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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Go see a lawyer - most of what I have just read is wrong or misleading - depending on your own situation. Laws in Thailand are not one size fits all - get legal advice. IMO the option of you and your daughter both buying the property jointly, and you holding a Usufruct to exclusive occupation could be achievable. Talk to a lawyer. DM for a name.
  2. Please name a few - thanks. Moving myself later this year.
  3. Plus - they recently changed their prices for non-Thais. I now pay 350 Baht more than the Thai wife and she gets a 100 Baht voucher (I get zero). Not impressed - the wife told them that I am not a tourist and that I live here full time etc. but they refused to 'listen'. Reminds me of the mentality that says Expats must pay income taxes on their own money brought into the country from overseas. I wish Chiang Mai did not have those annual smoke problems - we would be living back there for sure - much more 'civilised' up there.
  4. We play there a lot - asked about membership and the girl in Pro shop said 100K for lifetime membership. When I asked what that included, she was not sure (WTF?) I asked if it meant free green fees, caddy and cart, she said she did not know. I then asked about annual membership and she said - 'no hab'. Also she did not have any documents or paperwork. I absolutely guaranatee that is what she said because the Thai wife asked the questions too. Nothing on the website either. IMO there is something very wrong with that, and I would never pay money to join a club that does not manage things liker that professionally. Regarding the course - I have never seen anyone remotely looking like a Pro in the House or a Greenkeeper on the course (they have lots of gardeners). We have played there for over 6 months and the practice green has always been either sanded and awful, or closed under repair (most of the time). There are 3-4 different speeds and hardness on the greens - hard to remember which ones are hard and fast - often changes week by week. The greens have been sanded 3 times in 6 months and that plus all the other things I see, tell me they dont have a professional greenkeeper running things (just gardeners). However, the course is extremely well maintained and they organise the bookings, tee-offs and caddies extremely well - and every caddie we have used is friendly and good (but not many speak English). I sometimes get annoyed about the random gardeners who arrive from nowhere (on bike) and start cutting grass with a noisey petrol whipper snipper near you - while you are trying to tee-off and/or play a shot. The wife and caddies just laugh - and I try to do the same - TiT πŸ™‚
  5. Total fabrication. Russia is not Germany. What Russia did was to keep parts of eastern europe during WW2 that were liberated from the Nazis. They did that for geopolitical reasons - to keep a buffer zone between themselves and the western alliance countries. Not right - but it was very understandable at that time if you have any understanding of history. Patton wanted to keep going and liberate eastern Europe from the communists, but the politicians said no. That was the biggest mistake ever made on a worldwide basis IMO. Once Russia got the bomb, then liberating eatern europe by force was never going to happen. Russia has been shrinking since WW2, but it has never in the past wanted to take over Europe - unlike German (twice). Russia wants to keep buffer zones between itself and the ever expanding Western Europe/NATO supported by USA. Look at the history books and see what has been actually happening - not the propaganda.
  6. Again I have to say that you are wrong. Very wrong. But I do understand the anti-Russian hatred and where it comes from. May I ask you to think about all the countries that USA has invaded/liberated/bombed since WW2 and all the wasted lives and money that went with that. Are you able to see rationaly what things that have happened - because if you are a slave to the propaganda (which most lefties are because they are trying to be/do good), then you will not know things like, that Obama dromped more bombs than any POTUS before or since. The Bushes both had their wars, causing loss of lives and money (unless you made money from the wars). Trump dislikes them all and they hate him - he is portrayed one way by the mainstream propaganda (Dems and many GOPs), but he is very much notat all what the propaganda says. Is Trump perfect - absolutely not. Same for Russia. They are not as bad as the propaganda portray.
  7. There are so many because .............. left woke progressive libs have so many faults.
  8. Biden sure did nothing to close the divide - like all Dem POTUS since Clinton they make it worse. Biden is terrible - but he is an old bumbing Dem - Obama divided the country like never before - even worse than LBJ who was the first POTUS to give them big Govt handouts. Now many blacks think they 'have' to vote Dems. Even Biden said 'if you dont vote Democrat you aint black'. Dems have used racist campaigns and divided the USA since Clinton.
  9. More aptypical leftard tactics (like that one too?) - when they have nowhere to go they attack the person. Try playing the ball and not only the man - you know - countering my points and opinions with substance.
  10. Yes the Democrats have definitely softened their approach and tactics - but they will still lose the election if for no toher reason that they did exacxtly what Trump said they woud do in 2020 - including opening the border and starting wars.
  11. And he is clearly far more mentally and physically capable than Biden. IMO he deserves another 4 years as POTUS if only to close the discourse over 2020 election fraud.
  12. He did OK yesterday, there is no argument with that - he was obviously well prepared (mentally and medically) - but there was a lot of 'softball' being thrown. However, the evidence is overwhelming that he is suffering mental decline and that he gets confused and disoriented - 4 more years is a very long time when one is going into that decline.
  13. Like her or not, Ann Coulter said it years ago. Trump will win the election, and if the Dems get into power they will open the border and allow 10+ million to enter - and then years later the GOP will never win another election. The Dems have opened the border for votes - it has got nothing to do with 'refugees' - it is all about their votes. In 2025 Trump will embark on the greatest ever round-up of illegal immigrants in USA's history. Part of that will be making it a Federal Crime for anyone to employ an illegal immigrant.
  14. Not to the same level - Trump is older and slower - but Biden is clearly suffering early onset dementia.
  15. No - but you will waste ours with illogical arguments and topic distractions.
  16. Very strong woke thinking there - atypical mentality of the far left - either you agree with me/us and how we/I want to do things, or you are a Nazi. Racial Justice and Equality are the main cat calls of the far left in their aims to socialise and legislate for all forms of social and economic interactions between people.
  17. The woke is strong in you ............. it has never been as bad as over the last 3 years - never.
  18. Lost the progressive plot you mean? Try reading this to understand why a lot of people now reject the woke ideology. Woke - Wikipedia
  19. Google Maps has it listed as 'Temporarily Closed'. But just found another lisitng with number 034 910 311. Maybe renovations?
  20. USA has a serious flaw in its legal system. How can a person (whoever) be punished financially for the unproven allegations of another person. If a person has been found guilty of committing a crime, then and only then should there be a civil case seeking compensation. Clearly the judicial system in parts of the USA has been taken over by political activism. I can see Trump tearing down the Judicial structures and rebuilding them - perhaps like Orban did in Hungary to remove all the political activists who had been appointed to Judical positions by his political opponents. I wonder if Trump and Orban have/will discuss the details behind how he did that in Hungary so successfully.
  21. It astounds me that Hamas apologists can actually speak out in public in support of them. Truly unimaginable to be that much delusional and hold that much hatred for Israeli people. IMO only a person who also holds the belief of Hamas, being the total destruction and remnoval of all Jews, can state things in their favour. I have said it before and I will say it again - Israel will not stop the war until they have destroyed all of Hamas and their supporters. I do feel for the innocent Palestinians, but they are in the minority IMO - and all deaths in Gaza on on Hamas - all they have to do is surrender to stand trial, and release all the hostages. Israel has already agreed that any trial/s could be held by an independent group/country.
  22. Care Factor ?? About the same as the chances of a snowflake in Hell. The same sort of stats were published by one of those feminist in Australia many years ago - the media went apepoo. But the truth was that any 'assault' on a woman included anyone saying something at them innapropriately by a male. It was immediately assumed they meant rapes, but it actually meant anything negative by a man towards a woman. And over the decades have they not abused all those new 'powers' given to 'proitect' them - absolutewly. Now they are fat, ugly (always were) and single - every year more males are 'walking away' from all the BS that women in the west cause when they 'allow' you to have a relationship with them. MGTOW is a growing movement in the west - basically it is an enactment of the old men's saying - 'If it floats, flies or fu*** then rent it - never buy'. And what is the woke feminist reactions to this growing movement? Accept that maybe things have become ridiculous for men and they have been biased against men oo much and are taking the blame for everything?? A bit of self-analysis and introspective thinking?? Hell No !! "Men Going Their Own Way is an anti-feminist, misogynistic, mostly online community advocating for men to separate themselves from women" "Online misogyny is growing at an alarming rate, constituting a violent backlash against feminist activism for gender equality" Meanwhile the internet (tiktok, etc)_ is full of videos by 25-40 year old women asking - where have all the men gone - why wont men approach them anymore - I do want a family now (after 20 years of slutting) but men wont cvome near me - why cant I get married again, my kids need a Dad - etc etc etc. Hoepfully the women of Thailand (and Asia in general) will continue to reject the BS feminist rubbish coming out of western countries and stick to being feminine, lovely, happy, good looking, and excellent wives.
  23. CENTRE ??? Now that is funny ........... but as you actually believe that, right there is your issue. Most of the predominant media outlets are biased towards the left progressive woke views - and only the delusional liberals cannot see that. Here is a thought - just because most of the mainstream media organisations are saying things you agree with, does not mnake them correct. Likewise, just because most of the social media organisations are right wing does not make them correct either. How it works is that they provide what their demographic 'audiences' want to see/hear. Those organisations that have a majority of left wing audiences, are targetting themselves at that audience - same for the right wing ones. Politics is now extremely polarised and the media is doing the same - the middle ground is now hard to find - people are being forced to take a saide - not on issue by issue - but overall. The left progressive side has been winning for decades - they know their 'message' sounds so much better - especially with the young and foolish. But after 3+ decades people are realising that the biblew/koran etc are correct - the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, the Devil is in the detail and he is a liar, give a man fish and you feed him today - but teach him to fish and you feed him and his family for life. Etc etc etc.
  24. Good points. I hope it never happens. Russia has made it very clear that they are after/liberating Eastern Ukraine which is predominantly Russian enthnic people. IMO they should have acted in 2014 after the overthrow of the elected Ukraine President - but they just took back Crimea and then supported the Eastern Regions attempting to remain independent of an EU-USA lead Western Ukraine.
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