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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. He puts his hand on his heart and extends his arm, twice, with "my heart goes out to you". We don't even need to bring Asperger into the picture...
  2. Well, that's definitely true for people "from the left". The others just don't have the IQ.
  3. Oh yes, and he shows how one can deal with Thai bureaucracy: stand your ground, be pleasant, bring along a bilingual Thai third party.
  4. When I emigrated to Australia (1981)I was given unemployment benefits from the date of arrival. Took me six weeks to start paying Tax. But then we were given free English classes, etc.. Citizenship, a mere formality after 3 years of residence.
  5. Bumrungrad gave me a week of Amox, after implant. Agree here with @KhunLA, especially when a Sinus lift is involved.
  6. Nope I read history books at breakfast. "It was a line used by Arthur Calwell in the Australian Parliament when he was Minister for Immigration in the 1940s after World War Two. It was a take on the saying "Two wrongs, don't make a right". Calwell said: "Two wongs, don't make a white" and it was a reference to getting the "right sort" of immigrant into the country. At that time Australia had the "White Australia Policy", which was designed to keep "undesirables" out of the country - which mostly meant Chinese, and other Asians. The White Australia Policy was never written down as a law, it was a policy and procedure for handling applications for immigration. It centred around the notorious dictation test, which could be given in "English, or any European language"."
  7. Thought it was "two Wongs don't make a white" ?
  8. The same apply to you, as you are representative of a tidal wave of extremist idiocy.
  9. Sure but these same Thais may decide to stay in Thailand less then 180 days a year.
  10. He didn't say he's gonna repress sexual deviances he only emphasises that XX or XY define our gender. AFAIAC marriage should require XX & XY. But this leaves the door open for guys shafting each other and possibly adopting their partner's children from another marriage.
  11. Couldn't agree more, but he remains despicable.
  12. Not if you are exempt of compassion. And make sure you pay you 2024 tax. I don't want to feel compassion for you.
  13. Ever heard of "victim compensation" ?
  14. Barbaric post, the purpose of prison is to deprive of freedom, not torture.
  15. Neither, Kennedy, Johnson nor Nixon were accused of war crimes, yet they caused the death or Millions of Vietnamese. War is war, even in the Middle East, and only those who started it are damnable.
  16. Yeah.. M.Mitchell, must have read the great Russian writers. But to be honest I read them too, but didn't write a soft porn novel.
  17. I says "and One Stop Service Center and Work Permit (OSS)", it would therefore become TSS if immigration wasn't to follow... Unless they count stops like abbos count cattle: "one, two, many..", T.I.T.
  18. Not of that in Thailand, for sure.
  19. Ok, don't forget to file a tax return. Next year we'll read about such inhumane incarcerations for failure to do so.
  20. Nonsense, the "extremist Israel policy" are seen within the Jewish community as an indispensable retaliation against the Hamas, who is largely supported by the Gaza community. And I concede tht Millions of Jews regret that the IDF had to intervene, with restraint, once more.
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