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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Switch all your holidays to overseas, thats half a million I wouldn't have to remit to Thailand. And gives the satisfaction of hurting the most cherished industry in Thailand.
  2. Yet another well thought, bullet proof, plan. And I envy the relationship you have with your GF.
  3. Yes, yes, thanks for your study proven by a sample of one, while: "Deaths linked to the clots are even rarer. There have been 72 deaths in the UK after 24.8 million first doses and 23.9 million second doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Dr Alison Cave, the chief safety officer with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency which approves vaccines for use in the UK, said the benefits of Covid jabs outweighed the risks and urged people to come forward for vaccination if they are eligible. She said: “Lisa Shaw’s death is tragic and our thoughts are with her family."
  4. Did you manage to secure one of their private rooms?
  5. No one should panic too much here, the issue with the French DTA is that the text in the French and Thai versions differ. The French version spells clearly that pensions can only be taxed in France while the Thai version, translated into English says that it "may be" taxed in France. The English version has of course no value according to the French as the treaty has only been ratified in the two original languages. This only shows that anything can happen with these DTAs, but that doesn't mean that every single one will be affected by such glitches. On the bright side, and as in the Swiss presentation of a few months ago, the LTR is mentioned twice a exempting that of foreign income remittance. The nice French speaking lady from RD even says their is currently no plan to change that. Yes their was also some other horror, when one of the RD guys said that income from rental properties would be taxed in Thailand wether taxed at the source or not.
  6. Yes, but I'd like to bring to your attention that TRD has decided to slap 7% VAT on small overseas purchases.
  7. Hence the /WP suffix. I was answering a post regarding retirement/marriage options.
  8. Strange, while I have no problem getting my yearly flu vaccines at my hospital. I get sheepish "no haves" when I ask for a Covid booster. Those tempted by this new religion should bear in mind that anti-vaxing can kill.
  9. You can have direct contact with the techies after the formalities with a nice lady at the reception. What the did works and the laptop was available for pickup the next day. But I wonder how the'll cope with some newer Macbooks which are "unupgradable/unrepairable".
  10. Would need to be THB, changers in Thailand will record ID.
  11. Most people don't realise that they are supposed to pay IT on the gift they make, while the wife will be exempt.
  12. Yearly pension of 80000 USD and a decent Health Insurance/Social security.
  13. Dunno what he meant, "unfairly elected", "fairly unelected" or "unfairly unelected". While no one cares..
  14. The mind boggles, this puts Thailand at the level of African countries like Gabon. Under Bongo this sort of things was common place, but 30 years ago.
  15. The decent thing to do is to get theAustralian citizenship for your boy. Easier than what most people think. Did it with minimal effort for both my girls. Australia doesn't re-register births and marriages, so you need legalised translations. I had to show my passport to prove I was in-country at the time of conception for the first one, nothing for the second as we were legally married. Had my passport not been conclusive they would have asked for a DNA test. I want to insist on the importance of giving our Thai children nationalities of decent countries. My kids a nice collection now.
  16. Have fond memories of Phuket, met my wife there 15 years ago. But now I wouldn't go back there, not until they eradicate all these local mafias.
  17. Prehistoric stuff, don't need all this junk in an EV. Good all DC series motor delivers a constant torque. Only problem to solve is to deliver the the high Amps DC current.
  18. Is this a prepaid card? But I am afraid that even large cash withdrawals in an overseas bank might come to the attention to Thai RD, if they really want know. Don't forget it is a declarative system, where penalties can be inhuman when someone gets caught.
  19. Wasn't suggesting to get around it, I was saying that it is/will be very easy to trace ATM withdrawals made by Thai residents.
  20. So why would overseas banks request Thai TINs from their Thai resident customers? They are bound by CRS to disclose any information on request by the authorities of the country of residence. I have been requested to provide a TIN by UBS, and some members here have been requested to do so by their UK bank.
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