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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Mike's efforts are IMHO have shown what is needed to give added value to this forum. I like people who try to structure things.
  2. Sheryl, with 25k a months (300k a year), he will pay zilch. Being 74 he can claim 190000 for being a senior which leaves 140000, 10000 under the threshold.
  3. Yes, the worst hit will be the local economy of Isaan. I have been a fairly reckless big spender, if they tax me it will be for about 800k a year. So I'll keep doing the things I like, but differently of course. But local business will lose that amount, so that's 2 or 3 jobs. Repeat by a few thousands, possibly tens of thousands. I hope people will see who to blame, but I am pessimistic.
  4. Completely, buying a new car will be the first item cancelled by anyone threatened by the new tax rules. Holidays will be shrunk too..
  5. Thanks for giving me schadenfreude, if the worst happens to me I'll be hit only with 23%. And no bureaucratic hassle as I have only pensions..
  6. This will become irrelevant anyway if the the global tax concept goes ahead.
  7. How is that possible when the top bracket is taxed at 35%? Just asking..
  8. Indeed, but extremely annoying. If RD 743 gets rescinded I'll be hit with and 800k Tax bill, not enough to justify 185 days a year away from the family, but an almost impossible amount of savings to achieve while keeping everyone happy and cheerful. Practically less holidays, less western food, no more extensions on the house, only value saving maintenance, keep aging cars, etc. On the bright side I managed to extend my tax free life by another decade, which I didn't expect when I came here. And IMHO I most [pragmatic] people here will follow the same approach, once settled it becomes near impossible to find a better deal elsewhere, even after tax.
  9. That's what all French expats did, just to find out that the Thai version and an unofficial English translation differe from the French version on some key points.
  10. Or council taxes known as "rates" in some parts. Which would raise another interesting point as my wife pays a ridiculous yearly amount like 25 Baht tax and 500 for garbage collection. Used to pay 4000 Euros a year in my previous life.
  11. The problem is that it would make the paragraph of RD743 on the remittance of foreign income irrelevant. Remittance won't be taxed anymore, earning will. Having to rephrase RD 743 may well lead to unpleasant changes.
  12. So this means that the "remittance tax" will never be applicable as they makes this retroactive to this year. So much for all the people who did their planning for 2024.
  13. I see, some kind of a raffle and #218 got you a burger and a joint, yes must be borderline legal.
  14. Maybe you could clarify what would be of interest in these places?
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