and you need a 5G sim in a 5G router/phone. https://www.ais.th/en/consumers/package/exclusive-plan/5g-max-experience If you have a 4G sim can go to a network provider and they will change it for a 5G sim with the same number.
  20. You can check on the monthly bill what up and down speed they provide to you. Can also see this info if you go into the router settings. Not necessarily. You probably need a newer type router for eg.True Gigatex Fiber Router Pro (LAN 2.5Gbps) supporting WiFi6 issued by the service provider. I guess you have the network providers ONT on the wall and then one of their routers connected to that. You can check your existing router on the web, the name and model number should be on the bottom of the router.
  21. A good starting point is on the Canadian govt. website. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada.html
  22. Omitted from the article is if the Swede had money to pay his overstay fee for the red stamp in his passport to be let out of the country.
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