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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. I buy from Pulse, 1500 a bottle of 30. Sent by mail. But I use it "on-demand" when I go to Bangkok. Interestingly I start seeing [clever] girls advertising they are on PREP. But we might get a Gon wildfire.
  2. Well, and totally legally, I haven't paid any tax on my income in any country since 1991, and I might even continue to do so. If they hit me, I'll be visiting my family 179 days a year. I'll probably pay tax in France, half the amount I'd be taxed in Thailand, as France taxes the Family income not the individuals.
  3. Not. Have you calculated the amount of tax @MartinBangkok would pay to Thailand, for nothing in return? I have calculated what I would have paid over the past year and came up with a figure of 25%. If I didn't have LTR I'd be gone.
  4. The word is part of my English base vocabulary of about 500 words, but I am gonna download the movie, thanks..
  5. Found this post on the LTR thread, the video seems to confirm that all the little schemes imagined here will not work. No mention of the "gifts", but it is said that whatever money you remit to your MIL, or any other charity, will be taxable. Even my little scheme of remitting every now and then, during years I wouldn't be tax residents would be dismissed. The only way to avoided taxation being the LTR visa. Also for those who are taxed at the source overseas, the paperwork will be daunting, especially for those who have non english paperwork. Enjoy 2024, 2025 will be a nightmare. Or run before next year.
  6. What happened to the good old "sickies"? 5 days a year, considered as extra annual leave, by many.
  7. Someone mentionned Butterflies. Billboard is ok too..
  8. Dunno?... Estimated capacity of lithium-ion batteries placed on the global market in 2020 with forecast for 2021 through 2030 And then some idiotic paradigms persist, such as replacing ICEs by EVs one to one. I'd be glad to replace my CRV with fast speed electric trains combined with rental EVs at the arrival stations.
  9. Your post smells unwoke... Not that I disasmell.
  10. I wonder how the ICE market will move in the next few year. I would be very reluctant to buy a new one these days. I will try to keep my 2 years old CRV for another 10 years, and replace the 5 years old "shopping Jazz" with an EV in 3 to 5 years. I don't think I am an isolated case, so this is very likely to cause a trough in the market. Now I know that many have a childish irrational need to have these noisy, stinking and expensive toys, while I am only buying transportation devices.
  11. You could be right, and if your are it would be better to keep things as they are. Korea has been flooded by Thai overstayers, and I'd hate to see that happen in the Shengen area. On the other hand it will become more and more unpleasant to be a whitey in Thailand.
  12. So say the the dog owners, making "anti social dog owner" a pleonasm.
  13. Are they $hitting inside the car?
  14. So how about the Swiss guy, who kicked the bottom of a not pregnant hiso Thai doctor? Is he going to get 250 Baht and one week suspended prison term?
  15. Ben   Zioner


    The arab French had the limelight for a long time. While the french French, Italians, Germans, Spaniards, etc are good boys. Israelis camouflage under the latter nationalities.
  16. You infer it snak because of some claustrophobic Thai sailor, who wanted to sleep with the windows open. Almost typed open widows.. But that's my ADHD, which isn't good for combat duties either. But can be helpful for quick appraisal of situations.
  17. It does, for the news reporting, at least for the past three weeks.
  18. Unless the "wealthy Farang" dines in seedy beer bars, this has never happened. I dine a lot in mid range places like Wine Connection, Monsoon, Fuji or Laem Charoeng and you can take my word that in these places any waitress venturing into sitting down with a lone customer would be shown the door before shift end.
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