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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Was ok so far, but managing my 17 AN identities becomes stressful, at times.
  2. The first time I saw two guys shucking each other in a movie, was "Brokeback mountain", been watching "Band of Dudes", again and again, ever since. Wokeism has strange ways of getting to us.
  3. Dear OP, you are not allowed to state openly your respectable sexual preferences while ageism and anti-semitism are well tolerated..
  4. At 300 Baht per arrival, the 280000 USD bill of the gentleman would require about 25000 arrivals.
  5. Good move, as Rolls-Royce engine disintegrate in mid air.
  6. This makes sense. If it is a rationalisation effort and they retire some of their legacy fleet.
  7. Yep, it is what I call a paint job. Wokeish pretension of being "one of them"
  8. What a lame excuse, Euros have always been considered as counterfeit by the brits.
  9. Ukraine in reverse, in other words.
  10. Obviously they gave thought only to the entry part of the process. They'll look into the exit part in a couple of years.
  11. I can't believe that your post got "sad" and "confused" emoticons. If you leave your children near a Buddhist or Catholic priest they stand a good chance to get abused. This was revealed once they looked into the the catholic clergy. The reason, IMHO, being the hypocritical requirement of celibacy of these two religions.
  12. I would expect the typical retired UK middle manager to bridge that gap with a private pension. Look at @topt 's post.
  13. Fairy nuff. But the word "wealthy" associated to my visa makes me chuckle. I am totally "educated workers class". I reiterate: anyone from EU/US who keeps his life under control and studies/works hard until normal age of retirement would meet the LTR requirements. The reason why BOI don't get that many candidates is probably because most people in that group won't see much incentive in moving to Thailand. Many of my friends back home have a rather negative view of Thailand.
  14. Dunno what you mean by "pretty well off". LTR, with an 80000 USD pension plus health cover requirement. It is for anyone who had a middle management career and retired at the "normal age", as defined by their pension funds. That's my case and there are probably 50 Million of other people in that situation in Europe alone.
  15. This is from Mazars report of the event: "However, if the income is eligible for tax exemption under the general rules, such income from abroad will not be subject to tax under DI. Paw. 161. For example, income regarded as a gift from parents, descendants, or spouses in an amount not over Baht 20 million per annum is exempt from personal income tax." So I can gift my earnings, tax free, to my beloved, who will then take care of the family. Too good to be true, unless they want to catch only single single foreigners who are boombooming around in the bar world. Might have to do something to make it "regarded as" though..
  16. Yeah, my "friend" is still in jail for having an illegal Kamagra gel in his pocket...
  17. Looks like French farmers can afford holidays to Thighland.
  18. Even in Malaysia I can have a late lunch, at 3 pm, and get wine and beer served. And this for the same price as in the Tourist hub. BTW I see Penang and Kuala Lumpur as a much more competent "hubs" than any place in Thailand.
  19. I can remember the Koh Chang Seaview case when Tripadvisor (or Booking), put up a banner on the Property's page warning patrons that the hotel sued for a negative report. Interestingly the hotel has a different name now.
  20. I have stopped making any review for any goods or services in Thailand since the Koh Chang Seaview case 4 years ago. But the next level in Thai idiocy will be to sue for not writing a review.
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