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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Well, at 71 temptation is a sign of good health. I can't see any reason to resist it.
  2. Yeah, yeah just down my lane there are at leat half a dozen of public land encroachment cases... But Farang got his Chanote and respects the Law. No motorbike takes the U-turns, as they should, and drive against the traffic for kilometres.. What else? You can be absolutely certain that every single one of these righteous Thai citizens, who are supposedly going to demonstrate on the beach, breaks the law on a daily basis.
  3. Yep, when in Rome do as the Romans do, these foreigners, just like Thais, think they can do whatever suits them.
  4. Probably the same scam as the dog charities. They can raise huge amounts from overseas donators and the money as they like. probably 40% for themselves, 40% to facilitate their stay, and 20% for dogs or elephants...
  5. Rutnin in Bangkok gives me a better service that the ophthalmologist I used to see in Geneva. And he was considered a one of the best.
  6. Naah.. No worries, they leave it there, just to nullify the effect of Paw 161 for certain kind of people, mostly Thai.
  7. That's the new withholding tax on foreign remittances. Will be credited to your income tax next year. No worries...
  8. Thai economists are special, more inactivity to boost growth. Novel. Or is it that the commies have taken over.
  9. Well, just try to fly in at Don Muang, and you'll go through 3 levels of hierarchy before they let you in.. It is a subtle mix on incompetence and xenophobia...
  10. They are gastronomical indeed, but I won't give up a good steak either. Please don't tell my sister.
  11. Reckon it is the former, from the talk about the proof documents and their translation/certification about 20 minutes from start.
  12. Great, let's turn Thailand into the "Hub of Economic Confidence".
  13. Not Elite, LTR. Not same. But Elite holders are so rich that they won't care, as they will use only their savings.
  14. Great to hear from the "Horse's" mouth that LTR holders are exempt from foreign sourced Income Tax.
  15. Indeed, and this is why you, as many of us, are going to pay income tax next year.
  16. Shining example of great [Phuket] police work...
  17. Funny this emotional debate between ICE and EV. I'll use whatever gets me from A to B. But I'll wait another 3 years, at least, before I buy an EV.
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