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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. The become our problem only when they cross the border to rape, bomb and kill. Once they behave you can take care of them if you wish.
  2. The Goys don't miss out anything they just grab the first opportunity to negate our right to survive as a people.
  3. Yes, an some of you may not have sufficient tax credit on these pensions and where liable to pay some IT in Thailand. RD can go back ten years for those who didn't file tax returns. Never understood that some people didn't "buffer" their income as this was a clear requirement for IT exemption, prior to Jan 1, 2024.
  4. I love this marvellous picture of Thai politics with all the expectant underlings waiting for the boss to drop dead.
  5. Cigna, but offered through my former employer, hence based on a population of 4000 to 5000 members of all age groups.
  6. Oops!.. should have been: "They argued against locking non western tourists based on isolated incidents of misjudgement."
  7. Amazing, mind-boggling, Thailand, when I moved from Non-O Marriage to LTR I had to bring my wife along, because she had to agree with the cancellation of the "Thai Wife" extension.
  8. He was probably a good driver. How could he avoid a parked SUV while texting at 160 Kmh?
  9. Congratulations, I have been on active surveillance for 6 years now, it would be great to do as well a you.
  10. Sorry, I meant Hypo, actually 5 sessions is "extreme hypofractionated".
  11. Thanks for that info I didn't know that hyper fractioned RT was available in Thailand.
  12. For me the pervert is the one who gets turned on by a 40 years old woman. Sex is for reproduction, one shouldn't be attracted by the infertile. Man, old woman, underage, dog, etc..
  13. Dear Sigmund, You, and a few others, remind me of this fable I had to learn in my childhood.
  14. Since it is blatant vote buying we need another Army "intervention".
  15. This sentence shows that you don't know what you are talking about. Being away at the time of doing an annual report exempts you from doing it. Even when you like prior to that deadline it resets the clock to 12 months after your reentry. You'd better shut up and do some some reading.
  16. Sure, it was nice talking to a cranky Goy.
  17. Honestly, being 71, I'd gladly pay 20% of my income if that money benefitted the deserving Thai working class. But we that this isn't possible.
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