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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. I have only one response - do you know what sarcasm is mate. Calm down and have another one - relax - you might live longer.
  2. Truly delusional - you are the epitome of the ignorant Expat claiming to know it all - Thais dont have an attitude to Falangs - you are clearly not in Thailand - or only ever in Pattaya?? Do you remember the TM30 debarcle - that law is still on the books mate. People like him/you doing the wrong thing are what causes the Thais to not modernise their immigration system - they dont want more of you lot here - and saying it is fine is truly silly.
  3. R U Serious ? You sound like that youtuber who thinks Thailand Immigration is wonderful and there have been no changes since 2010 in order to crack dowen on the 'bad ones'. The bad ones are the reasaon why many Thais have such a negative attitude to Expats for decades, and why any discussion to make it easier for Expats to retire/marry in Thailand are immediately shut down. Yes Xenophobia and Corruption is a big part - but the bad ones are their best excuse.
  4. Bugger - I was hoping you had blocked me. In answer - the truth is that fanatic crazy terrorists like Hamas make peace impossible.
  5. Detroit Lions might just upset the applecart and pull this one off - brave I know. What say you guys? Winner is?? Jared Goff is very under-rated - and Lamar Kackson is very over-rated. Mahomes is a proven champion - and Purdy is unconvincing. It is all about the quarterback and how well he is protected - Chiefs have lost their best offensive lineman and Mahomes is used to having plenty of time.
  6. Your 'friend' is one of the reasons us 'good guys' who are playing by the rules, have so many issues to deal with Immigration. They are trying hard to catch people like you/friend, and the rest of us have to deal with the consequences. I hope you/friend are blocked on your next entry and blacklisted forever. Reported to Immigration (your IP address and location).
  7. You are stating lies and distortions as fact and using what a poster says to embolde your own argument. As I have proven many times, the history of the region and the Jewish claim to those lands is undisputed. Recent ownership has been with the Muslims - ever since they murdered and drove them out en masse when Islam became their religion and Jews became their sworn enemies. Not all Muslims agree with that - the vast majority in thge World do not - only the fanatics on the extreme (Hamas, Hezbolla, etc.). Many do not know this but the greates killer of Muslims is other Muslims - they have more 'sects' than the Chritians - but they are still very violent in resolving their conflicts (like Christians were). Those are things that are not in dispute if you have any idea of history. However, what is disputed is the BS about Palestine ever being a State or Sect (of Muslims). They are nothing but fanatical murderous terrorists using that BS to get their one and only goal - the death/removsal of all Jews from Israel. In regards to your only valid points - suck it up princess - that is history. After WW2 the State of Israel was created, and accepted by the UN, and the lands in a designated area were given over to them. Done. Over. Suck it up and move on. Every attempt by Muslim States to 're-take' that land was defeated - and yet Israel gave back lands after winning those wars and disputes. Plus they even forcibly removed their own people from Gaza and West Bank to try and achieve peace with PLO. That was a mistake - the fanatical terrorists used that concession and all the world's donations, not to build a society for the people there, but to embark on a campain of terrorism. Hamas and Hexbolla will never accept the existence of Israel - they will never cease until Israel is destroyed - that is their one and only goal. IMO the only solution, as proven by history, is the complete annihilation and destruction of either Gaza and Hamas and all its supporters, or of Israel and all Jews. There was never going to be peace between the West and Nazis - it was one or the other. But just remember and ask yourself - what happenned to all the Nazi supporters - were all Germans killed - No. Whoever loses - their supporters will just fade away into history. All the attempts at peace settlements and negotiations over many decades have failed - I say let them at it and lets see whose 'God' wins. If Israel backs down now, Hamas will regrow and again commence terrorist attacks. Let them at it - until one side is gone and becomes history. You might think that is extreme - but let me tell you a fact. Every single Hamas member and supporter wants to die as a Matyr fighting for their cause aghainst Israel. OK I say - Israel is going to let them have that and I agree 100%.
  8. So anyone disagreeing with your delusions and pointing out the truth is an Islamophobe - that shows what sort of mind you have - delusional and seriously in need of help. What I write below is in response to your posts - but it is aimed at anyone willing to read/listen - you will probably have blocked me and I will be doing the same shortly. Since they murdered Jews at the Olympics the Muslin terrorists calling thermselves 'Palestinians' (no such country or caste of Muslims ever existed) have embarked on ever increasing terrorism as a means to achive their goals - which is the death/removal of all Jews from Israel. Only delusional ignorant and stupid people see these murderous cowards in the same light as the French Resistance - they are Terrorists - and as those two videos I posted yesterday from brave Muslims who knows them personally and bravely spoke up is just one of many many facts and proof. No Israel is not completely innocent in this 'dispute' - but Israel is more in the right than Hamas, and anyone saying that Hams and the people of Gaza are all innocents 'fighting' for their homeland is as ridiculous and ignorant as the woke liberal idiots protesting on the campuses of USA and elsewhere around the world.
  9. Correct - writing a story about Palestine that starts in 1918 is total BS writen by the sort of academics that have recently been exposed in the USA - and forced to resign. Thank you for apologising after realising that.
  10. That is the way to go. Come as a tourist - get a property lease - go see local Immigration Office and ask what they need you to get to be able to apply for a 12 month O Retirement Visa. Insurance is only mandatory for O-A Retirement Visa applied for outside Thailand.
  11. If you read my link you will see that is total rubbish. The history of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel begins in the 2nd millennium BCE, when Israelites emerged as an outgrowth of southern Canaanites, During biblical times, a postulated United Kingdom of Israel existed but then split into two Israelite kingdoms occupying the highland zone history of jews in israel - Google Search
  12. There was no such thing as a Palestine - there never has been. The name started when the Rponas won the second Roman/Jewish war. The lands of the area were not what you think - especially Jordan - you need to learn some history.
  13. There will be an end to the conflict only when one side is destroyed - whichever one. 1920s?? Are you serious - the Jews lived in those lands thousands of years ago. When WW2 ended there was still a lot of Jews living in those lands. When WW2 ended many more Jews returned to their 'homeland'. History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia
  14. In a war these are the things that happen - it is not about 'rights' anymore. WW1 started because a Prince was assasinated. WW2 started because German reclaimed that part of Poland that had not been already invaded by USSR (and were welcomed by most of the population). The Israel-Hamas war of 2023/24 was started when Palestinians invaded Israel, killed 1400 and took hundreds back to Gaza as prisoners. It is a war mate - the BS rights you think apply in Gaza are as BS as what you probably think are your rights in Thailand.
  15. And it is still ignorant and silly because the history of the world is conquest and change of lands. Why do you think so many Jews lived in Europe and not in their ancestral lands? Because the Muslims killed them and drove many of them out. If you want to play this 'victim of history' game then the Jews beat you hands down mate.
  16. Exactly how do the IDF get Hamas then?? Your the 'expert' - tell us exactly how they do it !! Israel did what it has the right to do (10 years too late IMO) they have declared war on Hamas the el;ected leaders of Gaza. The IDF are trying to minimise civilians casualties - Hamas is tryiong to maximise them - because silly people in the world will rally to their cause. By the way, pray tell us all great one - how was the world supposed to kill the Nazis but not any of the Germans in WW2. Remember this too - the Germans soldiers in WW2 wore uniforms - the Hamas soldiers dont all wear a 'uniform' - just look at all the scumbags that invaded Israel and randomnly raped, butchered and killed Jews - they were not wearing a uniform. Maybe the Palestinians in Gaza should be given a certain amount of time to get, and then blow everything up - all of it. That worked against the Nazis and Japan - so why does Israel not do it again. Be aware I dont agree with that - but if this is not 'resolved' and Hamas or Hezbola (aided by Iran) explode a nuclear device in Israel - I can see Israel doing just that - and I would not blame them.
  17. I agree about no end to this conflict. The rest is opinion that I do not agree with because it is irrelevent and a construed story. 1. What happenned after WW2 is not going to be undone - history is land being acquired by others. Remember, the Jews have lived there for a lot longer than the 'Palestinians'. 2. Jews who had settled in Gaza/West Bank were forcibly removed by Israel when they withdrew and handed over the Gaza to the PLO in 2005. 3. Hamas was elected to power in 2006 and they killed their political opponents (PLO) and embarked upon decades of terrorism. 4. There are many Muslims in Israel - 20% of the population is Muslim I believe. They have Muslim Judges, Politicians, Businessmen, etc etc. Islam in Israel - Wikipedia 4. There are zero Jews in Gaza - they were and are killed on sight.
  18. You need to watch this and listen. Yes there are two sides to this, but one side aint what they pretend to be. As he honestly and bravely points out - you canot just 'separate' Hamas and Civilians - there are terrorists in every family. For decades they were indoctrinated into killing Jews. Even Egypt will not allow them to enter their country - they know that many of them are terrorists in disguise as civilians.
  19. Yes indeed. Do you have a clue what genocide really is? Saying Israel is committing genocide in Gaza is ignorant and stupid - sorry if that offends you. Israel has declared war on Hamas - the elected rulers of Gaza - and they are trying very hard not to kill any 'innocents'. You cannot say with any credibility that they are deliberaely killing all Muslims - they are trying to kill Hamas - the military and rulers of Gaza. If Hamas all walked out and surrendered, gave up all the hostages, and handed over all those that comitted the atrocities in October for trial in an independent Court (like Eqypt) - then Isreal would cease fire. If Israel backs off and walks away, Hamas will continue doing as it has for decades. Indoctrinate more terrorists and pursue their one and only goal through terrorism - the death of all Jews in Israel.
  20. Exactly what is wrong in the West these days - and what has been growing for decades. Someone said some years ago that 'we need a good war' to sort all these people out. Looking at some of the military leaders theses days (wearing dresses etc.) I think it is too late.
  21. Well said and I can hear their heads squirming while they try to comprehend how that fact against their own prejudices based on feelings. I heard someone say the other day what is the 'cause' of this silliness in the West about Palestinians - and what groups like Hamas have learned to harness for their cause. A lot of young and silly western people think that the 'underdog' is the good guy - they think minorities are always right and they need their help - virtue signalling amongst the young is rampant - they are always trying to save something or someone - they think it is empathy, but it is really just virtue signalling. It is easy to fool emotional people - because you dont need facts and reason - the majority of married men know this and learn how to deal with it.
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