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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Many years ago when we saw Thais filing up their water guns in a creek, we have actively avoided this rubbish with the water. I am sure the Thais have the immunities and can handle dirty water in their face (they swim in when young), but us Expats over 50 are generally not so resistant to bacterial/fungal/viral infections.
  2. I was expecting (hoping not) another video showing atrocious behaviour by foreigners - thank goodness not.
  3. As the vast majority of Expats know, surveys and reports are written using the money paid for by the contributors. In other words they are 'paid advertising' and we all know it. Very few true independent surveys these days - if any. But Thais dont know that - and this works in Thailand - the Govt and Thai media lap it up. Plus of course the draconian defamation laws here make it impossible to actually criticise any Thai person or company - fairly or not - criticism is illegal. Who can ever forget that UK jopunalist forced to leave after publishing a story about a person/company that was found to be in breach of UN human/employee rights - the factr that the story was true was irrelevent - he was found guilty of defamation. I know SFA Thais know about that story - but they all know not to criticise those in authority or power.
  4. Besides the rules that make doing that extremely problematic - there is the Thai Customs people and what they decide to do with the vehicle. My understanding is that it is for a Thai who has been living overseas for more than 12 months (and owned it) and is moving back to Thailand. Many have tried to get around it - the vast majority have failed. Post Covid I cannot see the Customs people being any easier to deal with - IMO two chances = none and buckleys. I owned a car in Aust that I loved (Mercedes) and I wanted to bring it here in the wife's name. We lived in Aust for some years before moving back - so I checked it out a lot. My advice - keep the photos and memories.
  5. The fattest mammal animals on the planet eat grass (mainly a carbohydrate). Humans lost the extra organ/stomach for processing grass a long time ago (appendix). Grass is maize and wheat and corn and rice etc etc. Avoid all foods that are basically made from grass and grass derivatives (cakes, bicuits, sweets, coke, sweet drinks, etc. etc) - basically all treats and most of what is sold in supermarkets. Stick to a high protein diet and avoid all snack foods - they are mostly made from grass and grass derivatives. Humans get fat eating grass products - fast foods are full of grass related carbohydrates, fats and SFA proteins (lots of grass related products). The biggest crops on the planet are sugar cane, maize, rice, corn and wheat - all grass related - avoid them and all things made from them. Eat Proteins (meats) and Vegtables and Fruits - as much as you like that is cooked naturally (not fatty oils) and moderate Dairy inputs (too fatty) - but just dont eat grass. Coke is mainly sugar cane etc - liquid grass in a highly digestible form - it quickly turns to stored fat when not used by the body.
  6. Fair enough - people working illegally in Thailand and Thais working illegally overseas - quid pro quo.
  7. I said it about EVs and I will say it again - China is 'product dumping' to get rid of excess production. Western countries have rules and regs to stop them - Thailand and anyone else silly enough to allow Chinese cheap imports, is being plundered for quick cash grabs. Far too many Thainese in Thailand - maybe one day they will wake up like the Fifians did. The Fijians woke up and they activiely kicked the Indians out - like a cancer they had spread everywhere and had taken over nearly everything in Fiji. The lefty progressive media called it 'oppression' and 'victimisation' but having myself been to Fiji a few times from Aust, I saw first had how the Indians had taken over. The laid back easy going (lazy) Fijians had been taken advantage of - but finally after a military coup the Indians were kicked them out - and it was the right thing to do. "This represents a third of the existing Indian population in Fiji. They were victimized a lot by the military adding to the reasons they moved abroad to Canada, Australia, and the United States." Indo-Fijians - Wikipedia Much harder and much more complicated here in Thailand - the Chinese have been coming in small numbers since 1800s but they really started coming in big numbers after WW1. And then there was a massive jump after Mao in China in the 1940s. Now the Thainese dominate all commerical, economic and political components of Thailand - including the Military - and particularly in Bangkok. Probably too late by now for Thailand - pity. By the late-1950s, Thais of Chinese ancestry comprised 70 percent of Bangkok's business owners and senior business managers, and 90 percent of the shares in Thai corporations were said to be held by Thai investors of Chinese ancestry. Ninety percent of Thailand's industrial and commercial capital are also held by the Chinese.  90 percent of all investments in the industrial and commercial sector and at least 50 percent of all investments in the banking and financial sectors are controlled by the Chinese. Thai Chinese - Wikipedia
  8. Best not to 'talk' about it in public forums - remember that Thai mob who was very popular with Expats who was shut down after Expats started talking about them on ThaiVisa (AN). Sit back and watch - take action if/when things actually change - dont make it an issue and never give them names of IPTV providers etc.
  9. I just cannot believe that anyone seeking refugee asylum from whatever country/religion would ever engage in illegal activity. Next thing you know the media will be claiming that most refugee applicants in UK/USA/etc are fake refugees.
  10. There are many stupid males who fall for a bargirl and think they can 'save her' - they sometimes have a bit of luck - but most of them fail for many reasons. IMO the majority of males in Pattaya are rational and know they only want them for the sex, and that they only want them for their money. But when they become older and start to think ahead, many of them think they can find a companion who will live with them for the rest of their lives - even as the money starts to run out and all they have left is a pension. 50/50 - no way - 20/80 IMO - but it all depends on what age they are and how long they have been there.
  11. This interview was at the beginning of radical feminism and arrogant women trying to gain control over men in the name of equality - and they won. Only men like Sean Connery refused to back down and spoke the truth. The majority just shut up, backed down and let them take over. Welcome to the world where women and their BS equality khrapp has infected everything - illogical and irrational and no acceptance of accountability - bitchy and divisive - arrogant and indolent. IMO the western world is getting worse every year and it will take women backing down and rtejecting all the BS that radical feminists have shoved on them, before it gets back to being rational and logical and accountability returns. Meanwhile here is SEAsia the women are respectful and feminine and lovely - they still have all their faults - but they dont all want to rule over men.
  12. Have you bought her a house? What does she lose if you leave? Maybe she wants you to go - but it could just as easy be menopause or depression. Is the daughter following her lead? Clearly there is a problem if she is sneeking food. They are like teenagers - they dont think right - actually most women dont think right. Very rich men dump their women if they get fat/ugle/trouble - got enough money to do that? If not rich, then let her know you are not happy with her increasing weight - get a set of scales. If she responds then great - if she does not and keeps doing it - you know the situation (they wont say it). Hopefully it does not go that far, but if it does - will you still stay or leave - decide. Never ever just walk out one day - you will lose big time - plan carefully how to do it - get legal advice.
  13. I agree - both sides in any war commit crimes - but it all depends on how you see things and the views of the day. Killing millions of people in Germany and Japan through bombing campaigns was considered OK - but is certainly not now.
  14. The only thing I was agree with in all that is .......... You have no idea. That is all cut and past anti-Russia hate and rhetoric written by people no even alive during WW2.
  15. So you agree USA is also wrong? You agree that they are both wrong? If that is true, then we are in agreement - but it came across as if you were saying Putrin/Russia is bad and USA is all good and never did the same and more of it.
  16. Cheers - that and Silky Oaks is next on our list.
  17. Excellent advice. I was of the view for a long time that Expats should only rent in Thailand, but now I have changed my mind. Besides the fact that we have been together for over 12 years now, I can now more see the advantages of owning a property and being able to do with it what you want, and also having certainty about where you will be living in a few years time (as much as any Expat can).
  18. If he is buying anything (villa, condo, whatever he calls it) then it obviously does not come with ownership of land. There is no legal definition of what is a 'Villa' and it is possible to own the 'villa' (just the structure) on a larger property/land that is owned by Thais. And he can buy a leashold for property with land. Either way we dont know the exact situation he is talking about because he has not provided any further details. That is factual and relevant mate. Usufruct in your situation on a farm in an Isaan Province does not immediately equate nationally to every type of property and location in all of Thailand. Quote "it all depends on individual circumstances (including the property) - property laws in Thailand are not one size fits all."
  19. Unfortunately it has become popular since mid/late January - lots of Koreans playing here now. It is only a short drive away so very handy - but we are going on a trip soon and after returning we will start trying other courses in the region. We prefer playing the same course many times - that way you can learn the course/greens. We played The Emerald some weeks ago and besides the abysmal organising of tee-off times, the course was extremely 'confusing'. Lots of shots are 'blind' and the caddies we had were less than useful - they did not enjoy doing their jobs and were pretty useless at it.
  20. You are wrong if you are saying foreigners (two people) cannot buy a condo/property in joint names?? Your other advice on usufruct is contradictory to legal advice I have received from lawyers here. But as I said to the OP and repliers - it all depends on individual circumstances (including the proeprty) - property laws in Thailand are not one size fits all.
  21. No thanks - far too complicated and things vary person to person. Go see a lawyer. Property can be purchased in joint names - you understand that I assume. Right of occupation can be either a joint agreement, or usufruct giving sole occupation if wanted. Usufruct is not about passing on the ownership of property - it is about occupation of a property owned by someone else. OP should see a lawyer to ascertain his exact options - he has got to see one anyway before buying (unless a total idiot).
  22. Yes of course - the Koreans have done that before - years ago they took over a course in Hua Hin and it was Koreans only and then the course went broke. Personally I find them (Koreans) either really good to play with or really bad - and some play way too fast and some way too slow. Will keep away from Waterlands if we ever get up that way.
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