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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Not a chance - they are far more complicated than you think. It is not just the components and the tools needed to remove and replace them, especially the battery, it is the programming of them and all other existing compnents. Because of the way they are manufactured, with the battery within/attached to the frames, they are extremely expensive to repair. Tesla has done it 'right' but most others have just charged ahead with not enough thought to ongoing developments and repairs.
  2. I have to say that is utterly wrong. Russia, China, India, Iran, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan have formed a broad trade and security alliance. Within that are alliances like BRICS with Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates. Russia and China have been leading the way with trade and security alliances with the non-western countries for decades, because of the USA-NATO-EU lead 'western' trade and security alliances. Not only does Russia have all of its previous advantages, but it is also a lot closer to China than it has ever been in the past. China will never accept a western invasion/takeover of Russia - no more than than they would in Nth Korea. If Russia and China and all its allies joined their military forces together, it would be more than capable of taking on USA - on their home soils.
  3. Not directly related to monkeys but I see another growing animal problem in Thailand - pigeons. Over 10 years ago I rarely saw any, but now they seem to be everywhere I visit. When visiting the family in remote Isaan, we stay at a hotel in the procincial capital - best hotel for a long way and we have stayed there for over 10 years. Last visit there (Jan) the hotel and surrounds had a lot of pigeons about - they started some years back and there are more every visit. Same thing all around Thailand when we travel - not the south so far. They may not be as bad as monkeys, but they are extremely bad for the local birds and they roost in houses and can cause all sorts of chest problems for humans - that is why we bred them outside. They are very fast breeders (we made them that way) and they are big and strong (also made that way) and if they are not stopped soon they will take over everywhere in Thailand. Every Thai I mention this too as I see their ever growing numbers, including the wife, just smiles and shrugs. I understand their reluctance to take a life - but they just dont see the downsides to not doing anything - just like the monkeys.
  4. Yes and No. The cost of replacing the battery and/or associated electronics is extremely high and complicated. EVs are not for me, but if I did have one, I would be extremely doubtful that Somchai at the local service place would get it done correctly and safely for a Chinese made cheapie EV. However, when it comes to issue a Tesla that is another matter - I would be very confident it will be done correctly.
  5. I hear you about SEA and I agree. But laws against product dumping exist in most 1st world countries - including Australia. Product Dumping is when a country exports products to another country in bulk volumes, at less than the prices paid for that product in their home market (effectively at a loss). The reason they would do that, is to damage the local competitors and/or to drive them out of the market - and they then slowly increase their prices and get back their 'lost profits'.
  6. My intention is to avoid paying any income taxes at all to Thailand. I am retired and dont earn money here - my only 'income' is retirement savings (some interest) and the pension. If they force me to pay income taxes, then we are out of here and we will only return for a visit to the family/friends.
  7. When I get seriously annoyed with all the BS that Thailand throws at me, I recall all the visits back to Aust that I have done over the years - that reminds me why I left that cesspool of progressive feminazi oppression. Then I look at my Thai wife and the beautiful friendly country I am currently staying - and that reminds me of why I stay. During the last flight from Australia I made note of the following - and have sent it to several mates and colleages to explain what Australia is really like now - not at all like in the 70s and 80s. This was the ABC News as shown on the flight and the topics are listed below in order longest to shortest - longest first: All the presenters and reporters were female (except one). Aboriginal Problems and Complaints - The Voice crap and why people should say Yes (phark all about No). Whales on a Beach - greenies trying to save them (again and again). Greek fires caused by Climate Change - total bull<deleted> blaming people driving petrol cars. Women's issues regarding 'equality' of outcome (not enough CEOs) and total pay (not per hour rates), but nothing about equal opportunity. Condemnation of Israel (no criticism of Hamas, etc.). Murray Basin dryness caused by Climate Change (no mention this happens every few years). Womens World Cup - pay inequality between male and female World Cup players (totally illogical BS). WW2 soldiers bodies found (male reporter) - good story about reamins will be returned. Plastic bottles causing pollution (no mention that adding a tax a few years ago made no difference). House prices higher report - it stated that 25% are migrants buying first home with cash, and most buyers were overseas buyers (but no obvious comments made about them driving up prices). Girls junior swimming championships somewhere (phark me, who cares - not nationals or olympic trials). That is Australia now - and the best thing males can do is ignore (never make a comment) and it is all best avoided by going to 'men's clubs' (golf courses, bars and clubs, the footy, etc). But the best approach IMO for a single/divorced guy is to move to a SEAsian country where they have values like we used to have, and where the womern are feminine and good looking, and where everything costs far less (except wine, cheese and golf).
  8. One of the many great things about living in Thailand is that they will totally ignore this BS. The last thing Thai men want is their women becoming like western women or their workplaces doing the same.
  9. OK. I was not as negative about the 'invasion' or 'occupation' or 'liberation' depending on how anyone views the matter, but I was certainly extremely worried how things might progress and the number of people who would die. IMO NATO and USA pushed Russia too far - not that what they did was acceptable. It was one thi9ng to support a coup that removed the elected President which is response Russia immediately anxed (took back) Crimea. But they provoked 'The Bear' too far when they agreed to Ukraine becoming a part of NATO. In the end I think Russia will retain eastern Ukraine (Donbass etc), and western Ukraine will join NATO. There will be a bit of give and take over which way certain localities/cities go such that it will be technically a lose/lose for both sides, but overall that will be a win for NATO and EU and the world. It is ridiculous to think that Russia can be defeated on their 'home soil' - from Mogols to Napoleon to Hitler and many others in between - they have never been defeated on home soil. Most people do not know how big Russia is - they have 11 time zones. Many people do not realise how hard they will fight to the death - down to nearly every man and woman. When Napoleon invaded Russia, and he did the best ever, the Russians gave up Moscow and burnt it to the ground - the city burned for days. They then embarked on a campaign of guerilla warfare and destruction against Napoleon's army unlike any other see before or since. They did that because they knew it would destroy Napoleon's army in trying to keep the city with winter approaching - and they knew it would weaken his resolve - and it did - he . What is the point of conquering a country that will abandon and burn down its cities? You have more chance of defeating the Afghanistanioans on their home soil than ever conquering Russia.
  10. What? Are you saying the IO did not tell me after I had received my first 90 day permission that I could do the next one online?? As others have said, after a new annual extension it seems sometimes that the first 90 day report has to be done in person - dont ask me why - they never explain things like that here - and you should know that. And you should know there are rules and then there is what the Thai Authority person decides.
  11. Ditto - my Wife is Australian Citizen. She easily able to apply, and she was treated so much better and fairer than I am in Thailand. Sometimes I feel like a criminal out on parole - 90 day reports, annual extensions, reports when travelling, ask permission to leave country and return, no govt services, no free medical, etc etc. I am treated like a tourist and that is because I am legally only that and will never been any more. Residency or Citizenship is out of my reach - a lawyer said not to waste my time and money applying. Xenophobic? Nationalistic? Whatever - I would like to be treated fairly that is all.
  12. That could be true. But me thinks they will find a legal way to deport him before the court appearance. That will include 'resuming' any of his financials/property to pay the fine imposed.
  13. In Australia we call that 'product dumping'. China never plays fair.
  14. Yes the activists have pushed Govts into doing what they want and the idiots in Govt have done that without realising the details. A mate of mione has a Tesla - it is the only electric car I would ever buy. But the advice of Elon about what the Govts should do about the quality and stabndards of EV vehicles was ignored - they and the activists see him as the bogeyman. Both siders have done it, but that is especially true with left wing Govts.
  15. I am responding to another poster - and you know nothing about what he and I previously posted to each other. Butt Out Mate. Mind Your Own Business.
  16. Dont give out your credit or debit card information over the phone. Period. If the company does not use a secure online payment service - then dont use them. Likewise, if online and their 'payment system' is you providing your card details to them online and they will process the payment later, then walk away. Any company that will not pay the small fees needed to use a secure and safe online payment system provider like Paypal, is not worth doing business with. As to getting back the deposit - I think you are in trouble as the transaction was not fraud. Maybe try Consumer Affairs.
  17. The world is moving towards the 'right'. People more and more do not accept the BS of inclusiveness, diversity and social justice causes - they want law and order, national intergrity including strong borders, and conservative social values restored. For over 3 decades the 'progressives' have been winning more than the conservatives, but as seen in the last few years with Argentina, Sweden, Finland, Greece, etc etc - the conservatives are winning more often than not. Biden will be one of the last major progressive leaders of the world. When Trudea and Macron are voted out, then we will know the transition has been completed. Yes the porgressives will win elections here and there, but there will be a balance restored between the two main political views in society - it was a huge mistake to allow the progressives to gain so much power and control for such a long period of time. The Biden State Dept has said many negative things about Orban (Hungary PM) - things that should not be said by an organisations that is supposed to be apolitical and that respects the voting decisions of other countries. The recent isnults are on the record - but I have edited their latest. The Biden State Department has accused Orban of - "rolling back the very damaging and poloraising minority rights that disadvantaged the majority; controlling the progressive activist judiciary that makes decisions based on politics; has curtailed the progressive biased media from publishing false media stories and allegations; and has ensured the integrity of the country's election system". That sounds exactly what Trump and the GOP are going to do when they are elected in 2024. Nothing Biden can say in his address will change the fact that the progressive levers of control and influence over the majority of the people for the benefit of the minorities that vote progressive will be destroyed.
  18. Instead of telling them what Thailand/TAT is doing, maybe he (and TAT) should be asking them - what do they want, what they dont like, and how can he/TAT improve Thailand as a holiday and business destination.
  19. I agree with everything this guy said - he has a lot of common sense. The idiots running things are trying to force us all into EVs in order to reduce by 50% the 7% of the total CO2 that cars produce yearly. Build nuclear and hydro power generators you idiots - that will drop CO2 by 40%. IMO EVs are like 3D movies. 3D movies were great but their time has come and gone. EVs are going out of favour. Too expensive too complciated too much trouble.
  20. Questions too generic and leading. Should we all attempt to live our lives making allowances for the Thai way of life. YES Should we all attempt to become Thai. NO
  21. Another Expat who is burnt toast and about to be deported.
  22. I was told the same by the IO - after the first time extending for another 90 days. She said that the first 90 days report had to be in pewrson, and then it could be done online. Until I change address and then it has to be done all over again.
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