I have lived (more than 10 years) in France, Israel and Australia, all three offered free language classes for immigrants. I guess I could find expensive language schools in Bangkok or Chiang Mai but not everyone lives there.
Well, I am still waiting for a Thai Nobel prize or Fields medal. Now it happened a couple of times that a jury of onanists, in Cannes, gave a distinction to Thai movies both deprived of any meaningful story line.
So yes I don't think too highly of Thai history and culture even though I can feel some mild curiosity for it.
It also pretty arrogant to judge the motivation of other people to stay here, maybe they can't leave or just don't want to impose expatriation on their wives and kids..
I think Thailand would have everything to gain by establishing English as an alternative official language. Therefore applicants for long term visa should have a good command of either one or the other.
I find it amusing to read that French posters on a Income Tax Facebook group are having issues in filling in an English tax form.
Good, but every time I check out of Makro I pay over 8000, and we stopped buying their meat as they are "cut illiterate", then we go to tops to find some proper ribeye at 400+ a piece.
The contribution of Chine to the earth environmental needs is absolutely HUGE: strict birth control, EVs, transition to renewable, and now progress on fusion.
With some exceptions two gays could have kids from a previous marriage, and girls can conceive through artificial insemination. I agree also that the legal association of homos should be recognised as marriage.
I really meant "normal lifestyle", the one I had in my previous lives. Now some guys here reinvent themselves, go native, go green or whatever. Western goods won't be cheaper here, and that includes health. Housing and energy are significantly cheaper than in EU or Oz.
Single 2 Million a year,
Married 3M/Y,
Marries 2 kids 4M/Y.
That's normal lifestyle, 200 Sqm House without pool, 2 [Honda] cars, 8 weeks holidays, cleaning lady, DIL as paid [expensive gardener].