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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Royal CD Keys have it all online and are the best I have found over the last decade - located in Hong Kong. Price is good and their delivery and support is very good - they will send email with link to download and with codes/keys. The software and keys are all legal and they work - I have bought a few things from them and no problems. You want software and want it online - try these guys first. I am not a gamer, but they do that - very popular with them. Cheap Operating System Keys - Get Windows 10 and More! – RoyalCDKeys
  2. We live in KK - fibre to the house - paid 700 baht to connect a new line - 700-900Mbps. Back up is a one year DTAC mobile plan for unlimited data which gives 5-7Mbps (one device at a time though).
  3. Going forward, Thailand desperately needs international investments which have been declining since the Junta, and are in rapid decline now as nearby countries offer more to investors (especially Malaysia and Indonesia). Tourism is not a viable long term plan for an economy and some Thais know that. Structural reform of Laws and Infrastructure and Laws are needed (as per the BTO Head), and that will only happen if/when the Parliament is 'stable'. The time has come to 'destroy' the political power of the military once and for all, and that will only happen if Parties that are aligned with the Junta are removed or decimated/irrelevant. And that will only happen if MFP and PT work together and take over Parliament - when there is a Senate who will not block changes (coming soon we hope). It the end (hopefully 2-5 years) MFP and PT will then split and take take up the traditional roles, as in all western democracies, where the two main political Parties are left (MFP) and right (PT) - with both trying to won the centre, and with both going into and out of power. For the last 3 decades it has been the Military and a very fragmented Opposition (made so by the military etc), what Thailand needs is the removal all all political influence and control by the Military and their supporting Parties.
  4. You have agreed with my point - without knowing it - thanks. If you look at that and other posts of mine I point out that the Judea-Christian societies most of us came from, did the same thing all over the world - some say we 'civilised' most of the world - some say we enslaved it - whatever works for you. But the point is, yes we/us travelled a long way and forcibly overtook and converted other societies/countries in the name of religion (and business). But we do not do that anymore. 1. Islam did that too, but they were driven out and/or forced to withdraw - they never once willingly left - we did in many places. 2. Islam did it differently in Malaysia and Indonesia - rather than conquering and converting - they slowly slowly took over. 3. Islam is now following the non-violent (as such) path and is conquering Europe "through the wombs of our women" as the Arab man said they would do many decades ago.
  5. Good plan - that is thinking ahead. We have Plan C as the option - to go back to Australia full time - but we will rent. Meanwhile we have kept our address - technically we are still renting part of a house (for a very small fee).
  6. Yep - they will follow procedure and check up on you - but the CLink staff usually dont care and they just want to 'tick the box'. But if you has of said something a bit suss, then they might have put a mark on your file for a follow up later. If you are going to do the 2 years, stay under the radar and give all the 'right' appearances and they will leave you alone. How CLink 'gets' most people is because some bitch/ar...ole dobs them in and they investigate. People talk - they talk to him, he talks to her, she talks to her, she talks to him, and bla bla bla - around it goes. If you tell one person you will be going back to Thailand, someone who you never spoke to or know may dob you in. There are some feminazis and a few ar...oles who just hate the idea of a bloke shagging beautiful young women. They are sometimes jealous and have a grudge, or they see it as exploitation of poor young girls - and there are a lot of them who think that way. Shut up and say nothing - to family, friends, and others - say you want to stay and that you hope it works out OK.
  7. I will answer that. They never let hypocrisy get in the way 😅 They want their old country and other western countries to be liberal progressive woke societies, but are happy to live in a country that is not liberal, not woke, and not progressive. They swoon over Pita and the chance he will change Thailand into the disastrously dystopian society like California, but they have no understanding that the main reason they like Thailand so much, is because the society is not woke, progressive or liberal. They cannot see that things like the recent $20p/h minimum wage in California is a total disaster, just like all the other disastrous woke liberal progressive nonsense that has slowly turned California into the dystopian place it is now. They screamed blue murder over Trump being POTUS when in their opinion he was mentally challenged, and yet they 'pass' Biden because he is a Democrat. They even ignore the fact that the DOJ/FBI did not charge Biden with a serious crime, because he was old and frail and had mental decline. They rarely ever see their own hypocrisy, because they would become internally conflicted, and cognitive bias is all about protecting one from that stressful situation. The good news is that the young people who do grow up and see reality can and often do make that switch - that is why so many young people are liberals but so many older people are conservatives. Unfortunately, those here who are old and entrenched cannot change, and they are conflicted and grumpy, and always blame others for their own internal stress.
  8. Good statement - not the answer to the question - but spot on about why many blokes come here and decide to stay.
  9. You obviously have to be IN Australia to apply for OAP -I have never said otherwise. Being In Australia means you have the needed proof of residence etc. or you are getting it sorted. The issue is proving you intend to stay once you apply - meaning not giving the impression you do intend to leave. Not doing things like telling people that you will be going back to Thailand as soon as the 2 years is up. Not living in rented hotel rooms in different hotels/places - and not starting to 'make a life' in Australia. Not having a Thai wife/gf who still lives in Thailand - and not visiting her every year. And so many other things that make CLink decide that you never intended to stay. You have to make it appear that you are staying forever - ridiculous but that is the situation when you apply after 67. As @Nemises said and what I did - go back 2-4 years before 67 and make it look like you are staying (still important). And then leave the month after getting approved for OAP - portability is then automatic - no CLink decision needed. Many people have burned all their money, so they cannot afford to live in Australia on the dole (have to wait for OAP). But it can be done - as long as you dont try to live in a big City on the beach and eat out a lot and drink party etc etc. Go to a big regional town and rent a small unit/van (rental subsidy) - there are no jobs, so dole is automatic. Buy food in bulk and have those cheap lunches at the RSL clubs now and then. Dont drink and smoke a lot - or anything else that wastes too much money - actually save up (as if looking to buy). And this is a big one - avoid the women who will try to suck whatever money you have out of you (and anything else). Rent if you need to every now and then - but dont be stupid and have a permanent one - many blokes do and never get back.
  10. It always amazes me how the ignorant will automatically believe what Actors, Sportspeople and Reporters say. In the west most right wing people have learned that they all have their own beliefs and their own personal interests at heart. Left wing people believe everything they say - as long as it is the 'woke narrative' and see anyone else expressing another view as far-right and other insults. They all lie - Trump lies, Biden lies, all Politicians lie - but Democrats lie a lot more than Republicans on average. The only POTUS I know of that never lied was Reagan - he got it wrong many times, but he never knowingly lied AFAIK. Yes he did the BS to USSR about things like their missile defences, and other countries about certain things - but that was his job - and he 'lied' very well (spoke his lines like a very skilled experienced actor).
  11. While all you do is the same - except it is NATO/Ukraine BS propaganda.
  12. You are blind if you fail to see that since the early 2000s, Ronin De Niro has done very little great acting like in his past - The Irishman being the only exception. Sure a few very well selected smaller parts here and there, but no really great performances as the lead actor. Your blindness to that is because he hates Trump and speaks publicly about that. You probably think Kathy Griffin is a great entertainer too. End of Story.
  13. Typical liberal personal attacks and hypocrisy. You want to know the essential difference between right wing and left wing people? I will give you just two things (there are so many more). 1. At the Funerals of both Reagan and Thatcher left wing people threw abuse and stuff at their parades. Right wing people do not do that because although they might disagree with someone politically, they dont get so personally abusive as to feel it is OK to attack their funeral and upset their families and friends. 2. If there was genuinely a insurrection by right wing people on Jan 6, they would have taken guns into the building and killed all the Democrats and their supporters, and done the job correctly. It was a protest - a stupid protest - but no worse than when Democrats invaded the State Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin many years ago, or the Hamas/Palestinian protests taking place on Uni Campuses recently. The big difference was that the Democrat politicians supported that invasion by their supporters years ago, and the others in the past they did - as detailed in the Washington Post article below. The vast majority of Republican politicians criticised the protest on Jan 6 - and even Trump denounced them a day later. Democrats Were for Occupying Capitols Before They Were Against It | American Enterprise Institute - AEI
  14. I think you may be right - but I hope you are wrong. If they ban MFP and Pita etc. that could be the impetus to the start of the very monumental change you are alluding to. I think that maybe the elite have recognised the signals, and therefore if the EC cannot provide any more details and evidence, then the CC can deny their case - unless further evidence comes to their attention in the future. That way the case is not closed permanently, and the threat of dissolution can be held over MFP and Pita etc., as a means of forcing them to 'behave' and not upset their applecart/gravy train.
  15. If they think overseas investment is leaving Thailand quickly now, they should wait to see what happens if the CC dissolves MFP and bans Pita et al from politics in Thailand for 10 years. This 'tactic' by the 'elite' worked with FFP and Thanathorn in the past, but if they do it again, there will be an economic backlash that destroys Thailand's economy. Unlike 30-40 years ago, most 'competing' SEAsian countries offering far more advantages and benefits to international businesses (and their people) to invest there than Thailand does. If that happens, Thailand will not recover for a very long time if at all, because they have SFA chance of getting them back. I recall that recently a Govt spokesperson (who knows who/what) said that Thailand needs to offer more incentives for businesses to invest in the EEC - warm weather, beaches etc. were not good enough, compared to what other nearby countries are offering. What is the bet that his advice will fall on deaf/corrupt ears who are only focused on one thing - their own career and wealth.
  16. Saw this very late - it has already degenerated into a Trump-Biden argument. IMO the answer is - The radical liberals have no problem with living in Thailand, because most of what the radical liberals think is 'conflicted'.
  17. It is changing - slowly - but it is changing. The left's common heard shrill-cry was to accuse anyone saying that Islam is bad was a 'far right' - and that in the past worked and shut it down - people even went to jail for expressing such views in public. But times are changing and more and more ordinary people are speaking out against the PC woke left that has allowed to happen what is happening with far too many illegal immigrants (claiming to be refugees) and others, entering European countries. Many of them are not in the best interests of the people of the European country they enter - that is obvious to anyone that looks. The more people that speak out and protest, the sooner it will be that the politicians change their tune (they all want votes) and then policies and programs and laws will also start to change. The Crusades started because the Muslim Empire that had conquered most of Nth Africa and had reached Eastern Europe in Turkey, and South Europe in Greece and Italy, and South Western Europe in Spain. When they started to enter France the European States got together and fought the common enemy - Islam - and drove them out of Spain, Greece and Italy - and reached a stalemate in Turkey. The Crusades even had European (Christian) armies retaking Jerusalem and other parts of the Holy Lands, in an attempt to cut off the snake at its head (not so unlike Iraq and Afghanistan in recent times). The Europeans did not give a rat's rear about North Africa - and IMO that was a massive mistake. There has been a lot of toing and froing since those times, especially with the Ottoman Empire, but essentially it has never stopped. We (the Western Judea-Christian based countries) have never conquered Islamic Lands for any serious length of time. It is also note worthy to state that any Judea (Jewish) or Christian practices and/or Churches are banned in most Islamic Countries. But Islam has been more and more 'allowed' in the West, and with that has come wave after wave of Muslims (both good and bad). The current situation is all a part of the plan of many Muslims in the Arab countries to over-run the Judea-Christian based societies. And as the Muslim guy said - we will conquer Europe through the wombs of our women - and we are allowing more and more Muslims in that will do just that. That is exactly what they did in Malaysia and Indonesia - it was not an aggressive conquering with malice like in the past - it was a slowly slowly catchy monkey annihilation of the old religious and cultural beliefs, and an eventual replacement with Islam - as it is now starting in Europe. Unlike the Malays and the Javanese/Sudanese, we in Europe know what they are going to do because we know the negative future that will happen if we dont stop it now. IMO the time is now - stop them coming, and remove those that are radicals and/or are not a benefit to the European country they inhabit. Ban the religion as a cult and remove all public displays of practice and their Mosques etc. There are many good Muslims, but their religion and cultural beliefs will always be in conflict with ours. As an example of allowing the 'good ones' - allow immigration from any Muslim country that allows Christianity to be practiced openly and Churches to be built in their lands (and reciprocate for them in our countries). But ban/remove all radical/bad Muslims from those Muslim countries that do not allow Christianity to be practiced or Churches built - quid pro quo. I am on a roll - sorry - but I have one more point. Why has this happened? IMO the main reason is because the people that live in a Muslim countries are overwhelmingly Muslim and are totally committed to their 'cause'. There are many different sects/types of Muslims (just like ours), but the vast majority of people there practice their religion - always have and always will - it is in their DNA. Meanwhile, we in the west have had our religious beliefs 'diluted' as we have become more and more 'progressive' and tolerant. But - in order for the people of the west to resist and push back on the Muslim 'non-malice invasion', does not require us to adopt the Judea-Christian based fanatical religious belief system of our past (like we were in the Crusades and the conquering of other lands like Sth America in the name of our religion). What is required is for many of the woke progressive lefties and the apathetic red-neck righties to stop being stupid, and to think forward to what the European countries they live in will be like in 50-100 years time. Look up and away from their smartphone social-media mass-media driven lives, and actually think ahead - while looking back at our common past. When the majority of people do that - the problem will be seen for what it is and the solution will become obvious to all. There are some things that cannot be 'assimilated' together into a cohesive and balanced society - and two of those are Muslim and Judea-Christian cultural beliefs. Even back in the past thousands of years ago when the the Arab and Holy lands were occupied by both Arab and Jewish peoples, they were in a constant state of way and dispute over those lands, all based on their own incompatible beliefs. The Jewish people lost and were basically 'destroyed' - only because of WW1 and WW2 were they given back their Holy Lands - with the inevitable conflicts that have followed. That is not ever going to change - go to Sweden and take a look - the Muslim and Swedish people are incompatible - the result in 100 years will not be a peaceful hybrid Muslim-Judea-Christian society - it will be one or the other - Muslim or Judea-Christian.
  18. Do Bears sheite in the forest? Is the Pope Catholic? Absoeffinlutely !!
  19. 'We' was meant as in 'our' history - the lessons of the mistakes made in the past. I agree - tackle the matter head on - ignore the woke liberal idiots (they will either find another 'cause' or they will grow up), Ban Islam and register it as a destructive cult (like China did). Ban public displays of the Islamic religion and deport all the Muslim radicals from Europe. Take very strong action to encourage all Muslims to leave and ban all Muslims from entering - tourist, immigrant, student, employee - all of them. Sorry it has come to this, but you have been given decades to assimilate and adopt our cultures and accept our society's values and our Laws, but you have not - so now you must leave and your are never welcome back.
  20. Yep - he said all that needs to be listened to by the woke liberal idiots running Europe. When he said 'the others' he meant the radical extremist Muslims (like Hamas and Hezbollah) that 'his people' know are bad and always will be bad - you cannot appease, you cannot negotiate, you can only control. For Europe right now the best form of control, and the only one left, is to deport them all and not let any more in. Yes there are many good Muslims like this bloke - but there are far too many bad ones that go to Europe for reasons that are not good for Europe.
  21. Today's anticipated Constitutional Court decision about MFP will go a long way to deciding Thailand's future - economically and politically. I must say - I knew Thailand had it's 'downsides' - but this is getting ridiculous - I am too old for this sheite.
  22. I agree that Thailand is going done a path that clearly indicates that this is not a country that people should retire to in SEAsia. Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia also all state that anyone living in the country 180-183 days is a tax resident - and they have implemented this new taxing system under OECD etc.. But - they not taxing the retired/married Expats income that they bring into the country (and spend there). Malaysia introduced the same system a few years ago, but they specifically excluded the Pensions of Expats, plus they also excluded any Expat income that has been subjected to the taxation system of the origin country (whether tax applied or not). Philippines and Indonesia have both implemented the same global tax system, but they have not changed their tax codes regarding foreigners earning money from overseas. Both tax codes state that an Alien/Foreigner only pays tax on revenue earned/made in their countries, and both state that any income earned overseas by an Alien/Foreigner, whether brought into their country or not, is not taxable. All three of those other countries have implemented the global taxation system OECD etc. but they have all either made allowances for Aliens/Foreigners, and/or they have kept those rules which exclude them from being taxed for any overseas incomes. Thailand has done nothing for Expats. Unlike the other 3 main popular retirement countries in SEAsia (for those without the money needed for Singapore), Thailand has made no allowances for Expats and has not made any changes to 'protect' Expat's overseas earnings under the new global OECD tax system. In fact, technically, Expat's foreign income remitted into Thailand have always been taxable - but as with so many things here, it was never enforced. The recent rule change that removed the 12 month exemption has 'exposed' Expat's foreign sourced income, but Thailand has so far done nothing about it. When Thailand does move to a global taxation system, then Expat's foreign sourced income is extremely exposed and will be taxed - unless Thailand gives us some protection - which they appear to not be interested in doing at all. Thailand is not a recommended country for retirement. If I knew all this over 10 years ago, I would not be retired and living in Thailand. None of those other 3 countries I mentioned above, treat retired Expats like Parolees and all the other BS that Thailand does. I had a mate who retired to The Philippines - he was right - The Philippines welcomes retired Expats and treats them well.
  23. OK I got what you are doing. Why is it that people who stick their heads in the sand, always demand others do the same by use of ridicule and abuse. Read my post - I never said it was 'compulsory' to do what I said - I said it was unwise to make a decision without knowing the downsides. Think of it this way - you know the downsides of not wearing a helmet - and you can make that decision - up to you - all good - IDGAF. You read the post and now know the downsides of the taxation issue, which by the way has generated by a extremely large number, the biggest amount of feedback and comment and criticism on social media that has ever happened to Expats in Thailand. Dont wear a helmet - up to you - but there is no need to ridicule those wearing one.
  24. Where a person is a tax resident of two States, they can select which country to apply taxation to their income earned.
  25. Absolutely true - that is what all the 'white hatred' is based upon, and some of it is justified. We (Christina societies) went around the world and 'converted' all the natives we could in the name of our religion - just look at Sth America. But the truth is that was wrong, and in a lot of cases we have 'handed back' (especially after WW2) - yes they were damaged, but we handed them back. Yes we were wrong and we should have been deported or banned (like in Japan and China) - but our technology was vastly superior and the natives had no chance. Islam is still in that faze and has been since 800AD - that is what some people are failing to see. Islam no longer 'takes over' through conquest like we and they did in the past, bow they take over though immigration and trade and family growth. I forgot his name but an Islamic cleric addressed the UN decades ago and said "we will conquer Europe through the wombs of our women". There are 10 million people in Sweden and about 1.5 million are Muslim. Swedes are leaving/dying and they have 1.2 kids per family. More Muslims are arriving (Immigration, Refugees and Family Reunion programs) and they have 5-6 kids per family. The end result is inevitable - same as Indonesia and Malaysia - just a matter of time.
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