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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Oh I am sure of that, as I am rather short and wiry, with dark receding hair...
  2. Not in my house mate.. But, but you can't be serious.
  3. Yep, keep your ICE and buy and EV for shopping, or any shorter trips that don't require charging. That's how I see "Hybrid", keep it simple and stupid.
  4. Well, my wife's friends are nicely educated but unfortunately quite intolerant to Farang comments about the extremely sorry state of their country. So repeat events become rare. I miss, because the bar talk with fat, pink, workers class Farangs is rather low IQ.
  5. OMG, that's an invasion, now I can see why Thais are so worried about us being here.
  6. A solid case in point. Develop awareness. Thailand is a bloody dangerous place. 40 years ago when getting a Thai visa Canberra we got warned a bout drugs and the export of Buddha images, now the list of "do not" things would probably fill a couple of A4s.
  7. Well, if someone qualified on the basis of a USD 80000 pension, isn't the likelihood of a straightforward renewal quite high?
  8. I thought they've had OTOP for 40 years, Patpong, Soi Cowboy, Nana...
  9. This settles it, I am not going to go to Samui, Koh Chang, Langkawi, maybe Tioman...
  10. Yep, this has been my policy, for all Thai services... Bargain ruthlessly through the various platforms and never review, if asked I refer to the Seaview scandal, and explain that any good review of a Thai entity can be suspected of having been written under duress, hence useless.
  11. Reading this I felt like finding out how much better modern aircraft are and googled B707 vs A321. "If you take the B707–320 B, it burns 2.5 times as much fuel as the A321neo per hour. If you then take the number of passengers into account (189 for the 707 compared to 220 for the 321neo), the fuel consumption per passenger of the B707–320 B is 2.9 times that of the A321neo"
  12. But I like that part of the conclusion, I'm gonna panic. "The evidence overwhelmingly supports the COVID-19 vaccine's effectiveness in mitigating the morbidity and mortality related to the COVID-19 disease in pregnant and non-pregnant individuals. The widespread acceptance and proven safety of mRNA vaccines during the COVID 19 pandemic have opened doors for other mRNA therapies. While gene therapy, particularly mRNA-based treatments, shows promise, research on its perinatal delivery is still emerging. Prenatal therapy can be advantageous, as it offers early disease intervention and reduced immunogenicity. In experiments with pregnant rats, LNPs successfully delivered various mRNAs, including one potentially useful for treating fetal anemia. Although introducing mRNA to the foetus may pose potentially plausible risks, it may also have biologically plausible benefits. The potential of mRNA-based interventions in addressing maternal and fetal health issues is profound. Such Journal Pre-proof insights could substantially advance the crafting of safer and more effective mRNA-based therapies during pregnancy."
  13. I am pretty sure you didn't go to Northern Italy in early 2020. Or anywhere to nearby France a couple of months later. Dunno UK, but I think they ended up short of hospital begs too. And of course all these people (RIP), who died lying of their tummies were just the biggest hoax ever. Please AN do something about these post Covid threads, there is some entertaining manure but the stench can get overwhelming. IMHO topics like this one should be vetted by a qualified moderator.
  14. So they are embalming "living people"? You are so entertaining...
  15. You are joking, aren't you? Or you haven't heard of Covid 19?
  16. So, basically if a body decays after death it is because of the mRNA vaccine. Amazing.
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