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Middle Aged Grouch

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Everything posted by Middle Aged Grouch

  1. All over Europe or UK, the political mafia is freezing pensions and not adapting them to inflation. It is all the more angering andenraging, considering the trillions of dollars handed out blindly to Ukraine and it's highly corrupt bureaucracy.
  2. I could be wrong, but very often a majority of problems are caused mainly by female immigration staff. But I feel bad saying this as it sounds sexist and I am absolutely not one of those.
  3. Another careless or reckless biker ? Another idiotic farang couple thinking no end of themselves and thinking they can dodge and manage in the reckless and chaotic Thai roads with some fancy car, perhaps rented to show for a week ? Hard to say. Nobody can really tell for either side. Hope the bike fellow recovers fast. p.s. always have a dashcam in Thailand and even better, always be ready to film when dealing with any administratif person behind à counter should it be a bank, immigration or whatever. There seems to be lot of social anger against all farangs who come over, with some social media exhibitionnists loving to flashing their fancy hires cars, money and clothes.
  4. Does it have wi-fi control so that you can run the unit now and then when you are away during the hot summer months of Thailand ? When absent for many months, always a good idea to turn it on now and then to keep it in shape and also to air the place and reduce humidity. Of course if you have somebody of trust to come over, that's fine, But as I personnaly don't feel confortable to let Tom-Dick-Harry or Somchai come over to my place when I am not there, I prefer to have a wifi enabled unit and to check it via CCTV that costs around 1800 THB for a small table unit that can tilt-pan-zoom.
  5. The LTR visa scheme for working or retired candidates, started on a good intention and was elaborated by intelligent people. But involving Immigration Office was a mistake as they will do everything to harass the candidates and ask for the idiotic documents to be translated etc. Why ask for a bank statement for instance, if they get say a certified translated and notorised statement from the pension fund institution, cetifying the pension amount paid monthly ? This is just one exemple of many, on how the Immigration office is harming all the intelligent incentives to encourage the good spenders to come to Thailand. Why do the top level respected political members not do something to stop all this rubbish ?
  6. America is really messing up global prosperity, stability and social peace in supporting genocides or imposing absurd sanctions.
  7. Also noticed the price increase in Hua Hin. Use social media to get private drivers offering rides for far cheaper rates all over.
  8. What is it with all these foreigners tourists expats comming to Thailand and trying to show their thainess and do things they would not even dream back home ? But the main fault is with the Thai police who just does not enforce the helmet rule and other road rules towards all - locals or foreigners.
  9. Many of these tatooed types are under steroids that gain muscle bran but loose their mental brain.
  10. It is sad to see falangs having to pay for company.
  11. In most crimes petty or heinous, it need the involvement of 2 to be committed. The culprit and unfortunately the victim.
  12. Thanks to the americains and all the crap they are supporting, creating or financing in east europe or the middle east, all speculations are open to the deep sea damage of the internat link cable. It also shows us how vulnerable we have made ourselves in putting all the eggs of high tech internet in the same basket or rather the same deep sea cables. Time to think above the box and develop back up with satelite links open to the public with no extra price hikes.
  13. Has that german scumbag been apprehended and jailed in the ladyboy unit of the prison for 30 years ?
  14. Get a giant milk cow...don't laugh guys....me folks had one back home and belive me when you fell face to face with that horned giant, who would always make it a point to charge and mow loudly at strangers, she was the best cow-guard ever !!! 😁
  15. Oh please guys...no shortage of gals in Thailand. Just that to hit on one that will service your willy with no second thoughts on your cash...that's the real challenge, not to pick up a girlie at a shop or a at the food court !!
  16. In that 7 Eleven near Nana BTS, there are a bunch of real fine hotties...I asked one of them out and she said No of course, but when I was turning to leave, she added that if I really wanted to meet her, I would have to try next evening after her shift at the Thermae bar down the road....oh yes, it's a freelancer bar !!!! 🤪
  17. Sure the Thai banks will start to expand and increase their cash flow...starting by increasing the bank fees for all those awful farangs and their huge amounts of money they bring in !!!! And of course, saving account high interest only for Thai, no for phalang...Farang only bring money and that's it. But I sincerely hope I am wrong in this rather trivial statement ?
  18. Apart from innocent but naive tourists, who takes those touristic traps know as tuk tuks ?
  19. Everybody with a brain gets to struggle at some point in Thailand. No matter if rich or poor. Struggles with the greedy local in-laws. The inefficient and excessive red tape and bureaucracy of the Immigration offices. Various handymen or service technicians who either overcharge or just do not know the job. Crooked real estate managers or developpers who do not do their job and just try to squeeze out as much money as they can from the foreigner. Crooked taxi or tailor cheats who will overcharge or who will outsource the work with crappy jobs: Watch out also how some tailors in Bangkok or Hua Hin do the cloth quality trick,. They will show the material unstiched which will be of decent quality but the cloth used will be another very similar of lower grade. Often done in making suits. Getting ripped off with the taxi or tuk tuk cheats refusing the meter... Restaurants that cheat on the bill...and so on
  20. What on earth is wrong with all these foreigners who become totally mad, stupid and crazy in Thailand. To much booze ? drugs ? both ? God knows. Such "fine quality" tourists give a bad image of all foreigners in the Kingdom. England should step forward and request a warrant and have the bloke deported and jailed once back in the UK.
  21. Sure, as the USA needs to sell more of it's weapons to finance even longer wars all over the world and mainly in Ukraine. While millions of americans are living on the threshold of poverts on the streets of NXC, LA, Detroit, New Orleans..... ole Biden is trying to get more budget extensions from Congress to finance his buddy in Kiev. So the best guilable are the NATO members who have to shell out hefty billions to be part of the club.
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