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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Exactly - if Israel wanted to they could wipe all of Gaza off the map. It is logic and reason against emotions and feelings. I have found that debating with most pro-Palestinian people is like arguing with your mother-in-law about your wife. They are so 'insane' I saw people holding up "LBGTQ for Palestine" signs - when reality is that they would be killed if they had entered Gaza or West Bank. Reality and Palestinian supporters are not on the same page.
  2. If you can take the time and listen - you will learn something - up to you. Son of Hamas Co-Founder Denounces Group at UN
  3. So many delusional posts in the one thread - truly remarkable - but understandable. Is the Court going to put Hamas on trial for what they did, are now doing, and have been doing for decades? The UN has issued lots of 'condemnations' to Israel, but none to Hamas or Hezbolla etc. Israel has had enough and is going to destroy Hamas (and its supporters). Hamas are deliberately hiding behnd their people - quote 'a necessary sacrifice". Israel will ee-occupy Gaza and try to keep a firm lid on the terrorists. The West Bank terrorists are on notice - as is all others supporting Islamic terrorists.
  4. LOL - it will be appealed and he will win - but the TDS woke liberals think this is a 'victory'. As Don would say - 2024 is going to be yuuuuuuge !! Get that popcorn ready .........
  5. We first visited Pattaya in 2017 - it was awful - as a car driver. We visited again last year twice - it was even worse. In between 2017 and 2023 I read numerous media stroies about how it was all going to be fixed and this is just another one. There is no real journalism in Thailand and never will be, while the defamation laws remain as they are now. Meanwhile, to avoid being sued, all media outlets publish PR Annoucements as if they are news stories. This is just another one. IMO what is holding Thailand back from progressing to a modern society is corruption, and the 'control' of the media that enables that corruption to continue. All media stories about corruption are PR Annoucements by the Police/Govt - there is no journalism in Thailand exposing potential crime and corruption - because they cannot do that.
  6. I pick 1 and 3. IMO there is no obligation to file a tax return - unless you are required to pay income tax; and The local RD is what really matters - if they say no - then no it is (but yes, also means yes).But over the course of this year things may change in regards to all 3 - TiT.
  7. They can enter if they want to in order to establish if the photos you submitted were actually taken inside that premises. Thinking about it and of all the Expat stories over the years on this forum, why the hell does this 'extension' khrapp continue. And now there is the chance Expats may have to pay income taxes on money that was earned/accumulated and is held in another country. Will Thailand ever become a modern society that treats long term Expats fairly and decently, like they themselves are treated when they migrate to a first world country? Not in my lifetime I figure.
  8. The worst of all time I have ever experienced - and by a long way - was arriving at LA Airport. Nothing anywhere else experienced or heard about, including this, even comes close to that day. Then going from the Int to Dom terminal - what a joke that was too. Airports and Airlines get away with it too easy - it is absolutely awful everywhere some days.
  9. Sounds much better than I assumed. It is a bigger island than I thought, but most of it is jungle and there are what, about 9000 people there? Yes there is a small 9 hole military golf course, and a small Makro, and few other things spread out along the coast. Like I said, better than I assumed but not really 'big' enough - but we might take a trip there and take a look one day. Any recommended resorts to stay at?
  10. Woke Liberal is what you and most of the other posters are - did they not tell you that at school? Woke = Woke Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Liberal = Liberal Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Somehow that is now seen by some as an insult - and I know why - but I am very much using that as per the dictionary.
  11. Truly funny ........... But my answer is = DITTO (there are none so blind as a woke liberal).
  12. Fixed my statement so not read out of context (update in bold and undelined) "USD to THB is OK - but THB is over-valued against the GBP and YEN ......... and most especially so against the AUD."
  13. Yes indeed - those other figures include Working Japanese Expats. When you look at Retired/Married Japanese Expats - Thailand has the most. I saw a media a few years ago about the Japanese Expats Group lobbying the Thai Govt - and they made that claim.
  14. Mike - what are you talking about mate? This is about Japanese tourism - my point was that one reason for lower tourists is that the Thai Baht is over valued against most other currencies - including the Yen.
  15. Yes indeed - and that is the question so many woke liberals just cannot bring themselves to ask. Is this 'tactic' really democracy, or is it a deceptive underhanded attempt to stop democracy. You know, like all those trumped up charges by Democratic DAs done solely for political reasons. Like I mean - how many of them have charged Hunter Biden with a crime (and so many other Dems). That is the main essential difference between woke liberals and rational righties. The work liberals are all about feelings, and they genuinely feel that doing anything they can to win an election is justified because they feel that they are justified. What happens of course, as we all know, is that silly stupid young fools get easily caught up in those 'feelings' and become woke liberals - but then reality hits them hard in the head and they realise the truth that life aint like that and they have to 'grow up' and get on with things and deal with the facts. As the old saying goes (sic) - 'if you are not a lefty when young you have no heart, and if you are not a righty when an adult you have no head'.
  16. Well said - and there are some of those. I know a couple and have met quite a few more. Most of them are extremely 'cognitive dissonent' about where they are and with who they are living. But each to their own I guess - I just wish they would stop 'loudly' proclaiming how great their life is living in the bush/sticks amongst 'the natives' where the nearest decent Hospital and Medical Specialist (and so many other things) is many hours away. Some Farangs will get offended about that paper ass-wiping comment mate. Like when a certain Thai said the words 'Dirty Farangs'. Maybe they dont realise how badly paper actually 'removes' stuff, and why using water in a hot sweaty environment is the only way to go - or at least paper plus baby wipes when travelling. Just saying.
  17. USD to THB is OK - but THB is over-valued against the GBP and YEN and most especially so against the AUD.
  18. Who is this 'kid' and what the F...... is a 'corporate innovation accelerator' Sounds like an advertisement and not a news story @george Any chance we can get these 'news' stories vetted George - nothing but PR and Advertorial khrapp.
  19. If you still have no luck online, print out the ELearning 'pass' and take it to the Transport Office, and tale an ecopy on the phone, and make an appointment. Arrive early - very early for appt - it is amazing how many others will have the same appointment time.
  20. Do you have a decent local hospital. Is there a Mall with restaurants. How about a golf course or two. Can you drive to visit others and the family. Living on a small island - those things make it a no no for us. But each to his own.
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