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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. You serious? Learn a lesson?? Your thinking is 'western style' - that does not work here.
  2. Dont waste your breath - He does not listen to woke progressives. Have you read the Bible or Koran?
  3. Good question - IMO the entertainment industry is mainly progressive wokes and they are trying 'normalisation' in a misguided attempt to 'prove' that such an alternative lifestyle is OK. The stupid thing about that, and all the associated woke rubbish, is that this sort of thing just makes more and more people dislike them. The 'deal' is live and let live - like it is in Thailand - accepted. But Thailand did not achieve this social acceptance by throwing gay TV shows and movies at everyone, and by having marches and pride months. It is total woke progressive rubbish that is finally starting to be rejected by the majority as more and more people push back. And please - they are NOT pushing back on gays - they are poushing back on all the 'activism'. The gay queens are entertaining - but for children under 16 - no thank you. Just teach them to be tolerant and not to bully them - that is all that is and ever was needed.
  4. NO. They will only confirm payment received with some basic details - not bank, account name, or number etc. Obviously. Otherwise somone could send you $1 and get all your bank details.
  5. I only ever use COD but only buy items under 500 Baht and from accredited sellers on Lazada Mall - the nuber one issue is not price - it is number of sales made and number of stars in reviews. I say this only because Lazada is SO GOOD - compared to Aust online. Anyone here thinking maybe maybe not should give them a try . Sometimes when I order something on Lazada it is deliverd that afternoon, and never more than a few days - and they deliver on Saturday and Sunday. I bought 5 things on Friday - the last 3 items were delivered today. As an EBay user in Aust I am so impressed - EBay forces payment upfront (no COD) and very slow to deliver. Not many problems, but when nothing arrives, you have to go through a long difficult process to get the money back. I have bought a lot of items COD on Lazada and never a problem.
  6. Thanks - they changed the rules - before it was 800K for the full 12 mths. I am on married extension so have not used retirement for a while. Buit good to know for the future - who knows what may happen.
  7. I agree - she provoked this deliberately - even though it is true - a young single female should not go there late at night/early morning. But the never ending 'bad news' stories about Thailand just keep coming - and trying to shut this down like China or Nth Korea is not the answer. Yes - Thailand is extremely safe in that regards, when compared to many other countries. There are places normal people will not go in their own western countries, especially at night. The same thing applies in certain parts of Bangkok and Pattaya and Patong etc. Certainly not safer on the Thai roads though
  8. Those Chinese big group tours are becomming less - more of the Chinese tourists are small groups and families and couples. Chinese tourists seek less trodden path as overseas travellers decline, become choosier post-Covid | South China Morning Post (scmp.com) Perhaps in the future the 'poorer' Ciniese tourists will start travelling in those 'bargain basement' large groups - but lets hope not.
  9. I believe this is wrong - does not the retirement extension requires 800K to be maintained for 12 months in the account? Please advise if I am wrong and provide link or docs.
  10. Yes. When there is overwhelming evidence of guilt such as in this case. IMO there are no 'mitigating circumstances' for killing people in that manner.
  11. I thought Thailand would become less like China once the Junta was bid a not so fond farewell.
  12. Date of his departure - that is bad luck. But maybe he/family still have a claim - Denque does not 'happen' so suddenly - he obviously caught it while he was insured and became extremely ill on the last day of the policy. That might take appeals to Tribunals and Courts - but maybe worth it. But right now there are far more important things for the family to worry about. Hope he gets through it.
  13. I hear you, but it does not always work that way. A person 'knows' something and it is ingrained, and that internal feeling can stop them doing certain things, sometimes. The reason so few people in Aust drive when they have had too much to drink, is not because they are a good person as such - it is because they 'know' that the punishment is extremely severe. The thing is that it is over time that the extreme punishments being handed out become the 'lesson' and it is learned and it becomes ingrained. Yes - some will still do it - but over time, less and less do it. The reason so many Thais do not wear a helmet is because they know there will be no 'punishment'.
  14. One of the first things we did here after settling in to the hosue, was to visit the local Military Hospital and register as a 'patient' while making an appointment to see a specialist (they have after hours appointments - at a reasonable cost). Easy to do and well worth it in the long run.
  15. What are the different types of car insurance in Thailand? (roojai.com)
  16. You do. And given the guy is probably very poor and the debt would be on the family, and they will have to get/give hiom another bike, I would just let it go and pay the excess. Unless he was driving a Mercedes or Ferrari of course.
  17. It is a 30 min drive for me, but I take your point some Offices are very difficult to get to for some Expats. Never been to Immigration in Bangkok - and yes that would not be 'easy' or quick for most people. But even for me we organise to do something else there before and/or after we visit, so the trip is never just for that. Yes there is plenty of information on AN, but sometimes the locals want something different, and it does no harm to put yourself and the wife in front of them, before you lodge the application together.
  18. Definitely correct - at 70 they grow heaps - at 75 they escalate - at 80 you are 'not welcome'. Some guarantee that if you start before 60/65 they will cover you til 90 - but they dont say what the premiums are going to be. I have a 'medical fund' in a bank account - all it is for is if there is a medical emergency - I put in 100K to start and top up each year. The annual premiums you pay are wasted if you dont claim - but if you put it in a 'fund' account, it stays there waiting for you to use it. I also use that bank account for the annual extensions - I have another bank account for day to day usage. Plus I have car insurance with accident coverage that includes unlimited hospital treatment after an accident. Back to this bloke - if he had no medical insurance coverage for his holiday, then I am sorry, but that is on him - he made a bad decision. I do wish him all the best and hope he recovers OK and very soon.
  19. Lots of good thoughts and ideas, so I will just add my 'warning' about getting what you asked for. IMO the western world is full of over-educated idiots who have no idea about anything - they are full of information, but have no knowlegde or understanding. That is what happens when a country embarks on a program of educting everyone, because that is somehow better than pushing back on those not intelligent enoughm while also allowing for them to still 'push throiugh' if they are determined enough. Now we have over-educated idiots with degrees given to them for 'participation' - eg. all the idiots with gender studies degrees. By all means raise the standards of Thai education, but please for God's sake done turn them into over-educated idiots with degrees in gender studies or theatre arts or ancient basket weaving techniques etc etc etc. The biggest idiot that ever worked for me had 3 degrees - Engineering, Marketing and an MBA - great at passing exams, but totally useless in the real world. Got a mate that has a kid who has been at Uni for over 10 years - he does not want to leave and get a real job - why should he. Change it by all means, but I hope they dont make it like the western system.
  20. More great news for the Chinese tourists - NOT. Are the Thailand authorities 'listening' - this is just one of the many many things that Thailand needs to address STRONGLY. Trial and execution within 2-3 months - that is about the only thing that will stop others doing the same thing when they get angry. Drunks killing people, military/police nutters killing people/babies, boats killing people, women being raped and killed, people being killed in Malls, etc etc etc. All the positive PR and Rhetoric in the world is not going to work (anymore). Yes it happens elsewhere too - but not every day - day after day after day. Media story today about 7 Police arrested for corruption and another charged with rape. On and on and on it goes. And it is more and more impossible to 'cover it up' and just keep smiling. The problems Thailand has are all post-covid - all the other local countries (except Myanmar) are going better - economically and socially. Yes economic growth and properity will solve a lot of the problems - but it is not coming quick enough - a lot of Thais are seriously struggling.
  21. Go into local Immi Office with wife and ask the IO how to change from retired to married - they will advise you how they do it in their office and what you will need to bring with you. Be nice and polite and smile a lot - let the wife do most of the talking. Each Office does things their own way - rules are rules buty in Thailand they are only 'guides' - asking in the local Office is the best way to go and mnakes it easier for them when you arrive to lodge application. The only issue we had was the 'written' map showing where you live - you are not allowed to use Google Maps - ask about that too (dont ask me why).
  22. Funny how the lefties call anyone that does not agree with their woke progressive narrative as either fascist or far-right - or both. Trump may well not be a very articulate and 'diplomatic' person, but he by a long way the preferred POTUS than Biden (or Harris). I truly believe that the Dems did not believe they could win in 2020 and that Biden's nomination was their 'farewell gift'. There are far better politicians in the Dems Party, than those currently leading and influencing the DNC etc. Perhaps their political destruction by Trump will result in the Dems hitting the 'reset button' - and pushing to the background the Clintons' very negative influence and the Obama's divisiveness.
  23. It will more of the same as it was on 2016 - but worse. Remember all those street riots and protests - this time it will be worse - for the lefties. In every Republican controlled State they will shut them down with force - they will only be free to loot and burn in Democrat places. 2024 to 2028 is going to be 'wonderful' - it is no coincidence that the World is going 'right wing' - just look at recent elections in Europe and Argentina. Man I love that new Argentinian PM - day one on the job and he abolished half of the Government Departments. The NGOs and all other publically funded lefty woke organisations will be next. I think he and many other right wing leaders are realising that the only way to counter the lies and rhetoric of the left is to attack their institutions and tear them down.
  24. She is no longer a Republican politician - she was voted/thrown out of the party. Trump attacked her father/family for being the war mongering opportunits that they are/were - that is why she turned Benedict Arnold. All her current 'talk' is 'Hell hath no Fury ...... ".
  25. Thanks a lot mate. We moved back here this year, and I had forgotten all about the fat obese uglies in Australia walking on the beach where we lived. They might be just a picture on the net to you - but to me they are a distinct reminder of what so many of them are like. One day there was a 'lady' that was so fat in Woolies (big shopping place) that we could not get past her with our trolley in the aisle - we had to turn around and go back the other way. Sad really - she was clearly struggling and was breathing hard. Growing obesity is an epidemic in Australia - and it will kill many more than Covid did, over the coming decades.
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