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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Same reason why so many Expats here are left wingers and support Labor in Aust/UK, Dems in USA, and Woke Libs in Europe. And I also notice a lot more Expats here support Ukraine and Hamas/Gaza. The reason is they are mostly 'life's losers' (not all, but many) and as you said many have a 'dubious' past. The fact of life is that if you go to the lowest GDP area in any modern city anywhere in the world, the majority of people there vote left wing, and if you go to the affluent areas they vote right wing. That is not to say that all Expats living here are the troubled ones, and a lot depends on where you are when observing them - it varies depending on where you are looking.
  2. Get a life mate. I read the first OP and responded. Sure the guy advised 3 posts later that he did not want a laptop - but I had already replied. BESIDES his 'User Specs' were - quote "I mostly use it for downloading movies, Google searches and emails, no gaming, etc etc" On that basis I do recommend a laptop that he can move around the house/flat and even take it somewhere with him - DUH - he aint a gamer. Buy a name brand machine already configured and setup - and make it a laptop - that is my advice.
  3. The Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA) predicts .................. another load of total khrapp. Just like TAT counting border crossings with Malaysia, Cambodia and Laos as 'visitors'. Russian tourism will drop a lot this year because the war will be ended soon. Sth Koreans dont view Thailand like they used to, and the countries are in dispute over Thais being blocked from entering Sth Korea. India - fair enough - they are growing big time as world travelers. But the reality is that those Indians with money go to Dubai, Singapore, Europe etc. Those with less money come to Thailand and Vietnam - but not many come back twice - except those visiting Pattaya. China will continue to be the dominant source of tourists - but are they true 'quality' tourists coming now/future. Plus of course there were two places that Chinese escaped Mao - Taiwan and Thailand. There are a LOT of Chinese people entering Thailand every year for business and to visit family and friends, but TAT counts them all as 'visitors' - same as all the Malays doing the same down south. IMO if TAT could count all the illegals entering Thailand, they would also count them as visitors - maybe they do?
  4. You are a grumpy old man Bob - and getting grumpier - and more trolling. Leave and go to The Philippines - give it a go for a while - and give us a break. Dont call me - I will call you.
  5. What the debate and how people have reacted afterwards, has yet again showed me is that those supporting the Dems are truly 'committed' to their cause. Despite all the negatives of the last 4 years, and Biden being obviously incompetent as a POTUS, and that he is also incapable of coherent thoughts and debate, the left will still support their man as they run like lemmings over the political cliff 😆 As with many right wingers, I grew up one day and realised my 'University attitude' to life and politics, was totally wrong and completely irrational. As they said - if you vote right when young, you have a hard heart, but if you vote left when mature, then you have a soft head. There are a lot of soft-headed people these days and they are incapable of rational thinking - and those showing support for Biden are clearly 'lost'. Congrats to those that know and have said Biden should go - you may be left wing, but you have a rational mind - it is obvious Biden is not going to be elected. The best thing you can do is hold back (dont vote) and wait for the inevitable 'righting of the ship' as those in control of the Dems (Clintons, Pelosi, etc.) are removed from leadership and the Party takes a new direction, after the massive defeat that is coming their way. That lady who left the Dems said it best - she said she is leaving because the Dem Party has been taken over by radical far-left activists and is being manipulated by those who want power and whose supporters profit from wars.
  6. Good for you - now p-off to Pattaya/Jomtien. Only there will an old monger Sexpat looking for young girls not get dirty looks.
  7. Seems to me that there are two very possible scenarios. There is one senior cop that is totally corrupt and all the rest of them are clean and are trying to get rid of him before he becomes the top dog. OR One cop is trying to clean out the police system that is endemically corrupt, and they are trying to get rid of him before he becomes the top dog. Based on my observations since 2012, the Police system is endemically corrupt and always has been corrupt. Therefore, logic states that it is one cop trying to clean out the dirty cops, who are trying to get rid of him before he becomes their boss. Obviously.
  8. I did - because unlike most lefty loonies who think they are, quote :- "a more intelligent superior opponent" - I actually have a life. Looks like my attempts to cure your ailment has failed - obviously it was not worth the effort.
  9. All good - but up to the OP how he does it - as a self-confessed IT luddite he is better off buying brand model as is.
  10. Go to Pattaya/Jomtien where you belong, and where 18-20 year olds are available at a price. If/when you settle down, then maybe go to Hua Hin and find a nice older woman (ideally without any kids).
  11. Sorry if it took you a while to write those posts - I just laughed at them very quickly - you proved my points. We agree that we disagree - OK then - on with the day ahead.
  12. I have used Wise to transfer money from Australia into Thailand for years – they are good, quick and usually the best price. They recently changed their login ‘security’ options for laptops, and this is for those who may have had the same problems I had. I access all financial and government organisations in Australia using my safe and secure laptop with VPN, with the 2nd level security being an SMS sent to my Aust mobile. In Thailand my Aust service is ‘roaming’ and connects to the AIS mobile network – I have data services off, so only SMS and calls are available. Whenever I need to login I have the Aust SIM in a spare phone and I get the SMS codes that way (it is always off until needed). Wise Australia decided to force all Users to download and use their App for all 2nd level verification when logging in using a laptop. For the last few weeks when logging in, a popup said I must install the App - but I just skipped that, and then I would get an SMS. Meanwhile I was emailing Wise, asking if there is another way to verify my logins besides the App, as I was overseas. After many to’s and fro’s via emails (their only method to talk now), it was clear that the Wise ‘person’ did not read/understand my issue (AI Help?). All the numbers I had to call (and used before) were closed and a recorded message on all of them said ‘login for help’. It took a while but eventually I found their new Call Centre number for SEAsia (+61 1800 549 837) which is in India/Malaysia I think. Once I was finally able to get the message through that I did not want to use my mobile phone, but preferred my laptrop and SMS, I was given a ‘solution’. The only ‘solution’ is to download and use the App to login, and then remove the App as a login method (ridiculous but it is all they have). Download and install the App on a smartphone. Login using the App – you will need the SMS code for the first time. Logout. Here is the ridiculous thing about this ‘security’ rubbish using the App. After doing that above, all I needed to login on the phone was the App and name/password – no 2nd level verification. But the laptop still required an SMS plus App verification (3 levels). How the hell is the App more secure?? The app was loaded onto my Thai phone using a Thai network – it could be done anywhere in the world. The next step is to log back in using the App – name and password only needed ☹ Go to settings in the App and delete the App as the 2nd level verification. Logout from App. Delete the App and all data. Login using the Laptop – you will again need an SMS code after entering name/password. Once logged in on the Laptop, go to settings and confirm SMS is the default 2nd level verification. Logout - all is Done. There are millions of mobile phones stolen every day – and many end up in the hands of hackers and scammers. There is no way I want my phone to have details of all my financial and banking logins – especially in Thailand. Sure many of the stolen ones are blown away and resold - but the security risk is real and it does happen. And here in Thailand the banking organisations will not usually refund your money – because they don’t have to (unlike in the west). Apparently, your stolen phone is just the start of your problems. - ASEAN NOW Community Pub - Thailand News, Travel & Forum - ASEAN NOW
  13. It is always a hit and miss operation using the booking sites for airlines and hotels. They all have good deals and bad deals at different times, and they all 'cheat' to get the business - but I must say I found Agoda the biggest 'cheaters'. They keep your IP and when you go back again they often put their pricing up. I once had the same hotel on the same day open, using the big three booking sites each in their own tab, using 3 separate devices all using different IP addresses - they all had different pricing. There is no answer as to when to book - they all use their algorithms to change their pricing all the time, because we all try to get their best deal. There is no best time or best day anymore - you get lucky or you dont. I use one mob for hotels and they give me deals and discounts for being loyal. I use skyscanner and momodo to compare airline rates and then book direct.
  14. Or maybe something worse - dementia is digging itself in deeper and deeper?? Either way - not interested in reading its rubbish.
  15. They got sick of the ridiculous rates being charged by AOT?
  16. IMO - due to the very slack consumer laws in Thailand - you should buy a brand laptop from an approved certified supplier of the brand. If you get a lemon and things go wrong, Somchai in the mall shop may help you, but he may not. Buy from a dealer/store and you have warranty. Never throw away the box it came in - assume it is going to break down and buy with that in mind. Dell, Lenovo, HP, Acer seem to be around in Thailand. Pick a model that fits your needs and that they can supply direct (and support).
  17. Golf Umbrellas are the best. They are built strong and can handle the wind with vents built in - and they also protect against the sun. This is not for the OP - for others thinking the same about umbrellas.
  18. And next month Srettha will announce that Thailand is going to build a Space Station platform that both NASA and SpaceX will use 🤣
  19. Woke liberal thinking means your cognitive bias demands absolute proof that anything against your believed narrative is wrong. And yet you quote dubious sources like NPR as 'proof' of your own beliefs - which I easily debunked in your last post with 2 mins research. Musk has done all that I stated - facts - research is the open mind's best method to find the truth - try it beyond NPR and CNN etc.
  20. One of the top Police Officers is on social media criticising the PM and threatening to take him to NACC. The PM himself is facing a Court case against him that could result in him being forced to resign. The popular vote winning MFP Party was not allowed to form Government. The Leader of the MFP is facing being sacked and banned from politics for 10 years (they tried to ban him for a media shares technicality). A past PM has returned to the country with a slap on the wrist, and is now working behind the scenes doing who knows what. And so many other political and economic issues are infesting Thailand's leaders as they squabble for power and control post Junta. All while the economy is slowly falling down all around them. And the Military is quietly watching and waiting to see what happens. Who knows where this will all lead. Will there be a civil revolt if Pita is sacked and banned. Will the coalition fall apart if Srettha is sacked. Will the Red and Yellow teams start fighting again. What is going to happen if this all goes to pieces yet again - another military coup? Is it any wonder the economy is in tatters and foreign investment is not returning to Thailand. Meanwhile they are pushing for another few million cheap Charlies from China, India etc. to come and visit with some success. But the local tourism business are telling the PM to his face "Where are all the Europeans? They spend more money here". And the Thai Tax Department is making threats about taxing the money 400-500K Expats who bring billions into Thailand every year. Meanwhile the PM is talking about building a multi-billion baht racetrack for the F1 racing. After all that talking about a cross country bypass for shipping to avoid Singapore went nowhere. And so many other 'pie in the sky' hare-brained ideas and brain pharrts. Thailand is in tatters. The current leadership is incapable of ruling for the benefit of the Thai people and is not capable of making rational decisions and developing coherent economic strategies. At least the Junta had some control and direction. Maybe the new Senate will offer a political platform for some sort of rational leadership in this country. Maybe Thaksin knew this would happen and is preparing to pick up the pieces when it all falls apart. This country needs a Leader - someone who will take charge and organise/control the minions and steer the ship in the right direction - and run over anyone trying to get in his/her way.
  21. Let it go mate - you can never win here in Thailand. ASUS or any Lawyer (unless a ripoff one) will never take this on because they will not win, and the shop knows this. The Thai consumer laws are very weak and Thais have very little chance of success, and as far as they are all concerned the laws dont apply for foreigners. And if you do anything like write a very negative social media review, you will be sued for defamation (and you will be arrested and maybe charged). Your best chance of success is to negotiate a deal to settle the matter. Thais hate conflict and some will try to settle, if they think it means you will go away. They are 'immune' from prosecution and complaint - and they know it.
  22. You mean - like illegally entering the Capital building - to be charged and jailed for an (unnarmed) insurrection? I gotta agree and so do all rational people - the clear bias in the USA justice system is evidenced - Trump will tear them all down when POTUS. And that is what scares them most - last time he naively tried to appease and change them - next year he will just destroy them.
  23. Something that should be watched from a distance - about 500 metres.
  24. Thailand is going down a path that clearly indicates that this is not a country that western people with money/income from home should retire to in SEAsia. Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia are also tax resident income tax systems, and they all state that anyone living in the country 180-183 days is a tax resident - but they have made allowances for retired/married Expats. Malaysia has specifically excluded the Pensions of Expats and they also excluded any income that has been subjected to the taxation system of the origin country (whether tax applied or not). Philippines and Indonesia (P and I) have not changed their existing tax codes, because they both state that an Alien/Foreigner only pays income tax on revenue earned/made in their country, and both state that any income earned overseas by an Alien/Foreigner, whether brought into their country or not, is not taxable. All three of those other countries have implemented the global taxation system OECD etc. but they have all either made allowances for Aliens/Foreigners, and/or they have kept those rules which exclude them from being taxed for any overseas incomes. Thailand's existing taxation code does allow for the taxation of the overseas income of Aliens/Foreigners when remitted into Thailand. In the past Thailand did not apply this in practice - as with many things - but it looks like they now will be. Thailand is looking to change their tax code in a year or two (maybe needs a change in the Act, but maybe not) such that all income of Aliens/Foreigners is taxable on a global basis, whether remitted to Thailand or not. All those things mean Thailand is not an ideal country in which to retire - from the perspective of income taxes. Plus of course the Immigration and Visa issues are all bad, and far more onerous than all the other countries, except Vietnam. But Thailand is a great country with many good things that make retirement great - but they are no longer the ideal location to retire. If I did not have a Thai wife I would be visiting here for under 180 days each year - probably live in Philippines and enjoy Thailand as a holiday destination. If the poo hits the fan and this all goes pearshaped, then we will probably move there - the wife does not want to pay those corrupt f******** any of my money.
  25. Fixed. But that is only if the 3% interest (300 Baht) is paid every day. 10K after one month is 25K - if no interest paid !! 10K after one year of not paying the interest is 1.2 Million Baht - 12,000% That is why the sharks pursue them 'rigorously' after a few weeks. What many Thais do is borrow 1K because they urgently need 500. Then they use the 500 and pay back the 30 each day using the other 500K - hoping they can get 1K within 2 weeks. It is ugly and it is endemic in poor Thai society - not a good thing at all. But there is a lot of it in the middle/big end too (there the sharks are called banks).
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