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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Ok, right, but 90 is a "farm boy" IQ, let's say that the others are "dumb farm boys".
  2. I'd love to have one, just tell me where? And it would probably involve another trip to Bangkok.
  3. But, this can be explained by one of the lowest average IQ in the world.
  4. Seriously? I thought it was the easiest visa to get; showed my pension, showed my health insurance and got my letter of approval. The only extra was that immigration wanted the nod from my wife as I had to cancel my Thai wife extension. Really, it was like one hour on my computer and 90 minutes at Chamchuri. Didn't even need to report my address as I had a holiday abroad.
  5. 2 or 3 days... Hope they replace the mattress.
  6. Here you are. Was recommended to me by a Korean supporter in 2002.
  7. Good, to make everyone happy, the pot shops are going to close, and you can have street food.
  8. So what's next? Beef? Frakked up world we're living in, don't we.
  9. Is this one of two poorly [to be polite] acted, wingeing, wailing, Thai series my wife is watching?
  10. Are you sure? I have been cautious and kept seasoning my income, but I am not certain seasoning is required. As per RD 743.
  11. "Single-handedly", at least you are aware that you can't conceive through onanism.
  12. Hmmmhhh being a decrepit old 71 old bugger, I still worship regularly the Nana Plaza virgins. There is no age...
  13. What? The UTI was a very simple case, dad laughing all the way to the doctor. The masturbation ceased almost completely a few years later once I got my hands under a few miniskirts. Weren't we real men? No diluted sexual identity then.
  14. Well, AFAIC, this guy, being a monk, is just fine, masturbating is healthy, as far as one washes his/her hands, before and after. When I was 10 they didn't tell me and I got a UTI.
  15. Not sure anyone is subservient. Most are just waiting to find out how painful it will be be, and start thinking about alternatives if it is just too much. The real idiots would be those planning to move to Thailand during the next 2 or 3 years. While they could just enjoy two or three 25 weeks tax free holidays.
  16. Don't like your wording. I haven't paid income tax since 1991, but I have never "failed" to do so, I didn't have to. Until retirement my wages weren't taxable, than here I used the defunct seasoning rule, and since November 2022 I am under the LTR Visa regime. If that changes I'll minimise my burden by using pre 2024 savings and the 179 days rule, if I am still fit to do so. Did I do anything wrong? absolutely not, I did my duty as a tax payer: be aware of the rules and used them to your best advantage.
  17. You and many others, for various reasons. And not only pensioners PIT will hit others groups, such as digital nomads. And beyond PIT cost of living, health care requirements, etc will nullify Thailand's attractiveness.
  18. Empty lives; been through a lot of excitement during my 71 years but nothing beats having children. Even sex feels better when trying to conceive.
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