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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. NASA fires map last 24 hours shows far less than normal now in Chiang Mai Province. There are heaps today in Laos though - unless they drop water on them by flying into their countries, then they will not get put out. Thaiger - Hub of Quality Journalists.
  2. As I said - if the person or organisation you call does not have Line (or Viber) then you cannot call them free. Skype allows you to call anyone - mobile or landline - and it is dirt cheap. Viber has the option to call a non-viber number - but you must pay for it and Skype is cheaper and is a much better service.
  3. I agree - Samui is definitely the least 'violent' and least 'mafia controlled' of all the islands. But like all of them it is a scam - just getting there is a scam.
  4. When we saw Thais drawing water from the moat in Chaing Mai one year, we realised that not all the water being sprayed or splashed around was clean water. At the best it will be tap water - which even the Thais dont drink (only the poor ones) - and I definitely dont want that in my face. We have always avoided being out on the streets in Songkran ever since - only travel in car and directly into Mall carpark etc.
  5. Do they realise there will be blowback later about all the Russians in Phuket - from the quality family tourists that Thailand wants. There has been so many media stories about Thailand this season, that many 'quality' tourists planning next season will have second thoughts. This has been happening for several years now, and the Thai authorities have as usual just ignored it all, because 'we are best in world hub tourism'. They just dont get it - people dont look at the official travel warnings anymore - people are not influenced by the TAT activities that much - people see the social media stories and coming out of Thailkand for a long time it has been bad news. People remember all the khrapp that they had to go though in Thailand during Covid - they remember the scams and total BS Thailand imposed on people. I know the Thai people generally have short memories, but surely those in authority will begin to realise they have a problem - I know they will never admit it - but surely they know it. It has not been made public in Thailand, and probably never will be, but in 2023 there were more tourists into Malaysia (26 million) than into Thailand (24 million). 26 Million is the same number that went to Malaysia in 2019. 2023 was the first time Malaysia has beaten Thailand, and first time it has been number one destination in SEAsia. Thailand's tourism in 2019 was 39 million - in 2023 it was 24 million - a decline of 15 million. While Malaysia's tourism in 2023 was back to what is was in 2019, Thailand's tourism was down 38%. World tourism in 2023 was on average, 90% of what it was in 2019. Thailand tourism and therefore its economy is in trouble - big trouble.
  6. Good questions - especially about the girlfriend of 10 years. They 'separated' during the night and his body was found the next day? When the next day?? One report said next afternoon - was she drugged/etc - was he robbed (phone gone?). Why was the death not reported until now - saving toursims? So many questions - probably get the same answers as before - some poor Burmese did it. I dont like the Islands in Thailand - from Phuket to Kao Tao - they are all 'not so good'. And as an Aussie, I hate Samui.
  7. Made in Japan Models | Personal Lines | Medical | Products | A&D (aandd.jp) Bought this is Aust some years ago - works great and extremely accurate - cannot say the same for the devices in most Clinics here. Best to take pressure first thing in morning and keep a record.
  8. Youtube - find video on how to dismantle your model. Always easier to do repairs with bolts/glues etc with the laptop dismantled and the casing clear of components. Good opportunity to clean things up and remove all the dust/lint that collects in there too. If you can, get some new thermal compound and change it (CPU) - a good clean up will often make it run better/cooler.
  9. Do you have a Skype account? Get one - download the app and call using Skype. Alternatively does the person you are calling have Line or similar social app? You can call them using that app. There is no cheap way to make a 'phone call' - but you can make an IP Call using internet via social app or app like skype.
  10. Gotta agree with that - unblocked and ready for a laugh - probably wont take long 😁
  11. In Baht? Or in GPB after being converted/exchanged and fees applied.
  12. I am never happy to hear about the death of a person - but for OJ I make a rare exception and I hope he was in a lot of pain. In my life I have taken the view that it does not really matter whether you believe in God or not - but that it is better to live as a good person in the hope that there is a Heaven, rather than living as a bad person abd be in hope there is no Hell. I sure hope there is a Hell, because if there is, OJ is there.
  13. Exactly correct - most hotels do not want to have to lodge an online report - nothing in it for them. But obviously some Expats here demand they do that by immediately handing over their Passport. Just wait - maybe they wont ask - if they dont ask that means they dont want it and they dont want to have to do an online report.
  14. Over the last year or so we have stayed in many hotels - only one hotel asked - and they backed off and all was good. You clearly like telling everyone else what to do - stickler for the rules or something? And I am grumpy ! She is trouble !!
  15. Not sure how that makes it difficult for others - I did offer my Licence/s and to show a copy of Resident's Certificate on phone - they wanted Passport only. Khrapp hotel anyway - we wont be staying there again.
  16. Arrest and Deport - then mnaybe numpties from overseas will realise the downsides of being an animal in Thailand.
  17. Good luck mate - those of us who have had the experience of dealing with Immigration know that they are best avoided at any cost.
  18. We book everything in the wife's name and she checks in - I hang back at car etc. Only one problem hotel who wanted passport - but I smiled and said no hab forgot. They kept asking and said to the wife about Immigration coming and them gettinmg into trouble if they see me. Wife said tell them he left it behind - all sorted - my fault. They backed down and every day after that it was all smiles each day. No need or benefit to me or them - only possible downside if next 90 days is rejected for not 'reporting' properly or something - probably not happen, but why risk it. We have been doing that since last year - all booking accounts and bank accounts used are in Wife's name - no official records of me being there. If I must show Passport to an Immigration Officer then I will suddenly find the Pasport - but I am not showing it to the lovely numpties in the hotels thanks.
  19. I see egoboy has not responded to any of our comments and posts this week - not complaining 🙂 Interesting post egoboy made today in another thread that clearly IMO precludes his inputs into any OAP forum. He was slagging off about baby boomers and how we will not embrace bitcoin and other cryptocurreny investments - claiming that he of course is killing it (( have met a few of those type of barflies). But the point is that the 'are soul' is not even on the OAP - because you have to be a baby boomer (1946 to early 1960s) and at least 67 to get the OAP - which means 1956 or older - which is right in the middle of the baby boomers. I have blocked the are soul.
  20. I am so glad to hear you are fine - but I was referring to the expectation that the TRD will expect your tax return every year going forward.
  21. If anyone think that the TRD requires, demands and enforces that all single Thailand tax residents who earn 60K Baht per year (or more), complete and lodge a tax return, then IMO they are very much mistaken. It is obvious they do not - despite what some well meaning Expats say. There would not be many Expats who do not remit into Thailand over 60K Baht each year, and I am very worried that many Expats are going to get a TIN from TRD and then lodge a tax return (and be locked into doing that yearly for life here), because they think that is required by the TRD and the Law - based on what people on this forum/thread have said and think. Or what some tax consultants have said, because they want your business every year. IMO Expats only have to lodge a tax return, if they are required to pay income taxes - after doing their self-determination (or paying someone to do it), and calculating how much tax they should pay. Unlike in the West, where you lodge a tax return and the Tax Office determines what taxes you pay (or get refunded), in Thailand you calculate it yourself and pay it yourself when lodging the return. Check it out. IMO if you have enough deductions, allowances and tax benefits, to not be required to pay income taxes, then you do not need to lodge a tax return. IMO that also applies if your home country DTA precludes you paying taxes in Thailand. For some reason, some people think you have to prove that - I do not. Many reason for my opinion on that - main one being that 40+ million Thais would be getting chased by the TRD for their tax returns. Perhaps many Expats do not realise that only about 10 million Thais lodge personal income tax returns - and yet they all earn well over 60K Baht per year. However, having said that, if an Expat remits income money into Thailand and should pay income taxes, then I strongly advise them to lodge a tax return and do that (go see a specialist). The penalties in Thailand for deliberate tax avoidance can be extreme (compared to the west), and that includes having Passport held until all fines and penalties are paid - including 1.5% per month penalty on any backdated taxes deemed due - and of course eventual deportation. IMO the TRD is best avoided by all Expats unless absolutely necessary - there are so many provisions and powers that they have which most Expats will have no clue about. Example - Somchai in the local TRD can 'calculate' what income taxes are due, based upon an Expat's lifestyle (house, car, bank account) - many things like that are totally arbitrary with TRD - avoid at all costs is my advice. I have my tax strategy worked out and I do not have to pay any income taxes in Thailand, even though I will have remitted money into the country. The vast majority of my remittances is not income, and most of the rest is 'covered' due to deductions, allowances and tax benefits, and a small amount comes under the DTA provisions. If/when TRD ever asks me in the future to justify my self-assessment decisions, I will have full records and calculations available. Some Expats are deciding to leave before that happens - and I cannot criticise them - being married to a Thai gives me big additional benefits, deductions and tax benefits. If I was single I would certainly have everything in place for a quick exit stage left in Jan-March 2025 - probably then will be the time when it will become clear what the TRD is going to do with Expats. Over and Out.
  22. Agree with that - there are far too many unknowns to state with absolute certainty anything definitive. But to claim that the OAP is definitely going to be taxed in Thailand and/or that all OAP recipients must lodge a tax return, is total BS. One swallow does not a summer make - nor does one Clause in a DTA mean tax is payable.
  23. You mean - how will it work in UK if they adopt the full Australian system? Boats are interceptred and passengers arrested and taken to off-shore processing. Their 'rights' under UN convention are on hold pending assesment of their claims - they also have reduced rights of appeal etc. Takes many years to be processed and even if determined to be a refuge they can be sent to another 'safe' country. Reduces the benefit for illegal immigrants to pay people smugglars - and reduces deaths lost at sea when boats collapse.
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