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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. My idea is that the French Rafale, second hand, would be perfect for Thailand. While Nato should force France to buy at least 100 F35s. EU countries with Britain should operate at least 500 those.
  2. Doubt they they would do so back in Moscow. I assume they are Russian, as no Aussie or Brit would do such thing. On the other hand they may have just wanted to teach a lesson to the genitals deniers.
  3. Went to Penang, last year. Beats Phuket or Pattaya by miles. Georgetown is lovely. Nice an civilised English speaking locals.
  4. There have been several attempts, but they all get diluted with drivel and posters bounce back here. There is one by @Mike Lister that remains useful, just. One topic on Tax agents could be helpful too, but would require tight moderation as well. I think the Tax issue is quite serious and this forum could be useful, but is seems that most posters don't think so.
  5. Not sure about that, Yahweh is egalitarian while Buddah isn't... But seriously, there are two schools of thought here; those who believe that expats are the target, while others claim that RD wants to nail affluent Thai dodgers. What happens to RD 743 will give us an indication.
  6. I do is slightly differently; early January I have transferred my 2023 pension, which is non taxable because of Paw. 162 and RD 743. But in 2025, 206, 2026, if RD. 743 gets repealed, I'll transfer 1.5 M a year, which would then generate 150k to 200k of income tax, instead of 750k if I transferred my whole pension. 2028 would then become a sabbatical in Vietnam or Malaysia depending on my health/demise. I wouldn't mind paying these 150k, as they would be a fair contribution, make me look a good boy and keep my local RD office happy. And @mrmagyar I din't get a TIN but I have now a Thai ID with a number that can be used when dealing with the RD. I didn't want to go to the RD to look like an idiot sheep volunteering unduly to the slaughterhouse.
  7. Surprisingly no one mentioned it yet, could it be the drip?
  8. Where do you get that from? And this was covered by OP: "I have some "<deleted> you" money and slowly planning to build a huge mansion in middle of rice fields. "
  9. Revenue department will be happy, a lot of that money will be taxed at 35%. Otherwise I have never heard of sinkholes in Issan.
  10. What's amazing is that you can probably build it for 3 to 5 Million USD. Image the this in Los Angeles.
  11. Go for a dive, if you feel a sharp pain above your eyes keep descending until it stops. When resurfacing your mask will fill with blood and slime, but your sinusitis will be gone for years. It worked for me. But of course compensate your ears, blasted ear drums are no joke.
  12. Maybe, implementing a reporting period that is determined by the visa type is just too mind boggling for a Thai IT graduate. I have a mental picture their code with "90" hard coded all over the place.
  13. And yet you chose to live in the countryside???
  14. Funny that guy, I vaguely remember his early video on this topic, he was saying "don't worry to much", and now he says "even DTA may not work". But unfortunately I have to agree with him as regards LTR, so I did my planning to minimise my tax until 2028. Then I intend to re-plan while not being tax resident. BTW has he some business interest derived from the Elite program? Also he doesn't seem to have read the 1979 immigration act, where 34.7 and 35.6 give BOI the leeway for the LTR.
  15. The only thing Israel is worried about are its gutless western "allies".
  16. Nope, democracy it would be if he became PM before the end of the month.
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