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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Sidegra (Viagra) 4x100mg costs 200 Baht in a good pharmacy. What is the price of the "street" product?
  2. Did you reboot yourself or did you call the service guy to do it?
  3. Yeah.. The Met alone could easily fill a week too.
  4. What fascinates me is all those wokeidiots coming to Thailand for their holidays.
  5. Not so, on September 18 I have been given a convincing incentive to take all my holidays overseas.
  6. That's exactly what Tsahal has been doing. But tell me where are are Hamas' leaflets? The shoot rockets into Israel every day.
  7. You know as well as I do, that most of them were doomed from the onset. They have become martyrs the second they were taken. Now it is time to eradicate the menace. Palestinians lives have no value when it is time to protect ours.
  8. I think Israel showed too much restraint, after that barbaric pogrom we should have bombed Gaza into oblivion. Acting fast before the West got weak once more, so predictably, would have had secured our future. Now I am worried.
  9. Obviously not, you have posted BS that was mathematically grossly incorrect, which makes you an idiot, just as if this was your own excrement.
  10. So according to you, "A single A4 paper is 0.0193 cubic meters (0.02 m x 0.297 m x 0.0007 m).", an A4 is two centimetres wide. You wrote two hundredths of a metre, hence two centimetres. Also, I doubt you print on paper that's nearly one millimetre think. The only thing you got right is the length.
  11. Your math totally sucks. Or you just have invented the narrow A4. Maybe Immigration wants us to submit our application on telex reels as of Jan 1?
  12. I can't stop from overcomplicating things, but I'll tell you what I did. For earnings/savings prior to 2023 I have moved for one part to Thailand, one part to a Swiss bank account that, for now, shows only that single credit, and left some funds in another UBS account to feed credit and debit cards. At the first business day of 2024 I'll move all my 2024 earning to my Thai FCD. This should allow me to ride out the storm until 2028. But I might be overly cautious as I have an LTR visa...
  13. You need a biopsy, the lesions revealed by the MRI will be targeted, but they will also do some random sampling. If a small gleason 6 tumour is revealed just go on AS. Happened to me 6 years ago.
  14. So, which one is you? But you'd benefit of an "easy to read" version of yourself. Occasionally.
  15. Are there enough Shinawatras around to have a government entirely staffed by that family? I can see now why they want our pension money so badly.
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