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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. They created the LTR visas which make life a lot easier for people on higher incomes with proper health cover. Isn't this making perfect sense from the Government's point of view? IMHO authorities see people on yearly extensions as having a poor cost, benefit, risk ratio.
  2. If you give this to immigration they'll end up at the immigration office...
  3. But these numbers are excellent.. Why worry then? Also you've been very present here the past couple of months [thanks], in my previous life some colleagues requested these to keep in shape.
  4. Ask your doctor to increase your dosage slightly.
  5. Here is the price in decent restaurant, real lobster bear in mind that half a kilo is a small lobster, so 2500...
  6. Obviously you have no idea, 4000 baht, doesn't give you lobster, if you wanted it you'd probably double that figure and than you'd wonat better wine, so good 12k for a nice dinner for two. But for someone used to dine out in Geneva it is acceptable. Tourist paying 60 baht for food aren't tourists, they are dodgy backpackers, but mind you, the Thais aren't too keen of having them here.
  7. No tourist will have 60 baht meals At Savoy in Patong I used to pay 4000 to 5000 for two. Delicious fresh seafood it was though.
  8. Never been in a 500 baht hotel. But yes Spain has Youth Hostels. Just as Pukhet has hotels at 200 Euros a night.
  9. 15 years ago Phuket wasn't any cheaper then Spain, and definitely more expensive than Turkey, Tunisia or Portugal. How could it be better now? And there will be a reckoning once Bangla won't be a competitive advantage anymore.
  10. Breath test before boarding and ban all alcohol on board. At least for pink people with red or blond hair.
  11. Yes I/we had to do it in the good old times when getting "Thai wife" extensions. My lady said that some people are just unable to read a map as there is something like an "information overload", their brains can't handle it. In 10 years of daily on-line purchases, out of all delivery services, only Ikea made use of GPS coordinates, and just called the night before to make an appointment. All the others make 5 phone calls and get the wife to explain step by step to get to the house.
  12. Why are these people coming to Thailand? Need plenty of dough to have a life here.
  13. Mind you, I am not prejudiced either, but the best Farangs are to be found in Chiang Mai.
  14. By now you should have understood that for the Thais the money flows always from Farang to Thai, like rivers flow from the mountains to the sea. Giving Thai prize money to a Farang would be therefore against one of the founding principles of the Thai universe. But no Thai Nobel prize, so far. either...
  15. Well that's definitely the way to manage a country. Being someone who never traveled without a robust insurance I just don't get why the Thai taxpayer should foot the bill for idiot foreign tourists.
  16. Makes total sense, we need to remind the gutless west who actually started the war and causes the death of tens of thousands of Palestinians.
  17. Just deep, not very deep, there is a famous wreck off La Ciotat, "Le Donator", where you reach the bow at forty at 40 meters, and every one proceeds through the holds to the propeller at 51 meters, dived it twice. Thousands of divers a year. So many that at my second dive the boat couldn't moor and we did our decompression drifting, but they picked us up in the right spot. There is also "Le Togo" which lies at 60 meters, which I didn't dive, but it is quite popular, and most people dived it on air, until the mixes became available for amateurs. But yes 50 meters in the lake gets a bit risky, as the regulators must cope with the cold, so does your body when wearing a wet suit, and it is pitch dark so panic can set in more easily, and .. kills. And we used to say "there aren't any good divers, only surviving divers".
  18. Must be SIL, she moved to Korea 12 years ago, now is married to a Korean taxi driver and shows off her Korean passport on Facebook. Quite a young lady. Just hope she's gonna get the baby she dreams off. Sorry totally off topic.
  19. Strange, I thought he'd say that the 10000 Baht bribe would turn him into the Universal Debt Fixer. There was another thread somewhere about the RD buying 1000 black motorbikes to collect that money from foreigners.
  20. I think so, in the definition of unearned income and the composition of the 250000 USD investment for those who don't meet the pension requirement. But can't say anything for sure as I don't have the first hand experience having gotten the visa on the base of my pension only. I think @Misty , @Pib or @oldcpu could be more helpful.
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